Wednesday, May 17, 2006 Gibson clarifies "start screwing" statement Fox News poofy yellow headed wingnut John Gibson clarifies his "c'mon America: start screwing b/c the Hispanics pop 'em out like bunnies" statement with perhaps an even more intolerant statement: "My concern was simply that I didn't want America to become Europe, where the birthrate is so low the continent is quickly being populated by immigrants, mainly from Muslim countries, whose birthrate is very high. The overall pt here today is to say people are wrong if they say I am urging white people to have more babies b/c I am afraid of more brown people and I'm racist. Couldn't be further from the truth. If you look at the demographic trends, you could conclude, as I have, that 50 yrs from now Europe will be brown and Muslim, and America will be brown and Christian. I am fine with that America and I have said so many times. I'd rather live w/ the Christians here than live under Sharia law in Europe." Oh, I see... it isn't that they are brown and Hispanic, it is that they are Muslim. So how does Gibson justify that pt when he (upon learning that nearly half off all kids under age 5 are minorities) said this: "You know what that means? 25 yrs and the majority of the population is Hispanic." And by the way John, how many Hispanics are actually Muslim? And since when AREN'T blacks considered minorities? So, lemme get this straight: by Gibson's xenophobic logic, all Jews, Buddhists, atheists, Hindus, agnostics, and Muslims in America should get sterilized, wear chastity belts or masturbate? ![]() |