Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween everyone! Or, as Hannity sez: Liberal holiday of door to door handouts
 I LOVE Halloween. Always have. And having kids has just given me reasons to play dress-up every year. Here's my kiddos... all dressed up for Trick or Treat. BabyGirl is Cinderella (she has this new found love for all things Cinderella... what an expensive interest this is... ahem... thankyouverymuch Disney Princesses) and Lil Man is our chubby lil fuzzy pumpkin. Take a look at his face. Isn't that expression classic? He was less than happy to see me dressed as a "sparkley sassy witch" and my pointy witch hat and glittery makeup made him cry plenty, (although Daddy seemed rather fond of it) and Lil Man was rather put off by his beloved big sissy's get-up, too... no matter how much she adored it and kept holding the edges of her dress out while spinning around and around-- exclaiming her love for her costume. Oh well... someday Lil Man will just resign himself to ignoring the array of goofy costumes and focus instead on the things that really count to lil boys: Obtaining buckets of CANDY... and the rare chance to carry a giant plastic sword... or sport ill fitting vampire fangs... and to use one or both against his big sister who will probably be prancing around like a prissy little princess, but who could dropkick him in a second if he really irritates her & her giggly friends. Speaking of frightening things, this Halloween is not short of 'em: Just take a brave gander here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. To counteract those horrors, please sit back with a glass of warm mulled cider and proudly glance at this and this, and then celebrate the holiday as it was originally intended: No, it is not a liberal holiday of free handouts, thankyouverymuch Sean Insannity, it is "one last hurrah" before the deep cold sets in and remembering fondly your cherished dead loved ones. Happy Halloween!
Posted by Tina ::
12:00 AM ::
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Friday, October 26, 2007
The beauty of autumn in Ohio to help block out the horrors of the Cali wildfires
BabyGirl has been f-r-e-a-k-i-n-g out about the SoCal wildfires. After every newscast, she tosses a bazillion questions at me like: Why did that happen? Where will those people live? Are their cats and dogs alive? Where would we go if our house was on fire? Would we get our kitty out? etc... etc... It has gotten so bad, that Weds morning, she crawls into our bed around 3 am and keeps poking me until I say w/ great irritation a hushed yet very firm "WHAT???" I was grumpy because I had just gotten the baby back to sleep around 2 am.. and no, I did not sit him in one of these --an item that we happen to own and love, and apparently use very differently from other parents. Why? Fragile and very wiggly babies have apparently been put into their Bumbo seat... and then like a potted plant on a table, or counter, or toilet, or bookshelf, or stove, or car roof, or whatever else highly inappropriate place morons have stupidly dared to place their fragile and very wiggly babies upon... said babies have been allowed to fall off and sustain skull fractures. I guess all common sense, parental responsibility and reading the warning sticker that is stuck onto the chair gets to be tossed aside, and now we need a recall, huh? ... sigh... shaking head... Anyhoo... back to BabyGirl's first urgent question... she asks: "Mommy, will the paint on our house stop a fire?" Me: "We don't have paint on our house. Our house is made out of brick like the 3rd Little Pig's. Her: "Oh."... long silence... then: "Does that mean that no wolves with sharp teeth and claws can blow our house down?" Me: "Yep." Her: "What if a wolf has fire?" Me: (exasperated sigh while thinking damn this kid and her intelligent mind) "It means our house is very strong. It means we don't live in California, where they have wildfires. It is too wet and cold here to have those right now." Her: "Could we have them in the summer?" OMFG... I just had to eat a ton of omelets while pregnant with her because I read eggs were great brain food for fetuses, didn't I?? Me: "It means our house is pretty safe from wildfires because they don't usually happen in Ohio. It means that daddy makes sure we have lots of fire alarms and we've practiced what to do if you hear one of those go off." Her: "But what if the fire alarm's batteries don't work like my SpongeBob toy?"(yes.. we lied to our child when we took the batteries out of a very loud SpongeBob toy. This toy is very beloved, but if you squeeze him, his eyes bulge out and he exclaims very loudly: "I have 200/200 vision!" and she adored putting it in the face of her sleeping baby brother and scaring him to death.) Me: "The fire alarm batteries work. Daddy changes them every fall." Her: "Well, why doesn't he fix the batteries in my SpongeBob?" Me... lying yet again: "Because he just can't find those type of batteries... ANYWHERE. Daddy even thinks they stopped making those batteries." Silence... followed finally and very surprisingly by Hubby sleepily announcing: "Great job, honey. Just slap all the blame on me." Yes. I have zero qualms about passing the buck on that one. Anyhoo... try to forget the horrors of the wildfires and enjoy the loveliness of autumn in N.E. Ohio. My mom, and the kids and I walked around our neighborhoods and surrounding farm areas and took pix.
Posted by Tina ::
3:00 PM ::
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My parents' giant oak tree.
Posted by Tina ::
2:55 PM ::
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My parents' front lawn.
Posted by Tina ::
2:50 PM ::
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A neighbor's gorgeous half- red tree.
Posted by Tina ::
2:45 PM ::
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After taking this pix, BabyGirl & I threw leaves at each other. Lil Man tried to eat the leaves... sigh!
Posted by Tina ::
2:40 PM ::
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Ahhh... those beautiful blue skies.
Posted by Tina ::
2:35 PM ::
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Fields of corn before you reach the lovely woods.
Posted by Tina ::
2:30 PM ::
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Some grasshoppers leapt out of this corn at me as I took this pix... & I screeched like they were snarling T-Rexes.
Posted by Tina ::
2:25 PM ::
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Saturday, October 20, 2007
Wedding anniversary, pumpkin farm... and of course... baseball
Hubby and I are off to celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary this weekend. We kicked things off by going to a pumpkin farm nearby. It is an annual outing, so we were excited to take Lil Man's pictures amongst the pumpkins, just as we were when we first took BabyGirl there a few yrs ago (yrs that have since flown by far toooo quickly... sob... sniff.) We were also especially happy that no unfortunate accidents befell us while there that might require us to seek the help of SCHIP. Because ya know, as a married middle class family with 2 kids, we don't happen to be BushCo's beloved oh-so rich folks who deserve massive tax breaks... err... deserve corporate handouts... err... deserve state assisted insurance for regular working class folks, who have the misfortune to happen upon a catastrophic illness or accident, and then private insurance dumps like a hot potato with the Black plague. But who knows... maybe if we're REALLY REALLY lucky... someday... Hillbilly Heroin Limbaugh will make fun of my kids on Hannity & colmes. Tonight, Hubby plans on getting me a bit inebriated, just in case The Tribe doesn't fare well at Fenway (or so he tells me...nudge, nudge... say no more, say no more.) But if that horrific event happens, I'm sure all of you will feel a strange feeling in the air. Just know that it is probably me... and it is really nothing to be alarmed about... unless you happen to be a member of the Red Sox... and you fear having a hex cast upon you. Cheers! And to Hubby: I love you. I love you. I love you. I love our friendship, I love our marriage, I love our little family, and I'd marry you all over again... in less than a heartbeat.
Posted by Tina ::
3:00 PM ::
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If you look in the background, you can see the sea of orange pumpkins just waiting to be picked... or to have a beautiful baby boy and gorgeous girl posed amongst them.
Posted by Tina ::
2:55 PM ::
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BabyGirl was trying to be a good sport while daddy took her picture... but she was freaking out about those goats behind her... who, by the way, LOVED her long hair and kept trying to nibble on it. She is telling Hubby that she is only gonna stand there for 10 more seconds and that's it!
Posted by Tina ::
2:50 PM ::
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And to think... I could have to lug one of THOSE big ass pumpkins around all day long instead of my adorable little chubby pumpkin.
Posted by Tina ::
2:48 PM ::
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Friday, October 12, 2007
Fall, baseball, and for God's sake, at least someone can be declared an actual winner
See all of that green still left on the tree? THAT is not supposed to be there nearly 2 weeks into the month of October. But, when temperatures have been 85 degrees, I guess Mother Nature can't paint our foliage with her beautiful wand as she normally would. Yesterday, thank the stars, autumn seemed to finally blow into Ohio. It is currently 52 degrees, and BabyGirl and I have finally been able to bust out our new fall sweaters that we've been dying to wear since September. I know I should be ranting about this, this, this, this, this, this completely shameful wingnut attack, or this sickening and horrifying reality, but this weekend will be devoted to making chili, apple-oatmeal crisp, and watching baseball. Granted, eating and baseball are not of earthshattering importance, but right now I'd like to just sit back and watch something that is based upon actual rules. Where fair play is not only expected, it is required. Where there will be a victor... but guess what? Nobody will be killed or maimed, no nation will be laid to waste, and no shame is involved in the win. And guess what else? There will actually be a clear cut winner and competent plan for victory. If you're interested, check out my chili and apple-oatmeal crisp recipes in the comments. So, on that note, I bid you adieu until sometime next week, and hopefully more leaves will be changed into gorgeous orange, yellow and red by then. And I'm more than certain that I'll be a wee bit chubbier when ya hear from me next because I'm a pretty damn cook and my stockpot will be overflowing with hot chili and we have a big basket of Granny Smith apples purchased at the Amish market that are just waiting to be turned into a deee-lish dessert.
Posted by Tina ::
1:30 PM ::
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Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Wahoo indeed! Indians beat Yankees
I know I've been awol as of late, but in addition to enduring freakishly hot as Hades temperatures in early October in N.E. Ohio, I must confess: I've been a bit preoccupied.... and I'm sure Chief Wahoo can give you a hint about what exactly has captured my attention. Yes, I know... baseball is NOT of earthshattering importance, but under BushCo's insane regime, talk about a freakin' welcome escape! And since the Cleveland Indians beat the blue striped piss outta the despicable NY Yankees, it appears that I will have plenty more to keep me captivated in the coming days as the Tribe will now advance to the American League Championship Series against the Red Sox. While I certainly hope that the Indians can pull out all the stops and take this run of good luck and talent all the way to the World Series, quite frankly, they could now lose every single game from here on out, and I'd still be dancing a jig because the really important prize was this: THEY BEAT the YANKEES!!! Suck on that NY. Go Tribe!
Posted by Tina ::
12:00 AM ::
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Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Unmitigated Disaster Part II: War with Iran
We've been hearing about this for awhile now. Sy Hersh has been leading the pack and screaming this and this from the rooftops for at least 3 years. But the problem for the War Fans is how can BushCo pull the wool over America's eyes for this war? They know that the "nuke threat" isn't selling, so these cheeky chickenhawks have come up with this one: "War with Iran will be about protecting the troops in Iraq." See what Sy has to say to Keith on Countdown about the Iran war saber rattling, which has been beefed up by the insane Kyl-Lieberman Amendment. And oh yeah... it appears that Hillary has some buyer's remorse, and also, in case you thought the bloodthirsty wingnuts wouldn't sink as low as to actually suggest that Iran had something to do with the 9/11 attacks... think again. They would. And they did.
Posted by Tina ::
1:00 AM ::
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