Friday, May 19, 2006 Like a Phoenix: The Taliban Rises Again While all of the wingnuts and nutcase Neo-Cons scheme to squeeze yet another Constitutional criminal like Gen Hayden in, block gay marriage, force women into the Stone Age, kick up hatred for the border's brown people, reverse horrific poll numbers, we have a slow cancer taking root again: TIME: "Under pressure from the resurgent Taliban insurgency and under the weight of its own dependence on local warlords, the political order installed in Kabul after the Taliban's ouster may be about to collapse." Why? B/c: "The Afghanis have lost trust in constitutional law and parliament, b/c they did not receive any help. So, the Taliban has stepped in and set up its own local justice system. So pervasive is the sense that the Taliban is effectively in charge that the public, fearing retribution, has rejected help from the Afghan govt and US Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs). One source in the Suri District in Zabol province explained why locals had turned down a water-purification project proposed by the local PRT: "I don't want to be put to death by Taliban." Add to that this news Thurs from Kandahar: "More than 100 people were killed in the string of attacks that started Weds: dozens of insurgents, at least 15 Afghan police, an Amer civilian training Afghan forces, and the 1st female Canadian soldier to die in combat. Pres Hamid Karzai said the violence emanated from the mountainous border trial regions of neighboring Pakistan, populated by the ethnic Pashtuns who make up the majority of the Taliban militants and are believed to be hiding Osama bin Laden." Hiding who? Oh yeah. That guy whom Bush doesn't bother to remember. ![]() |