Friday, March 31, 2006 GOP Rep Cynthia Davis: If you use contraceptives, You are a Whore ![]() Pix is courtesy of Ephemeroi Com and it sums up my feelings exactly when it comes to these Repuke freaks who obsess about other people's private sex lives and medical decisions and claim it is due to holier than thou morals, yet they don't bat an eye or shed a tear about waging wars and killing and maiming 1000s upon 1000s. Here's yet another Anti-Whore/ Pro-War GOP hypocrite: Missouri state Rep Cynthia Davis, who recently introduced legislation to remove a state requirement that sex ed classes teach contraception, wrote this un-fucking-believable letter to her fellow Repukes. Fired Up Missouri provides a fabulous pix of the uber repressed Davis and warns: This is not satire, it's the real deal. Yes, folks... it is not satire but it is vomit inducing when an elected official could say this about contraception in 2006: "Even if you solve a physical problem you still have not solved the moral, emotional and spiritual problems that come w/a promiscuous lifestyle." What kind of woman says this about fellow females?: "I wondered what kind of man would want to enjoy free sex and then expect her to provide for her own contraceptives? These are the kind of men who want free whores." And what kind of human being and mother says this about children and society?: "I have concluded that the chemicals and drugs are their way to have all the goodies and not pay the price. When you encourage this behavior, you create more of it. In other words, if the state starts paying for contraceptives we will have more babies than if we just teach people to not expect free prostitution from poor people. Don't you think having to pay child support for the next 18 yrs is a suitable disincentive?" Read the entire letter here at FiredUp... if you have a very strong stomach or a very large barf bag. I don't say this often about fellow females, but flaming cunt are the only words that can aptly begin to describe that diseased douchebag who wields power over the lives of 1000s thru her Congressional seat. It isn't often that someone can be as hideous on the inside as they are on the outside. ![]() Today is Sen Russ Feingold's big day. I hope everybody faxed, called, and/or emailed the Senate Judiciary Comm members like good lil Dem girls and boys. The Censure hearing starts at 9:30 am. and here is Feingold's announcement on witnesses for the hearing: Reagan official Bruce Fein and Nixon counsel John Dean. And RawStory says: "Judiciary Chrmn Arlen Specter left open the possibility that Feingold’s bill to censure Bush could get its day before the full Senate, a move certain to ignite an intense partisan showdown w/ election yr stakes. Specter said he doesn’t know how the controversial resolution will play out before the Judiciary Comm, but suggested it could be brought to the floor under a rare procedural move. The panel could vote to defeat the bill, but send it to the floor anyway with an unfavorable recommendation." Let's keep hope alive that Feingold will be able to rally support. ![]() Again... we have some really good news out of Iraq w/the release of Jill Carroll, yet the wingnuts kick into an attack frenzy b/c anyone who dared to respect the people, culture, and customs of the nation they were reporting upon instead of "liberating" them with torture, bombs and bullets, deserves to be accused of being a nympho who screwed all of her captors, and planned her own kidnapping at Hannity's insane crew of cretins, Jill loves her captors, admires their cause, is a "useful idiot" for her captors, and this was all a hoax according to Free Republic's foaming at the mouth freepers, and b/c she said they never beat her and wore Muslim clothes she must be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, says that pudwhacker Podhoretz at NRO. I guess the War Fans were looking for a new Jessica Lynch to lie about. They were counting on a beheading or a rape story from Jill to bolster support for their beloved war and torture and the endless bombs falling from the sky to wipe out that nation we are "liberating." And maybe I'm crazy, but when you are pissed off and disappointed that a fellow American is NOT raped, beaten, beheaded, or murdered by kidnappers... whose freaking side on you on exactly? ![]() The photographer who captured our esteemed and well mannered SCOTUS Justice Scalia flipping the "Italian bird" was fired for releasing the pix. Hmm... I guess Scalia was right when he warned him not to publish it. ![]() The Weekly Standard says: If Dems win in 2006, then impeachment is coming. Oh c'mon... Diebold and their GOP ilk will never ever allow that to happen. Just take a look at what has already happened to the CA Congressional election that is coming up: A new statewide database designed by CA Sec of State Bruce McPherson to authenticate voter registrations has blocked otherwise valid registrations because of computer glitches, slight discrepancies in spelling or incomplete applications. In LA County, the database rejected 14,629 people-- 43% of those who registered from Jan 1 to March 15. Officials are trying to resolve the problems in time for elections on April 11. They say the challenge will be far larger for the June 6 primary, which will involve many more voters. If enough voters are purged, who knows... maybe a landslide victory awaits Gov Arnie? ![]() Okay, so Bush and Cheney are sitting in a bar. A guy walks in and asks the bartender, "Isn't that Bush and Cheney sitting over there ? The bartender says with a sigh, "Yep, that's them." So the guy walks over and says, "Wow, this is a real honor. What are you guys doing in here?" Bush says, "We're planning the second phase of WW III." And the guy says, "Really? What's going to happen?" Bush says, "Well, we've already killed 100,000 Iraqis, so now we're going to kill 14 million Iranians and one blonde with really big boobs." The guy exclaimed, "A blonde with really big boobs? Why kill a blonde with really big boobs?" Bush turns to Cheney, punches him on the shoulder and says, "See, smartass?! I told you no one would give a shit about the 14 million Iranians." ![]() Abramoff gets nearly 6yrs in Big House ![]() Pix courtesy of Helen Wheels at Just Ain't Right. MSNBC: Abramoff and his former business partner Adam Kidan received the minimum under fedrl guidelines: 5 yrs and 10 months. He will remain free while helping prosecutors with a vast bribery investigation involving members of Congress. Abramoff assured the judge he is working to become "a new man"... oh Jacky... I'm sure Bubba the Burly prisoner will make sure you do become "a new man". ![]() LADailyNews: Eric Haney, is a retired command sgt major of the US Army, and was a founding member of Delta Force, the military's elite covert counter-terrorist unit. You might assume Haney is sympathetic to the Bush admin's current plight in Iraq (he even has a quote from Bill O'Reilly on his book), but he has close ties to the Pentagon, so he's privy to info denied the rest of us. Q: What's your assessment of the war in Iraq? A: Utter debacle. But it had to be from the very first. The reasons were wrong. The reasons of this admin for taking this nation to war were not what they stated. Tommy Franks was brow-beaten and pursued warfare that he knew strategically was wrong in the long term. That's why he retired immediately afterward. His own staff could tell him what was going to happen afterward. We have fomented civil war in Iraq. We have probably fomented internecine war in the Muslim world between the Shias and the Sunnis, and I think Bush may well have started the third world war, all for their own personal policies." Holy crap. Look for 'ole Sgt Maj Haney to end up w/a dead girl and a live boy in a motel room. ![]() Oh c'mon... Baghdad. Istanbul. Iraq. Turkey. What’s the difference? Well, thanks to "C.S.I. Baghdad" it does matter a lot. And since Keith named Howard Kaloogian one of "The Worst Persons in the World" Weds night on Countdown AND since Newsweek devoted an article to Kaloogian trying to pass off Turkey as Iraq it matters to others, too: "Online sleuths can claim another victory. Kaloogian (CA-R), a congressional candidate , has removed a picture from his campaign site that he claimed was evidence that journalists are distorting how bad conditions are in Iraq. The photo purported to show a placid street scene in downtown Baghdad, including a hand-holding couple in Western dress and shoppers out for a stroll on a cobblestone street in an unmarred business district. As it turns out, the photo is a genuine street scene—from Istanbul, Turkey. After online sleuths busted his blatant lie, Kaloogian had replaced the photo from his site. The new photo is an aerial view of Baghdad—or at least, Kaloogian says it is." Yeah, cause he's sooo trustworthy now, huh? Like I said yesterday, this green oozing sack of pus will fit right in w/ his fellow GOP criminals... esp when it comes to continuous lies. ![]() Woo Hoo! Leonard is back from Iraq and he is pissed off (via Kos): "It's official folks I am now one of the Senate candidates for the US Senate in AZ against Jon Kyl. My first official statement is that the congressional leadership of this country not only censure President Bush but that they IMPEACH HIM IMMEDIATELY !" Hats off to you Leonard... so where do Hubby and I send you some moolah? ![]() LATimes: "The state's largest health insurer systematically and illegally cancels coverage retroactively for people who need expensive care, 10 former Blue Cross members claimed in lawsuits filed Mon." OK you Social- Darwinist fuckwads... can we finally have natl healthcare since paying our insurance premiums, deductibles, and co-pays CLEARLY doesn't allow us to have health benefits? ![]() Ya have to check out Dood Abides pix & story of the Rev Pat drooling over Britney's butt nekked sculpture... but as I said at Crackpot's place: "As if getting pregnant by that hillbilly sperm donor is a monumental achievement? WTF?? So where the hell is Shar Jackson's "nude giving birth statue"? She birthed 2 of his kids already... where is her immortalized moment of recognition? And as a mother who struggled thru 28 loooong hours of labor, where the hell is my statue for being a receptacle for my Hubby's baby batter???" Crackpot's wise response?: "I hear Baby Batter makes excellent waffles... and muffins." ![]() McCain sells his soul to Religious Fright ![]() Selling his soul indeed. Only this time it is to Jerry Falwell.. whom McCain had ripped to shreds before and called evil and dangerous... but hey, after happily allowing Bush and his Neo-Cons gang bang him at the RNC in '04, what soul does he really have left to sell? And please check out this Neo-Con/ Zionist site that denounces McCain and Rudy Giuliani. It is hilarious. Funny in that very scary wingnut kind of way, of course. ![]() NYTimes: "5 former judges on the nation's most secretive crt, including 1 who resigned in apparent protest over Bush's domestic eavesdropping, urged Congress on Tues to give the crt a formal role in overseeing the surveillance program. The best bits come from the AssocPress: The judges said that the FISA Crt has operated capably for 28 yrs and is fully able to protect civil liberties and give the admin all the speed and flexibility it needs to execute the war on terror. The admin contends the prez has inherent war powers under the Constitution to order eavesdropping w/o warrants. "I am very wary of inherent authority claimed by presidents", testified US Magistrate Judge Allan Kornblum. "It sounds very much like King George." If only the judge had added MAD King George, that statement would be perfect. ![]() Maybe I'm crazy, but dontcha think that BushCo should have carefully considered what exactly was going to happen if any 1 of the religious/ ethnic groups came to power in Iraq? NYTimes: "Shiite politicians said that the American ambassador has told Shiite officials to inform the Iraqi Prime Minister al-Jaafari that Pres Bush does not want him to remain the country's leader in the next govt. It is the 1st time the US has directly intervened in the furious debate over the country's top job (yeah, right... like those elections didn't have BushCo written all over them), the politicians said, and it is inflaming tensions between the US and Shiite leaders." I'm shocked that Bush didn't just come out say this to him: "We bought and paid for your job camel-jockey. Don't make me send in a black ops guy to knock you off." And speaking of death, destruction and GOP bullshit... check this hoopla out: Congressional candidate Howard Kaloogian (R) has posted a photograph on his campaign website which he claims to have recently taken in downtown Baghdad, to show how "calm" and "stable" the city was during his visit... except it is not Baghdad. It is most probably a pix of some city in Turkey. Peruse the comments to see how compelling the evidence is that this pix was taken in Turkey and NOT Baghdad let alone anywhere in Iraq... esp since it appears that Howard's site may have scrubbed the pix. What a lying sack of green oozing pus he is. He'll fit right in with his fellow immoral GOPers. ![]() A GA woman was given a $100 ticket for having a bumpersticker on her car that says: I'm Tired of All the BUSH SHIT. The cop said he gave the ticket b/c her sticker was lewd. "This is all about free speech," Nurse Denise Grier said in a telephone interview. "The officer pulled me over because he didn't agree with my politics. That's what this is about, not whether I support Bush, not because of the war in Iraq, but about my right to free speech." Geeze... I guess she had better not slap any of these ITMFA bumperstickers on her car then or she'll be waterboarding in some black prison in an undisclosed E. European nation... And a big hat tip to Earl for passing this site on to me. ![]() Think Progress: TANCREDO: I’m not really surprised that Hillary Clinton doesn’t know the first thing about the Bible. Her impression- her analysis, her interpretation of both the law & the Bible are certainly wrong to say the least. The bill we passed out of the House has nothing to do with criminalizing Good Samaritans." Well, actually it does: According to LA Cardinal Roger Mahoney, the proposed provision "is so broad that it would criminalize even minor acts of mercy like offering a meal or administering first aid." Thank God (literally) we have Christians like the Rev Jim Wallis on our side. Now if we just get America to hear them about the screeches of the Religious Fright. ![]() MSNBC: "DeLay is fighting to regain his concealed handgun permit after it was suspended because of his indictment on felony charges." Why doesn't Hot Tub Tom just use some of that dirty Abramoff money he pilfered from the Indian tribes and hire himself a bodyguard instead? ![]() Scalia:Flips the bird & should recuse self ![]() SCOTUSblog: "5 retired generals & admirals, taking part in the terrorism case of Salim Hamdan, on Mon asked Justice Scalia to step aside when the Sup Crt considers Hamdan's challenge to the war-crimes tribunals in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld in light of remarks that the Justice made earlier this month at the U of Fribourg in Switzerland: In response to a question about affording constitutional rights to Guantanamo detainees, Scalia stated unequivocally that "foreigners, in foreign countries, have no rights under the Amer Constitution" and that "nobody has ever thought otherwise." WHOA. Made up your mind already, have ya Scalia? And after attending Mass, Scalia flipped off the press w/the "Italian bird". And then told them they couldn't publish the photos of his rude behavior. Imagine all that will ya? A Sup Crt Justice telling the press that they COULD NOT exercise their legal rights of a free press: For those who question his impartiality when it comes to matters of church and state, Scalia replied w/ flicking his hand under his chin and said: "That’s Sicilian". Scalia told the photographer who caught Scalia making that obscene gesture, "Don’t publish that." Sweet baby Jesus... the goosestepping never ends, and I have something to say to Scalia in Italian: "Vaffanculo!" ![]() Oh yeah. The Repubs are making our nation sooo much safer: So, 2 teams of govt investigators using fake documents were able to enter the US with enough radioactive sources to make 2 dirty bombs yet you have to read this woman's unbelievable account of what happened on her recent flight to the Midwest: They allowed her to have her knitting needles, but they destoyed and confiscated her cosmetics and her toothbrush. Hmm... maybe Homeland Security has taken a good gander at Katherine Harris and have decided that makeup CAN be DANGEROUS. ![]() Oh yeah... I just said it, but it bears repeating as we have a severe shortage of cops nationwide: Repubs couldn't keep our nation safe if they had to cut their way out of a wet paperbag w/ an axe. ![]() All is so rosey in Iraq: So, on Olbermann, even Andrea Mitchell says Bush wanted to go to war no matter what, and then we have this from Reuters: "Despite the US forces saying that the Shiites "faked the massacre" in a mosque, Shiites demanded on Mon that US forces return control of security to the Iraqi govt after what it called "cold-blooded" killings by troops of unarmed people in a mosque." So the troops get to come home just like you said, right Bush? ![]() Crooks & Liars: During a CNN Howard Kurtz interview, CBS's Lara Logan destroys the BushCo whine of "The damned liberal media refuses to report on good stories just to slight me!" Logan: "Well, who says things aren't falling apart in Iraq?" She goes on to explain this: She has asked the State Dept & Pentagon for help when it comes to getting the good stories out, but they tell journalists to please not report on it b/c the new school, water plant, or building will be sabotaged or attacked. And as far as Laura Ingraham and her "lazy journalists in Iraq refuse to report the good news in Iraq b/c they want to languish in their hotel rooms"?... well, Logan delivers her a mighty bitchslap: "Laura Ingraham should come to Iraq and not be talking about what journalists are doing from the comfort of her studio. Does anybody understand that for us we used to be able to travel all over this country w/o having to fly in military helicopters? That's the only way we can move around here now. So, it's when the military can accommodate us, if the military can accommodate us, then we can go out and see. Kurtz: Ingraham was in Iraq for 8 days. Logan: (W/an incredulous laugh & you've got to be f-ing kidding me look on her face) "Yeah... 8 days." Go Lara... you're my hero, and let's make sure that we do our best to prevent the wingnut attacks against Lara. ![]() Could it be? Are the aspens turning on each other in the WH? RawStory: "Rove is providing info on deleted emails, erased hard drives and by providing the dates and recipient info of the deleted emails, he was able to chart a path for Fitzgerald directly into the office of the VP." But this tidbit from TalkLeft makes me almost pee my pants in disappointment: "My instincts tell me Rove will still have to plead to making a false statement to fedrl officials. But he's now worked himself down to probation & no jail in exchange for his cooperation. Fitz may allow him to remain uncharged until Libby's trial is over, and then let him plead to a single false statement count." Damn! I was so hoping for 25 to life for Rovey the Toad. ![]() Secret PreWar Memo of Bush & Blair ![]() One would think that Blair was tired of having Bush's hand up his ass, but who knows? RawStory reports that the NYTimes (NYT story here) has obtained a secret memo and meeting between Blair and Bush before the launch of the war. The Guardian UK reported on this in early February, but of course our lovely willingly blind corporate media whores ignored it. It is good to see that the NYT's is finally saying this: "During a private 2 hr meeting in the Oval Office on 1/31/03, Bush made clear to PM Blair that he was determined to invade Iraq w/o the 2nd resolution, or even if internatl arms inspectors failed to find unconventional weapons." Now... doesn't THIS finally prove to all who have shoved their heads up their asses that the Downing St Minutes Memo was dead-on correct? Eh... better late than never I guess. But tell that to all the dead and maimed Iraqis & US troops. ![]() DailyKos: The Senate Committee on the Judiciary announced that it will hold a hearing this Friday to address Feingold's call for censure. I invite suggestions for action on this diary, but at the very least recommend emailing the committee members (both Repub and Dem) to articulate the importance of this proceeding and to remind them that they swore to uphold the Constitution... even when our President refuses to. ![]() Just take a gander at this horror show collection of news coming out of Iraq: 1.) 40 mutilated bodies found in Baghdad-- 30 of them are headless. 2.) Iraqi doctor admits to killing Iraqi police & soldiers for a fee and for a cleric. 3) And the US & Iraqi forces killed an 80 yr old imam at a Shiite mosque. THAT is gonna go over like a lead balloon, huh? Oh yeah... but it is not a civil war just b/c the wingnuts say so. ![]() Well fuck it... if this is not a ringing endorsement for all of us to run, walk, or crawl to our nearest movie theater, then I don't know what the hell is. Please read the review... I just kept LMAO. MUCH is devoted to the "sexual" overtones... Dobson and his twisted crew are such perverts. ![]() FLSunSentinel: Attorneys for 1 of the 3 accused murderers of former SunCruz owner Gus Boulis has subpoenaed Jack Abramoff and Adam Kidan about Boulis' murder: The attorney for murder suspect Big Tony Moscatiello is asking to question Abramoff and his business partner Adam Kidan about the SunCruz Casino founder's slaying. As part of their fedrl plea deals, (for charges of conspiracy & wire fraud) Abramoff and Kidan are required to cooperate w/ prosecutors in any state or fedrl investigation. As for the 3 current defendants, this tidbit doesn't bode well for their defense: Investigators testified that records show that cell phones belonging to Ferrari and Fiorillo were w/in 500 ft of the Boulis murder scene moments after the killing and that 1 was used to call Moscatiello. Moscatiello is a former associate of John Gotti and the Gambino crime family. Moscatiello and his daughter were paid $145k by Adam Kidan for catering and other services. One of the other defendents received approx. $100k from Kidan as well. Gee, ya have to wonder... who will sing the loudest? Kidan or Abramoff? My money's on Kidan... especially since there is a connection between a Saudi who may be a possible Al Qaeda member and Abramoff. This Saudi aided 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta, he owned a SunCruz casino boat, and he conveniently disappeared on Sept 11th. ![]() ![]() I am going to bed with a giant box of Kleenex, a hot toddy in a large mug, and a very warm kitty-cat... oh yeah... and Hubby will be there too but he's trying real hard to avoid my icky germs right now. I just hope BabyGirl is able to do the same. For fun and to cure any curiosity you may have, see my next post. ![]() Ever wondered what Fuzzy and Blue would look like in a hat?.. visit here. ![]() Bush:I'll Add onto the Patriot Act if I want ![]() The Empty Headed Emperor does it again: BostonGlobe: "When Bush signed the reauthorization of the Patriot Act, he included an addendum saying that he did not feel obliged to obey requirements that he inform Congress about how the FBI was using the act's expanded police powers. Bush signed the bill at a WH ceremony March 9, calling it ''a piece of legislation that's vital to win the war on terror." But after the reporters and guests had left, the WH quietly issued a ''signing statement," an official document in which a president lays out his interpretation of a new law. In the statement, Bush said that he did not consider himself bound to tell Congress how the Patriot Act powers were being used and that, despite the law's requirements, he could w/hold the info if he decided that disclosure would ''impair foreign relations, natl security, the deliberative process of the executive, or the performance of the executive's constitutional duties." Forget then fact that Bush did this same crap w/ the anti-torture law, the bigger picture is this: The Constitution gives the legislative branch the power to write the laws and the executive branch the duty to ''faithfully execute" them. That is illegal. It's unconstitutional. You can't do that. A president can't just say he's going to ignore the law. But since when has that pesky lil thing called the Constitution ever stood in his way? ![]() So... after BushCo whines and snivels about the "liberal media" refusing to report on all of the super fantastic news coming out of Iraq instead for news of bloodshed, we finally get some GOOD news out of Iraq, and what does Rush do? He attacks the rescued Christian Peacemakers (via Media Matters): "These self-absorbed, self-inflated, self-important people have made this all about them." Yeah Rush, ya fat-ass drug addict son of a bitch, people selflessly helping other people in a time of war would anger an asshat like you. B/c if someone isn't calling Iraqis "ragheads", sodomizing them w/chemical lights, torturing them in unspeakable ways, blowing up their innocent children and women, and filling their land with depleted uranium for the next 1000 yrs, they are self-absorbed, self inflated, and self-important to you. ![]() The WaPo plagiarist quits... but it wasn't his fault. Oh no. It was those damned liberals' fault: "The truth is, no conservative could write for the Post without being subject to the gauntlet of the liberal attack machine. In the course of accusing me of racism, homophobia, bigotry, and even (on one extensive Atrios thread) of having a sexual relationship with my mother, the leftists shifted their accusations to ones of plagiarism. You can find the major examples here: I link to this source only because I believe it's the only place that hasn't yet written about how they'd like to rape my sister." Lying about us wanting to rape his sister? Boinking his momma? Yikes! This freak has issues. But he did apologize... NO, not to the WaPo, but to his rabid sycophants at RedState and NRO. ![]() Separately, Madeleine Albright AND Joe Wilson eviscirate Bush. ![]() Nevermind what lying spew the White House vomits out, b/c this piece from The Independent UK says the civil war in Iraq has begun: "The battle between Sunni and Shia Muslims for control of Baghdad has already started, say Iraqi political leaders who predict fierce street fighting will break out as each community takes over districts in which it is strongest. It is predicted that the fighting will only stop when a new balance of power has emerged, as the Sunni and Shia each take control of their own area and as sectarian cleansing already begins." Those damned liberal Limeys :) ![]() The case against Tom DeLay just got stronger... HaHaHa!! ![]() That MYTHICAL Liberal Media ![]() Aaah yes... that damned liberal media is destroying America and making this war circle the bowl. Of course, it has nothing to do w/Chimpy McClusterfuck and his evil band of Incompetents and Theocrats. BriVT calls it like it is: Liberal media my ass: Example: The Bureau chief for the Associated Press in VT, Christopher Graff, was fired for running a story by a Democrat... after 27 yrs of service. Good to see that a partisan agenda didn't get in the way of free speech. ![]() Dem Congressman Pete Stark writes this to the WaPo in regards to Ben Domenech: "I noted w/ interest that has just hired a former Bush Admin official to write a conservative blog entitled "Red America." Balanced coverage and ideologically diverse editorials have long been hallmarks of responsible journalism. If the Post would like to appear evenhanded, I strongly suggest the website launch a similarly partisan liberal blog, "Blue America." I recognize that the Post has come under fire for its supposed “liberal bias.” I only wish that were true. The Post’s editorial board has taken numerous positions – in support of a misguided Iraq war, for example – that suggest a conservative tilt.For years, the right has worked to undermine media objectivity and bias coverage in conservatives’ favor. The Post’s new blog is the latest evidence that the Republican effort is working." And oh yeah, in regards to the WaPo's blogger?.... he's a plagiarist. ![]() From BuzzflashNews: Did the White House direct phone jamming scheme to prevent Dems from voting in New Hampshire? Sure looks like it. That's called a felony." A felony? In the WH? Shocking! ![]() Okay, so we've all heard about The Big Dick's demands when he's on the road via Smoking Gun... but here's the real story: Jon Stewart said this about it: 1.) 68 degrees? That must be the temperature at which reptiles are most comfortable. 2.) He needs all of those drinks and ice to wash down his endangered species beef jerky... like Panda jerky. 3.) He will only watch Fox News? B/c God forbid he should watch some other channel and happen to find out what a total %*$# he is. 4.) There is a handwritten part at the bottom of the tour rider: A rifle, ammo and an old guy to shoot at. Brilliant. ![]() No wonder Blair curls up in Bush's lap so nicely... he has certainly learned Bush's lessons well: 1) In a blow to PM Tony Blair, Brit police has launched an investigation into alleged sale of peerages and honours by ruling Labour after the party published a list of 12 wealthy donors. Blair denies wrongdoing and argues he did not make the nominations in exchange for the loans. Hmm, cronyism? Bush is so very proud. Denying all wrongdoing? Bush is even prouder. Allowing Scotland Yard to investigate? Unheard of in a fascism. And via Kvatch, we have this: 2.) Blair's Labour party quietly plots to make Parliament irrelevant. The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill "tips the balance between the executive and Parliament too far in the Govt's favour". In theory, the bill will allow ministers to abolish any law, including mainstays of the constitution such as Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights and the Parliament Act, w/o full parliamentary scrutiny. Aaah yes... THAT is VERY Bush. ![]() NewsObserver: "About 6000 non-Iraqi security contractors are operating in Iraq. During 9 months in 04-05, contractors reported firing into 61 civilian vehicles; no one was ever prosecuted. Security analysts say it is likely that such incidents are vastly underreported. In fact, security contractors regularly shoot into civilian cars w/ little accountability, according to a News & Observer's analysis of more than 400 reports contractors filed with the govt. In the documents, contractors reported shooting into 61 vehicles they believed were threatening them. In just 7 cases were Iraqis clearly attacking -- showing guns, shooting at contractors or detonating explosives. There was no way to tell how many civilians were hurt, or how many were innocent: In most cases, the contractors drove away. No contractors have been prosecuted for a mistaken shooting in Iraq." Only 7 were in self defense? Imagine what charges would be brought against us civilians if we decided to fire into cars. They usually have a few words for that: Assault w/a deadly weapon and attempted murder. ![]() Fewer Families Can Afford a Home Now ![]() Photo courtesy of Damon Hartley. A homeless couple and their 2 yr old daughter hitchhike on a Detroit freeway in an attempt to get back to their native AZ after being unable to find work in Mich. As home foreclosures surge and a no housing boom for poor families spreads like wildfire in the US, we have this from USAToday: "Nearly 70% of Americans own their homes, a record high, but the rate of homeownership for working families w/ children is lower than in 1978, according to a study released by the Center for Housing Policy. The surprising trend is being driven by a combination of factors: soaring housing costs that have overshot wage increases, higher health care bills and a rise in the number of single parents. Single parents? That must be due to gay people being allowed to marry, b/c that destroys families and somehow causes straight people to not marry and/or end half of all marriages in divorce... or so the Talibornagains tell me. Healthcare costs? God forbid we actually do something about that like have universal healthcare. If you are lucky enough to have employer benefits, you are oftentimes unable to pay the deductibles, co-pays, and meds. And low wages? Hey, as a commentor said here yesterday, the US poverty rate is equal to the median income in Spain, so we had just better STFU and be damned happy for any scrap employers throw at us, even if it is NOT a living wage. Minority working families have struggled the most. Their homeownership rate has stagnated at 45%, far below white families (71%). Imagine all that will ya? The labor market in our economy produces lots of low-wage jobs. Housing costs far exceed what these wages can afford per yr on mortgages. And minorities have lower rates of homeownership than non minorities? Color me shocked! There is an incredible disconnect between the housing market, the labor market and the actual costs of living... but disconnect from reality is just par for the course in Bush World and Bush's complete disregard for America's working families. That's pro-life, no? ![]() Three men who were colleagues of Tom Fox, whose dead body was found last wk on a Baghdad street, were freed in a planned rescue operation by multi-national forces, a Brit Embassy spokesman said. Uhh-oh... Rush Limbaugh is gonna crap his pants in fury: Said Limbaugh on the kidnapping of Christian Peacemakers in Iraq: "I'm telling you, folks, there's a part of me that likes this." And there is a part of me that would like to see you repeatedly kicked in the nutsack with a steel boot, Rush. Now... the real question remains: Where the hell is Jill Carroll? ![]() We saw the Indian nations take on and defy gay marriage laws (b/c Indian nations are sovereign legal entities under US law and have the right to declare their own laws per their own social needs, wants, and interests) and now they are taking on SD on the newly passed abortion law: Cecilia Fire Thunder, president of the Oglala Sioux Tribe says that she is going to stand up to Gov Rounds' ban of all abortion in the state of SD. Pres Fire Thunder was "incensed that a body made up of mostly white males would make such a stupid law against women. To me, it is now a question of sovereignty," she said last wk. "I will personally establish a Planned Parenthood clinic on my own land which is within the boundaries of the Pine Ridge Reservation where the state of SD has absolutely no jurisdiction." Rock on Pres Fire Thunder... and keep fighting for the rights of your people. God knows nobody else is gonna fight for them. ![]() Scott Galindez via TruthOutOrg discusses what Helen Thomas said to Bush: "3 yrs into the war and the Pres still can't answer the question of why we went to war in the 1st place. After Tues's presidential news conference, I am beginning to wonder if George W. Bush knows why we went to war w/ Iraq. He should just come clean and admit that we went to war b/c Dick, Wolfie, and Rummy told him to. Please, 1 of you neo-cons, brief the Pres on the real reason for the war in Iraq, so the next time a reporter asks him a real question he doesn't embarrass us again." Amen brother. ![]() Jon Stewart (rightfully) seemed impressed by Feingold's answers and spine amidst the sea of weak Dems (Here, thanks to TIVO and Crooks & Liars is their exchange): Stewart: This has not been taken as a mild step in many ways. A lot of your Dem collegues are reacting as though you're Jack Abramoff and you have a casino you want to talk to them about. Why? I have to ask you, are your fellow Dems intimidated by the admin, are they powerless or do they agree with the admin? Why are they all running away? Feingold: Well, let me take a chance on this in terms of the last couple of elections. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. This is what's happened here. We got fooled in '02 on the Iraq War. We had a Dem majority in the Senate and we went along w/ this rather unwise war. Same thing in '04. How many times are we going to let Bush & Cheney say, "You guys don't support the troops, you're not patriotic," and let them push us around. We have to stand up them. And it's pretty mild to say, "Mr President you broke the law, that's not the right thing to do." I think that's a perfectly reasonable approach instead of letting the admin push us around." OMG... I love you Russ. You say what needs to be said and you dare to have a set of brass ones when so many of your ilk are busy cowering and shaking in the corner like cats shitting razorblades. Bush broke the law-- plain and simple. It deserves censure at the very least. Now, if only we could dig up a stained blue dress...... ![]() Helen Thomas Bitchslaps Bush & Wolf ![]() Yes Bush... we all know you Want to be a Warmonger. And thank God Helen Thomas had the set of brass ones to call you and Wolf Blathering Blitzer on it. I forced myself to watch Wolf just to see the interview w/Helen, but the best part was at the end when she left Wolf stung and bleeding with this lightening quick bitchslap: "BLITZER: We sat in those briefings for a long time together. THOMAS: You ask very tough questions. BLITZER: Well, I'm trying to do the best I can, like you. THOMAS: You asked President Clinton why he wouldn't resign. BLITZER: I asked him some tough questions, but that's another time. And this is another story right now. It's always good to have you here..." God bless her. ![]() So Bush's Freudian slip let the cat out of the bag: "UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Will there come a day- and I'm not asking you when, I'm not asking for a timetable- will there come a day when there will be no more American forces in Iraq? BUSH: That, of course, is an objective, and that will be decided by future presidents and future govts of Iraq." Well, as Tom Englehardt tells us, there has never been any plan to get out of Iraq since at least 4 super-mega military bases have or are currently being built in Iraq now. But when does cold, hard facts get in the way of an agenda? ![]() As if the soulless bankruptcy laws weren't bad enough, and your tax info being sold off to to the highest bidder, we now have Congress gutting the Financial Protection Act. Lou Dobbs via CNN: " A congressional committee has voted overwhelmingly to weaken those protections to Californians and residents of a dozen other states. REP. CAROLYN MALONEY (D-NY): What this bill did that was reported at a committee, it said that you had to be a victim of identity theft. The horse is already out the barn. They're already stealing your name, your credit cards and everything else. You have to be a victim before you can lock your credit files. How fair is that to people? That doesn't protect individuals. I don't know who it protects." Well Rep Maloney, since when did that ever matter? They have lobbyists to appease... American citizens be damned. ![]() Now, I'm not the kind of girl who would want another chick doing a lap dance for me, but I do think it should remain legal for fuck's sake. But I guess Kentuckyians feel differently: If SB 250 passes the House, counties will have a state law that undergirds local, more-detailed regulations. This offers extra protection to communities if local regulations are challenged in court. Regardless of existing regulations, SB 250 would bolster local regulations on sexually oriented businesses by placing a ban on total nudity and requiring that seminude employees keep a six-foot distance from patrons. Funny, but Crooked Ernie Fletcher the Gov just seemed like such a lap dance kind of guy to me. ![]() As if Oprah telling us that we have 37 million people living at or below the poverty level in the US wasn't bad enough, and as if Katrina didn't expose our nation's shameful secret in regards to race and poverty... we now have these new studies, to truly depress us. They show that the huge pool of poorly educated black men are becoming ever more disconnected from the mainstream society, and to a far greater degree than comparable white or Hispanic men. Is some of it bad choices? Is some of it zero opportunities? Is some of it racism? Is some of it b/c a big part of America could care less as long as they have their's? Yep. So what do we do about it? I don't have the answers, but it seems that Rev Al Sharpton makes a helluva lot of sense. Esp when he says this: "Let’s not confuse civil behavior with civil rights. The problems in our communities are exacerbated by bad behavior, not caused by it. The problems in our community have been systemic and because of structural problems w/in the system." And this is what the Rev has to say about Bush's supposed ownership of Christianity: "Why would God save you to do nothing? If God can use Moses to challenge Pharaoh, the 3 Hebrew boys to challenge Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel to challenge to Balthazar, then why can’t God call us to challenge George Bush?" Sharpton said, drawing a roaring ovation. "If you’re scared or afraid that someone will come after you, say that. But don’t act like God punked out because you punked out. God always has people that speaks truth to power. That’s not politics but the works of the church." Priceless. ![]() Ouch... I bet this stings Bush's face a wee bit: "A number of Middle Eastern central banks said on Tues they would seek to switch reserves from the US greenback to euros. The UAE said it was considering moving one-tenth of its dollar reserves to the euro, while the governor of the Saudi Arabian central bank condemned the decision by the US to force Dubai Ports World to transfer its ownership to a 'US entity'. I'm sure all of the ports deal fans will spin this as proof that we should have went ahead w/it full steam ahead... more proof that we need to invest in gold. ![]() Mad King George: Certifiably Insane ![]() How I'd love to see him wear that jacket. Pix courtesy of UggaBugga Blog. This afternoon, it was all about Bush being in Cleveland at the City Club. I had to choke down my PB & J and Cup of Noodles while his irratating voice flooded the room, and I was struck by how fucking delusional this man really is. Thankfully, Olbermann and Crooks & Liars zeroed in on the part that almost made noodles come flying out of my nose: Bush: "First-just if I might correct a misperception, I don't think we ever said, at least I know I didn't say that there was a direct connection between Sept 11th and Saddam Hussein." In days gone by in the SOTU 3 yrs ago: Bush: "Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of al-Qaeda."Now-anyone listening and watching his speech back then would make that connection easily enough since al-Qaeda was responsible for 9/11-don't you think? Keith analyzes it very nicely. Olbermann: "Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda in the same sentence separated by 7 words. Sept 11th and Saddam Hussein- 2 sentences later, separated by 6 words. Who does the President think he's F'n kidding?" Indeed. Who does he think he's fucking kidding? Maybe those lil voices inside his empty head. ![]() To pimp the ailing and failing war, The Big Dick was foaming at the mouth like a mad dog: ProgressiveDailyBeacon: "On Sun, Cheney didn't express any regret for predicting in the days before the invasion that US troops would be greeted as liberators or his assessment 10 months ago that the insurgency was in its 'last throes.' On the contrary, he said the optimistic statements 'were basically accurate, reflect reality.'"What possible version of reality could Cheney be referring to? And they say he wasn't drinking before he blew the old lawyer's face clean-off. Cheney is a member of what is, perhaps, the most self-deluded and delusional admin in the history of human civilization. Cheney isn't merely trying to convince the world and Amer people that Iraq is on the verge of utopia. He, like most crazy people, actually believes the strange voices in his head -- he listens to them just like Pat Robertson attends to those in his empty skull. Not convinced Cheney is certifiably insane? Her'e his best quote: "I think we are going to succeed in Iraq. I think the evidence is overwhelming." And I think the evidence is overwhelming that you need a padded room vacation. ![]() It is so good to see that business is booming in Iraq... the latest booming business?: Selling terror insurance policies. ![]() MSNBC: For a short time before the war, the CIA had contact w/a secret source at the highest levels w/in Saddam’s govt, who gave them info far more accurate than what they cared to believe. Naji Sabri, was Iraq's foreign minister under Saddam. He also was a paid source for the CIA, and he told them the absolute truth that there were no WMDs, that Saddam had no significant, active biological weapons program, and that desperately wanted a bomb, but would need much more time. But since when does BushCo listen to let alone acknowledge the truth? ![]() AssocPress: A Marine Corps lawyer told an audience that no civilized justice system would accept "info being acquired potentially under torture or questionable methods." He spoke after several former detainees recounted their experiences at the camp, which holds roughly 500 prisoners: "When you use an imbalanced system, all you do is risk convicting the innocent and providing someone who may be truly guilty w/ a valid complaint to challenge their conviction. There are no rules. They change every day." And if you can believe all this, the US is defending their torture of detainees at Gitmo w/this shite: "The US military argued that the prisoner was not isolated because he had been interrogated 29 times over 2 yrs. The prisoner's lawyer said: "Is there another case anywhere in the history of Anglo-American jurisprudence where it was argued that a person is not isolated, and in fact has meaningful interaction w/ other human beings, b/c he is interrogated?" Well, probably not... but welcome to BushWorld. ![]() How fucking sad is this from the small Wisc paper the Tomah Monitor Herald: "If Senate won't vindicate Feingold, history will." ? Umm... it is always great to have history vindicate you, but I want my senate Dems to get off their asses and do it in the here and now. Oh well, at least Russ seems to be appreciated at home. ![]() NYTimes: Testifying for the prosecution (but actually helping the defense by leaps and bounds) the FBI agent who arrested Moussaoui in Aug 01 testified Mon he spent almost 4 wks trying to warn US officials about the radical Islamic student pilot but "criminal negligence" by superiors in DC thwarted a chance to stop the 9/11 attacks. Good to see that BushCo reassured us that the Dubai Ports deal would be completely safe b/c we have our rock solid intelligence safeguards like this to rely upon, huh? ![]() Juan Cole: Saddam Wanted to Arrest Zarqawi ![]() I have my serious doubts that the one legged Zarqawi is alive... especially since he was declared dead already in March of '04. But laughably, the wingnuts and War Fans of the blogoshere are trying to prove that Saddam and al Qaeda were working in tandem. Like an ego-maniac dictator like Saddam would work well with others, huh? Well, Juan Cole sets it all straight at Informed Comment: "The Right Blogosphere scammed by bogus document dump: It is falling down funny. The Right blogosphere is going crazy about this document [ pdf] in the Iraqi documents made available by the US govt this wk. The notorious liar, Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard led the charge. This is just an old Western document posted to the internet in 1997... ISGZ-2004-019920 is an APB for Zarqawi from Baath intelligence. They say with obvious alarm that they have indications that al-Qaeda personnel may have come to Iraq, and they clearly are directing that these individuals be apprehended. They provide wanted-poster style photos of Zarqawi with his real name. This document is proof that the Baath in Iraq was not working with al-Qaeda, and, indeed, was hostile to it." So, Saddam wanted to arrest Zarqawi and not take him out for dinner and a movie? How will the War Fans spin this? ![]() Keith Olbermann warned us Friday night that Newsweek was going to drop another BushCo illegal bomb on us this wkend: As if the WH saying spying on terror suspects w/o court approval is ok wasn't bad enough.... What about physical searches? Why the hell not? What's next? Mad King George gets to claim "droit du seigneur" rights to brides on their wedding nights? ![]() Think Progress has a great timeline that sums up the war's 36 months. Sadly, it pretty much reads like a timeline of failures and fuckups. And John Murtha puts to rest the spin the War Fans spew about the "liberal media" squashing all of the "good" news that is overflowing out of Iraq (via Crooks & Liars): "Well, they said the same thing about Vietnam. They said the same thing over and over and over about Vietnam. They said, "We're winning the war in Vietnam." That-you could go back and get quotes from Vietnam, and you’d see the same kind of reports, 'The media’s the one that’s distorting; everything’s going fine in Vietnam.' Well, everything’s not going fine in Iraq." Now Murtha needs to clue in Hillary & Lying Lieberman. ![]() Here, via NYDaily News, are Rep Pete King's delusional statements that defy logic, so I can only guess that he borrowed Condi Rice and Rep Ed Dreier's crack pipes: "Rep. Peter King (R-NY). "If we get some stability in Iraq, Pres Bush can definitely come back. The Prez's view still represents 51% of the country." OMFG. Is he serious? At least GOP consultant Ed Rollins took heed of those "this is your brain on drugs" commercials: "The country has given up on him. It's too late to turn it around." Maybe Ed stopped drinking the Kool-Aid. ![]() CenterForPublicIntegrity: When Rep John Boehner (R-OH), was elected House maj leader on Feb 2, he presented himself as a new kind of leader- someone who would rise above the aggressive tactics and ethical tight-rope walking of his predecessor, Tom DeLay. But the CFPI's examination of Boehner's political financial activities during his 15 yrs on Capitol Hill indicates that the way he does business might not be so different from DeLay: 1) Boehner has taken dozens of trips on private jets owned by corps that have legislative interests before Congress 2) He accepted scores of privately sponsored trips (often categorized as having fact-finding or educational purposes) to some of the world's premier golf spots and foreign locales. 3) He hosted many high-end fund-raisers to wine and dine potential donors and GOP colleagues. 4) He donated millions to election campaigns of fellow Repubs. So that means out w/the old corruption and in w/the new corruption, right? ![]() The Iraq War: 3 Yrs Later, It is a Civil War ![]() As we reflect upon the last 3 yrs of this war, let's not forget that this sickening destruction is reality for the Iraqi people and is what our troops see regularly. How can either forgive Bush? And why aren't we raising hell every single month with massive anti-war demonstrations? Many commemorated the 3rd anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq war w/mass anti-war demonstrations worldwide and analysis that says the outlook is mighty bleak for Iraq, and let's see what the former Prime Minister Allawi had to say about the state of Iraqi affairs to the BBC: "We are losing each day as an average 50 to 60 people throughout the country, if not more - if this is not civil war, then God knows what civil war is." Well, who the hell knows? Maybe they have to dress up in blue and gray uniforms before the US acknowledges that it is in fact a civil war. ![]() NYTimes: "As the Iraqi insurgency intensified in early 04, an elite Special Ops forces unit converted 1 of Saddam's former military bases near Baghdad into a top-secret detention center. There, US soldiers made 1 of the former Iraqi govt's torture chambers into their own interrogation cell. They named it the Black Room. In the windowless, garage-size room, some soldiers beat prisoners w/ rifle butts, yelled and spit in their faces and, in a nearby area, used detainees for target practice in a game of jailer paintball. Placards posted by soldiers at the detention area advised, "NO BLOOD, NO FOUL." The slogan meant, a Def Dept official explained: "If you don't make them bleed, they can't prosecute for it." Prisoners at Camp Nama (Which was often the 1st stop for prisoners going to Abu Ghraib) often disappeared into a detention black hole, barred from access to lawyers or relatives, and confined for wks w/o charges. "The reality is, there were no rules there," another Pentagon official said. And yet we continue to wonder why they despise us and why we cannot win over their hearts and minds. ![]() This diary by Kant is the simplest and most succinct argument for why every single Dem MUST support Feingold's censure. The Answer: "If we Dems want to make this election a referendum on Bush, why don't we use censure to push the Repukes right into his arms? 1) If they want to defend illegal wiretapping, let 'em. 2) If they want to defend leaking CIA agent's identities, let 'em. 3) If they want to defend the lies that led us to a 1-2 trillion dollar war. let 'em. 4) If they want to defend Abu Ghraib, let 'em. 5) If they want to defend Katrina, let 'em. 6) If they want to defend a 9 trillion dollar debt, let 'em. 7) If they want to defend tax cuts for the rich, let 'em. 8) If they want to defend a moronic medicare drug program, let 'em. But for God's sake, don't stand there with 'em. Tell the voters this: IF YOU WANT TO CENSURE THE PRES FOR THE JOB HE HAS DONE, VOTE DEM! Is there any easier way to make 06 a referendum election?" Near perfect, no? ![]() NYTimes: Kevin Phillips wrote "The Emerging Republican Majority" in 1969, and then he joined the Nixon admin to help advance the changes he had foreseen in his book. But he long ago abandoned his enthusiasm for the Repub coalition he helped to build. No longer does he see GOP govt as a source of stability and order. Instead, in his latest book called "American Theocracy" he presents a nightmarish vision of ideological extremism, catastrophic fiscal irresponsibility, rampant greed and dangerous shortsightedness (Yikes! sound familiar?). "American Theocracy" may be the most alarming analysis of where we are and where we have been going in many yrs. It is not w/o polemic, but unlike many of the more glib and strident political commentaries of recent yrs, it is extensively researched and for the most part frighteningly persuasive." Jeeze, when former Nixon admin members say they are wingnuts, ya know they truly suck. ![]() 'Choose Life' Plates Allowed in Tenn ![]() If anti-choicers get to drive around w/ their "Choose Life" plates from the state, why shouldn't I get to drive around and express my viewpoint, too? Okay, I don't live in TN, but OH has these same plates, and OH also does NOT offer "Choose Choice" plates. Discriminating, no? AssocPress: A fedrl appeals crt Friday allowed TN to offer anti-abortion license plates w/ the message "Choose Life." A 3 judge panel of the 6th Circuit Crt of Appeals overturned a lower-crt ruling that said the tag illegally promoted only 1 side of the abortion debate: "Although this exercise of govt one-sidedness w/ respect to a very contentious political issue may be ill-advised, we are unable to conclude that the TN statute contravenes the First Amendment," Judge John Rogers said in a 2-1 ruling. TN Right to Life, declared victory: "It's a validation of our position all along that the Legislature had the authority to authorize a plate that favors normal childbirth over the practice of abortion," said the group's prez. (OMG, this freak actually believes that the majority of women choose abortion b/c they are against normal childbirth??) In a dissenting opinion, Judge Boyce Martin Jr. said the plates should be banned because they amount to unconstitutional viewpt discrimination. (Since when does that matter, Judge?) Abortion-rts proponents complained the state does not offer those who are pro-choice a similar way to express there views. An attempt to create a "Choose Choice" tag failed in the Legislature in 02." Nice to see that freedom of speech only applies to the wingnuts, eh? I searched high and low for pro-choice license plate frames. I found zero. So, I found a great sight that allows you to create your own license plate frames. The pix above is the "test" plate frame I designed. And they only cost $18.99! Exercising our First Amendment rights for under $20? Priceless. ![]() ![]() If the state of TN allows the Christian fish symbol to be on the state license plates, why can't people of other religions or no religion choose this symbol for their plates? Hell, I'm Catholic and I'd choose this. What about the fish symbol w/ Darwin written inside? What's fair for the goose must be fair for the gander, folks. If not, it is called discrimination. KnoxNews: A proposal to put the Christian fish symbol on TN license plates calls for specialty plates featuring the simple line drawing of a fish, which many Christians already put on their bumpers, has been put before the TN Seante & House. Specialty plates cost an extra fee, w/ the money going to a cause or charity. GOP Sen Jim Tracy, is the Senate sponsor of the bill, w/ drew the measure from the consent calendar, which is usually reserved for items with broad support. If approved, the fish design would be the state's 1st explicitly religious license plate. Opponents have said the plates would be akin to the state sponsoring religious beliefs. The House version of the bill, sponsored by GOP Rep Donna Rowland, has been assigned to committee." Yeah... assigned to a committee of theocrats, I'm sure. ![]() HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! ![]() In honor of St. Patrick's Day, I will repost this from last yr, b/c frankly, the message is on target when it comes to the BushCo hypocrites and Modern day Pharisees: "St. Patrick Raged Against Christian Hypocrites". In honor of St. Patrick, let's take a look at his Letter to the Soldiers of Coroticus. St. Pat rages against his fellow so-called holier than thou Christians who give the okay to rape, greed, ethnic cleansing, bigotry, and murder w/o so much as a blink of an eye. Given that the Religious Fright Pharisees have a stranglehold on our own nation today, I have one thing to say to Saint Patrick's timeless wisdom: Can I get a witness?. ![]() How many times was pre-emptive war shoved down our throats in order to justify invading Iraq? Too many to count. And what is the new claim coming from BushCo now since they are rattling the pre-emptive war sabres for Iran? Well, it would be this absolute bullshit, of course: Elaine Quijano of CNN on Lou Dobbs: "The WH also released its updated natl security strategy, emphasizing worldwide democracy as the best defense for America. The plan says the US will strive to use diplomacy 1st, but does not back away from the doctrine of preemption, saying, "to forestall or prevent such hostile acts by our adversaries, the US will, if necessary, act preemptively in exercising our inherent right of self-defense." Natl security adviser, Stephen Hadley defended the doctrine. HADLEY: The pres believes that we must remember the clearest lesson of Sept 11th, that the US must confront threats before they fully materialize. (End video) QUIJANO: But some say that staunch defense of preemption ignores the lesson of acting on bad intelligence on WMDs in Iraq. The admin officials insist they have learned that lesson. They also argue that Iraq is not a preemptive war, because, they say, 12 yrs of diplomacy preceded the US led invasion -- back to you, Lou." Can ya f-ing believe that? Can you believe that they have the gall to spew this shit? I guess it makes sense if ya create your own reality. ![]() Please watch this 6 mins clip by Jay Shaft, editor of Coalition For Free Thought In Media about the children of Iraq. I'm too fucking pissed and sad to add much else. Just watch. And may God forgive us for what we have done, what we continue to do, and for what we are about to do in Iran. ![]() So Bush re-spews his same old same old on pre-emptive doctrine Thurs, and former Iraq war fan Neo-Convict Francis Fukuyama says this on Lou Dobbs: DOBBS: Let's talk about the natl strategic report, coming just about 4 yrs after it was first drafted, reasserting the right of preemptive strikes. What's your reaction? FUKUYAMA: Well, I think that policy began after Sept 11th, this idea that if you have undeterrable terrorists w/ WMDs, you can't stop them, so you have to go out and get them. But it was applied to Iraq, which was not that problem. It was a rogue state that could have been handled, I think, in very different ways. And the problem with this preemptive doctrine, is 1st of all, it requires that you actually predict the future. And you never will, because you're talking about intangible intentions on the parts of foreign govts that you don't really know terribly well. So, I think that's why the great German statesman Bismarck said that preventive war is committing a suicide for fear of being killed. I mean, that's what it amounts to." Gee Francis, having a bit of BushCo buyer's remorse like Justice O'Connor? Too bad. I hope you're haunted by guilt. We're all getting bent over now thanks to the likes of you asshat. ![]() Forget the fact that even some lawmakers who described themselves as "pro-life," said it was illogical for MO anti-abortion lawmakers to deny money for contraception to low-income people who use public health clinics, b/c when all is said and done it comes done to this for these freaks: "If you hand out contraception to single women, we're saying promiscuity is OK as a state, and I am not in support of that," said Repub Rep Susan Phillips. "It's going to have the opposite effect of what the intention is, which will be more unwanted pregnancies and more abortions," said Dem Rep Kate Meiners. "The other alternative is for low-income women to give birth to more children, which is only likely to drive up the state's costs to provide services to them", said Dem Rep Melba Curls. Of course all of those bad repercussions will happen, but since when do Repukes care? Missouri stopped providing money for family planning and women's health srvces when the GOP gained control of both chambers of the Legislature in 03... women, families, and children be damned. ![]() PoliticalWire: 1.) 46% favor censuring Bush "for authorizing wiretaps of Americans w/in the US w/o obtaining crt orders" 2.) 44% oppose the move. 3.) 42% favor Bush's impeachment by the House of Reps 4.) 49% oppose it. I don't know if Feingold's move for censure is good or bad, but pundits like this one say it is good. I DO know that it is correct and called for since Bush violated his sworn oath to uphold the Constitution, and if a Prez can circumvent the 4th Amend, which other amendments can he circumvent? When does Bush get to start owing slaves, making alcohol illegal and denying women the right to vote? ![]() The Bush Push to Find Vietnam Deserters ![]() Pix courtesy of I know... I know... any push by the BushCo admin to hunt down Vietnam deserters when Bush himself was AWOL (scroll down to see the reward money offered to prove otherwise) is beyond the pale. But this take on it provides good insight into why it may be kicked up now: "The military is hunting down Vietnam era deserters in an effort to set an example to deter the growing number of Iraq War military resisters who are fleeing to Canada. Since the Iraq war began, “at least 8,000” members of the volunteer military have deserted. While the military denies that it is taking aggressive action to deter Iraq War resisters, the facts indicate otherwise." Of course the facts indicate otherwise... business as usual in BushCo world. Besides we have Iran in our crosshairs (for real...Bill O'Reilly says: "In a sane world, every country would unite against Iran and blow it off the face of the earth. That would be the sane thing to do.") Hey, if the great wise Bill O'Loofah says we gotta go, then they gotta scare our military members to be cannon fodder for that, too. ![]() What a shock... the same old same old: WashPost: "Pres Bush plans to issue a new natl security strategy today reaffirming his doctrine of preemptive war against terrorists and hostile states w/ chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, despite the troubled experience in Iraq." Well, they have to somehow attempt to justify the unstoppable trainwreck that is coming for us in Iran as we amp up the bombings in Iraq to kill off as many civilians as possible. And what do prolifers say about these air raids? Take a gander at this pix taken inside Iraq on Weds. How many carts of women and children are being filled b/c of our amped bombings? They don't care. B/c hey, if we kill off enough Iraqis thru air raids, maybe Iran will be really afraid of us. Just like the US did during Vietnam when Nixon attempted to expand the war into Laos and Cambodia. And we are yet again doomed to repeat our past mistakes. ![]() Well... that will of course prove to be anatomically impossible... but ya get my drift, no? Let's all remember the Dems' "Alito-anal-rape-debacle". The Dems were hounded by those of us who called, faxed, and emailed continuously... only to be told that we had to bend over and stop fighting b/c that would only make it worse. Now we have the "Feingold-fucked-over-debacle". Rawstory reports that the Dems are willing to roll Feingold over and conveniently forget the lube. My Left Wing reports there are luckily some on board w/ Russ. But Digby tears the weakassed Dem "we can't get on board" argument apart piece by piece; making completely valid points that give me a glimmer of hope. My stand is this: Vote for censure or blow me. Vote for censure or you can not only blow me... you can kiss my white girl booty and wave goodbye to my money. Our essential civil rights are at stake here. The rule of law is at risk. It doesn't get any bigger than this. If Dems cannot support even a censure resolution (as they did w/Clinton) they cannot gain my support in the future. Every single senator put their hand upon the Bible and swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. So did Bush. Bush has already admitted to whipping it out and pissing all over the Constitution AND said he would do it AGAIN and AGAIN. If our senators (both Repub and Dem) cannot demand that our Constitution be upheld as they swore (here's Frist's plan on censure here), then they DO NOT deserve my financial support nor the right to make decisions about our laws. PERIOD. Now contact the Dems and tell them this. You can use this letter to make it easier... I'm sure Christopher won't mind. And while we're at it, let's defend Russ from these kind of GOP attacks from the likes of Sen Allard, who said of Feingold: "He has time and time again, taken on the side of terrorists that we're dealing with in this conflict." Of course... if you question Bush's crimes, you must love terrorists. ![]() 1.) Bush's latest poll numbers? 33% approval. 2.) Joe Scarborough says his rapid Repuke dad is turning from Bush. 3.) Jessica Simpson blows off chance to meet w/Prez and appear at event paid for by GOP. ![]() Corporate whores... each and every last one of 'em. Just imagine Soledad O'Brien resting her arm on a very visual box of Tide while nonchalantly telling us how many bodies were found in Iraq today? I eagerly await Hannity and O'Reilly donning Wal-Mart smiley face t-shirts. ![]() FBI admits to spying on Peace Groups ![]() Are homegrown terrorists who've infiltrated the US the shadowy ones who pose the most danger to our natl security? Naw, according to the FBI some of the most dangerous groups in America: Peaceniks, vegans, peaceful mothers and pacifist churches. Info like this from the ACLU and the WashPost about the FBI is exactly why we must demand that our Senators sign on with Sen Feingold's censure of Bush's illegal spying. ACLU: Said Ann Beeson, Assoc Legal Director of the natl ACLU "From the FBI to the Pentagon to the Natl Security Agency this admin has embarked on an unprecedented campaign to spy on innocent Americans. Investigating law-abiding groups and their members simply b/c of their political views is not only irresponsible, it has a chilling effect on the vibrant tradition of dissent in this country." Yeah, between this blog and as a member of Another Mother for Peace (and w/ 2 of their bumper stickers on my vehicle) I'm sure I am toast. The best bit for me in the WaPo's article on "FBI admits took photos of Antiwar Activists" is this: An FBI report from Nov 02 indicates that an agent photographed members of the Thomas Merton Center as they handed out leaflets opposing the impending war in Iraq. The report called the group a "left-wing organization advocating, among many political causes, PACIFISM." OMG! Not pacifism. Jeeze, that means that non-violent/ turning the other cheek Jesus Christ was a member of a left-wing organization that advocated many political causes (like taking care of the poor, NOT the wealthy) and the dreaded PACIFISM. If Jesus is scary left wing, it is good to see I'm in good company. ![]() The UCC is the church my Hubby was born and raised in... until his hardcore Repuke parents had a meltdown about the UCC daring to allow a mother and her openly gay adult son join their church AND choir! Horrors! They immediately stopped all association with that "scary liberal church" as my MIL referred to it, in search of a hardcore conservative church that suited them. That is when Hubby refused to attend church anymore, and pretty much washed his hands of Christianity. But it is good to see that the Protestant church that gave Hubby a good start is being lead by people like the Rev John H. Thomas. Read what he has to say and how he blasts the Religious Fright, the IRS, and their blatant hypocrisies, when he spoke at Gettysburg College. And here is more encouraging info about plenty of other religious leaders who are speaking up about the stranglehold the Talibornagains and GOP politicians have when it comes to "claiming Christianity". I haven't left the Catholic Church (...yet...) but I sure as hell feel like the Catholic Church has left me. If I were to convert, maybe the UCC could be the church that Hubby, BabyGirl, and I could all feel wanted, comfortable, and happy with. ![]() This for me would be just reason number 2,999,999 for throwing Joe off of a very steep CT cliff, and this one is a doozey: "Lieberman said he believes hospitals that refuse to give contraceptives to rape victims for "principled reasons" shouldn't be forced to do so. "In Connecticut, it shouldn't take more than a short ride to get to another hospital," he said." So rape victims who have been brutally traumatized have to travel to another hospital? How human you are. Yes Joe, and in America, it shouldn't take more than a crumb of a brain to realize that you are an insane GOP ass-kissing suckup. Say it loud: Ned Lamont. Ned Lamont. Elect Ned Lamont. ![]() I've expressed before my opinions on the death penalty (waaaay too overused in the US for seemingly any and every crime/ it should ONLY be reserved for THE most heinous of crimes). With my position on the death penalty in mind, please follow me: This shocking and repulsive story has been all over the Cleveland local news, so it has been on my mind. Hubby and I took BabyGirl to see a pediatric ophthalmologist in Cleveland for a 2nd opinion on surgery Tues morning (same bad news... surgery is needed and will take place 1st wk in April). But while sitting in the waiting rm, there were babies, toddlers, and tweenies (not toddlers, not yet big kids) everywhere playing, crying and waiting. I couldn't help but notice an adorable cherubic baby girl about 8 months old waiting to see the doctor, which made me think of the crime this freak is alleged to have committed on his 7 month old niece. Read about this unspeakable crime, 1 of the most heinous crimes imaginable, and tell me if you agree w/me that in cases like this, the death penalty is warranted. ![]() YET another example of the level of corruption in the state of OH and the lengths the corrupt GOP will go to protect their own criminals: CantonRep: "A company hired to examine OH’s unorthodox $50 million investment in rare coins doesn’t have to make its files public b/c state law exempts work done by private businesses for the state. Auditor Betty Montgomery (R) hired Chicago-based Crowe Chizek & Co to audit the investment managed by coin dealer Tom Noe for the state insurance fund for injured workers. Noe is charged w/ dozens of state counts of stealing money from the funds, and the Feb 22 audit found that $13.5 million in state money was misspent. Montgomery denied a request for the work papers attached to the audit by The Columbus Dispatch, saying state law prohibits their release. The newspaper had questions about possible discrepancies in the numbers reported in the audit, but Montgomery’s office hasn’t been able to answer those questions, in part because Crowe Chizek did the work. The firm has been told not to discuss the findings because it is part of the criminal investigation of Noe and others involved in investments at the OH Bureau of Workers’ Comp. Open govt advocates say the law is misguided and any work done by a private entity with taxpayer dollars should be open. The state paid $490,782 to Crowe Chizek for the work, plus $98,801 to Clark Schaefer Hackett & Co. for a section of the audit analyzing the bureau’s investment policies and $190,000 to the auction house Sotheby’s to value the coins." Good to see more of my OH taxes are pissed away on GOP crimes and corruption and I can't even how and what was done. ![]() Chef is Leaving South Park ![]() Oh fuck... Isaac Hayes is hanging up Chef's apron at South Park. Hayes is blaming the program's "growing insensitivity towards personal spiritual beliefs" as the reason for quitting. But creator Matt Stone says: "This has nothing to do with intolerance and bigotry and everything to do with the fact that Isaac Hayes is a Scientologist and that we recently featured Scientology in an episode of South Park where we parodied Tom Cruise.In 10 yrs and over 150 episodes of South Park, Isaac never had a problem with the show making fun of Christians, Muslims, Mormons and Jews. He got a sudden case of religious sensitivity when it was his religion featured on the show. To bring the civil-rights struggle into this is just a non sequitur. Of course we will release Isaac from his contract and we wish him well." Creator Trey Parker said this: "To be honest, what kept us from parodying Scientology before was Isaac Hayes. We knew he is a Scientologist and he's an awesome guy. We were like, 'Let's just avoid that for now.' ... Finally, we just had to tell Isaac, 'Dude, we totally love working with you and this is nothing personal, it's just we're "South Park," and if we don't do this, we're belittling everything else we've ripped on." Dammit, Hayes, they were making fun of Cruise --who has done more to damage Scientology than anyone else ever could. Who will run Chef's Luv Shack? Who will croon 'Put 'em in your mouth... my Chocolate Salty Balls'? Who will say "Hello children"? Chef... sniff sniff... you will be missed. ![]() I don't give a flying crap which weakassed Dems will or won't support Sen Feingold's censure of Bush, just get off your ass and take the time to sign his petition. Ditto for Rep Conyers' petition to investigate Bush's impeachable offenses. If these GOP enabling Dems want to bend over and take it with sand on the end of it, then so be it. But that doesn't mean we all have to get anally raped, say thanks & leave a tip for them on the nightstand, now does it? Fight back... someone has to. ![]() WorldNetDaily: "Mary Carey, the XXX pornstar who caused an uproar last yr for dining w/Bush, will have dinner w/the prez once again this wk. The former candidate for CA gov is to attend the United to Victory dinner w/ Bush on Thurs, and have lunch at a related event Weds where Karl Rove is the guest speaker. She says she will be there at the invitation of the Natl Repub Congress Comm, which is organizing the events." Here's her stunning response to going there: "I'm really excited to be going back to D.C. to see the pres again. Everyone thinks that politicians are stuffy, but we had a great time last yr, and I had fun signing a lot of autographs. Wait till they see that I have lost 20 lbs since the last time they saw me. Watch out Mr. President!" Yeah... she lost 20 lbs when she finally removed her long lost butt plug (go ahead... click on the link. Ya gotta see the name of this site!) And what pearls of wisdom does she have to say about Iraq?: "I'm always excited to learn more about what's going on in our nation's capital, since most people in the porn industry think an Iraqi pullout is a form of safe sex," she quipped. "Since I'm seriously considering running for Gov of CA again, I'm going to need a lot of support from GOP lawmakers nationwide –however I can get it." Oh don't worry Mary. They will give it to you anyway they can, and they will support you and your lifestyle... until you get impregnated, raped and sodomized. Oh wait. You do get sodomized... but you get paid for that... and then contribute to the oh-so-moral GOP w/that porn money. ![]() |