Thursday, May 18, 2006 Menstruating SheDevils or just Pre-Pregnant? ![]() This Wash Post story "Forever Pregnant" was tipped off to me via Karena and Earl. I hadn't yet read the article, but after checking out Karena's post, I am completely disgusted by this concept: "Women, listen up. If you are not pregnant, you are pre-pregnant. Pre-pregnant means you are liable to become pregnant anytime between now and your next menstrual period. That means you should take folic acid supplements and avoid alcohol and smoking if you are not taking birth control. This is a new fedrl guideline." Can you believe this crapola? Of course a woman who is trying to conceive should do everything under the sun to be as healthy as possible for the sake of a baby she may create. When Hubby and I were working on creating BabyGirl, I took a daily vitamin, I avoided fish due to the mercury dangers, I have never smoked, I don't take drugs,and in addition to swearing off alcohol, I didn't drink ANY caffeine. But this new guideline dictates this: "All females capable of conceiving a baby to treat themselves -and to be treated by the health care system- as pre-pregnant, regardless of whether they plan to get pregnant anytime soon. This means all women between 1st menstrual period and menopause should: 1. Take folic acid supplements, 2. Refrain from smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs, 3. Maintain a healthy weight, 4. Keep chronic conditions such as asthma and diabetes under control, 5. Make sure all vaccinations are up-to-date, 6. Have pre-conception visits w/ their doctor (Uhh, what if you have no insurance??) and 7. Avoid contact w/ lead-based paints & cat feces." So where are the fedrl guidelines to treat men from puberty to Viagra age as pre- impregnators? Let's face it, an unhealthy, drug addicted, or chemically poisoned man will not make healthy sperm, which in turn could make an unhealthy baby, no? The article states that since "The US infant mortality rate is higher than those of most other industrialized nations, and b/c half of pregnancies are unplanned and so much damage can be done to a fetus between conception and the time the pregnancy is confirmed... the fedrl guidelines aim to "increase public awareness of the importance of preconception health" and emphasize the "importance of managing risk factors prior to pregnancy." AGAIN: What if you have no insurance and Where are the fedrl guidelines for males? Do we impregnate ourselves? Or is it Immaculate Conception? Isn't it strange that when it comes to dictating how we females should behave when we just might conceive, all of the responsibility is put upon us, but the minute we become pregnant and want to make a choice, it suddenly becomes the business of men, politicians, clergy, etc? Until fedrl guidelines come out treating all males as potential impregnators, I'll just ignore this sexist crap... and remain a menstruating she-devil. Or maybe, I could take Karena's advice: "Remember, according to new govt guidelines, you are pre-pregnant, so you must conduct yourselves as such. Tell the world, "Hey, I'm pre-pregnant, so lay off! I'm pre-pregnant, so move over while I prop up my feet and munch on this vitamin. No, I do not want a hamburger or a beer. Are you out of your ever-lovin' mind? I'm pre-pregnant. No, I do not want a glass of wine, I want folic acid, you swine. Don't you know, I'm pre-pregnant?!" ![]() |