Friday, May 19, 2006 FDA Panel Approves HPV Vaccine I wonder how the Religious Fright will fight this truly shocking turn of events? (via Reuters): "The first vaccine to protect young females from a sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer won unanimous support from US advisers on Thurs, making approval likely next month. The vaccine, named Gardasil, protects against the 2 types of human papillomavirus (HPV) believed responsible for about 70% of cervical cancer cases. It also protects against two other virus types that cause 90% of genital wart cases. All 4 virus types are sexually transmitted. HPV is the most common STD. It affects more than 50% of sexually active adults. The cervical cancer it can cause kills about 290,000 women worldwide each yr, including 3500 in the US. Merck said the vaccine could be used in females age 9 to 26, but would work best when given to girls before they begin having sex. However, the anticipated cost of the vaccine, administered in 3 shots over 6 mos, is $300 to $500 — a possible impediment to widespread vaccination campaigns." That price may be steep for many, but I don't care how I have to scrimp or save: BabyGirl will be getting this vaccine. Religious Frighters be damned. ![]() |