Monday, August 20, 2007
R & R... be back after Labor Day
 There is soooo much I could post about in terms of the latest soul-less GOP actions and evil escapades, but alas, I will be gone for a bit. See, the next 2 weeks are going to be crazy getting things in order for the start of BabyGirl's school on Sept 4th. And you have no idea how much it pains me to even write that sentence. MY baby will be starting school... OMG... I swear it was just yesterday that my gorgeous girl was born. So, in addition to getting things in order, I plan on spending oodles of time pretty much just having fun with my kiddos and Hubby. Let's face it: They will only be this small once, and as Sheryl Crow so wisely reminds us, "there ain't nothing like regret to remind us we're alive." I'll see ya sometime after Labor Day. God knows the Repukes will have committed plenty of sins that I will have to post about and I will have to purge my soul of the torment that I anticipate feeling when I have to... let... my... precious... girl... go... to... school. Sob! Thank the stars I have my Lil Man to tightly hold onto to get me thru this scary school thing. My God... I think need a valium and a serious plan to homeschool 'em. In the meantime, here are some pix of my beautiful babies.
Posted by Tina ::
12:30 AM ::
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I know that every parent thinks rightfully that their children are beautiful, but I can't help but look at my gorgeous girl and not wonder how lovely will she be as a young woman?... and will other people... like boys with cooties and hot pants... find her to be as stunning, too? Ugh... I need a stiff drink... and a foolproof plan to keep her safely locked away so Hubby doesn't have an aneurysm when those boys with cooties and hot pants come a callin'.
Posted by Tina ::
12:25 AM ::
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I never imagined myself having a son. Whenever I thought of my future in terms of children, I only pictured girls. Now, I can't imagine living my life without my beautiful boy. His soft fuzzy blonde hair. His bright blue eyes and oh so long lashes. His smile (with a teeney tiny nub of a tooth just beginning to painfully poke thru) simply melts my heart. Even though our lives have become more hectic since his birth, I can't help but wonder how ever did we exist as a family without him?
Posted by Tina ::
12:20 AM ::
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We're not the only ones who adore Lil Man and want to smother him in smooches and squeezes. BabyGirl is in absolute love with him, and she tells all who will listen that he is HER baby brother. Thank God. When I was pregnant, she insisted the baby could ONLY be a sister and that if it did happen to be a boy that he had to look just like Jimmy Neutron. Oh my...
Posted by Tina ::
12:10 AM ::
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Don't be sad Dubya. At least Barney is still there for you. And he, unlike Karl Rove, is honest about pissing on people's legs, crapping in their front lawn, and having putrid breath from eating shit and licking and gnawing on his balls.
Posted by Tina ::
12:15 AM ::
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Rove Resigns. Poor Dubya. I bet he now feels like a kid told he can't go to Disneyland anymore
So, Rove the Toad announced he will resign. Any number of reasons why he may be leaving cause many to speculate: Is his shady involvement with current convict Jack Abramoff too hot to handle? Is his "burn it all to the ground and salt the earth b/c everything is political" shtick now just sooo 2000 & 2004? Is the stench from the U.S. attorneys scandal (particularly the Alabama prosecution of the Dem governor) getting too odiferous to cover up with Febreeze and an evil GOP wink? Whatever the reason, let us now reflect upon the gut wrenchingly emotion filled words of Bush's Brain, shall we? Please be warned... a box of tissues may be needed: With his longtime companion... err... friend Prez Bush looking on, Karl Rove choked up while saying: "I'm grateful to have been a witness to history." LIKE WHEN THE BUSH CABAL OF BLOODTHIRSTY CHICKENHAWKS HAPPILY LIED OUR NATION INTO AN ILLEGAL AND COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY WAR, IGNORED OUR CONSTITUTION AND SUSPENDED HABEAS CORPUS AND SPIED ON AMERICAN CITIZENS... dabs eyes with a tissue... AAAH, YES... GOOD TIMES. GOOD TIMES. "It has been the joy and the honor of a lifetime," said Rove, his voice quivering at times. But now is the time. ... At month's end." SNIFF... SOB... YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW DESPERATELY I WILL MISS HELPING TO DESTROY THIS GREAT NATION OF OUR'S FOR NOTHING BUT SHEER EVIL JOY AND POLITICAL PARTISANSHIP. NOTHING GETS MY SPLINTER HARDER THAN SMELLING UTTER DECAY IN THE MORNING. "I will join those whom you meet in your travels, the ordinary Americans who tell you they are praying for you." YES. AMERICANS WITH ANY SENSE IN THEIR HEADS WILL PRAY FOR ME TO SLITHER BACK TO THAT SHIT ENCRUSTED ROCK THAT I OOZED OUT OF. EITHER THAT, OR THEY WILL TAKE A SHOVEL, AND WITH A SMILE ON THEIR FACES, BASH IN MY DEPRAVED HEAD LIKE A ROTTING JACK-O-LANTERN LEFT ON THE PORCH TIL THANKSGIVING. That was truly touching. Despite his eternal love for the Ghoulish Old Party, Rove is quitting for his family -- after helping to destroy so many American families. No wonder Laura self medicates on Lithium just to live with herself... err... sleep at night... err.. get thru the day amongst such vampires... err... such fetid fucktards... err... upstanding citizens.
Posted by Tina ::
12:00 AM ::
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Thursday, August 09, 2007
Mr. Romney, perhaps 1 of your 5 sons could drive this Mitt Mobile, sir?
So, it takes a simple question from one lone brave woman in Iowa, Rachel Griffiths, to get the Big Greasy Mitt to admit that his sons are big greasy muffs who boldly serve our nation by... driving... around... the... Mitt... Mobile. Here's a clue for your 5 perfectly healthy, war cheerleading and enlistable aged sons: That military vehicle in that photo is called-- believe it not-- a MITT. Sooooo... how's about 1 of those 5 strapping boys you so proudly brag about... while simutaneously spewing out all of that pro-war vomit... really serve their nation and that war that you adore so much and drive around THAT MITT MOBILE, in say, perhaps Anbar Province instead of whitebread USA? And by the way Big Greasy, this ain't just because you spent your time for war "ministering" in Paris instead of Vietnam or that you're very rich and white. Oh no. See, another really rich and really white guy like you also supported a war that got a whole heckuva lotta troops and civilians killed. His name was Franklin D. Roosevelt. And like you, Big Greasy, FDR did not enlist or get drafted. But while not technically in the military, he did serve as Assistant Sec of the Navy from 1913 to 1920 which encompassed the US involvement in WWI, and most certainly prepared in some way him for his time as a wartime Commander and Chief during WWII. But try topping this fact, Big Greasy: All 4 of FDR's sons were officers in World War II and were decorated, on merit, for bravery. One of his sons, by the by, was a Marine Captain of a Marine Raider Battalion (this group went ashore on a Japanese held island) and put his life in so much danger that FDR did not wonder IF he would be killed, but WHEN. I wonder Big Greasy, do you also sit up at night-- gripped by white hot fear-- that 1 of your 5 sons will be killed while cavorting around in that most deadly of vehicles.......... the Winnebago?
Posted by Tina ::
12:00 AM ::
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Friday, August 03, 2007
Duggars pop out kid #17... can her uterus now be considered a carry-on bag?
Oh yes. Those crazy-ass Duggars have procreated yet again, and get this: Less than 30 minutes after giving birth, the Duggars already were talking of having more. Now, I've said my piece about this crazy-ass family before, but here's the thing: I'm 100% for reproductive freedom. And as much as I poke fun at them for treating one's vagina like a clown car... being 100% for reproductive freedom means they have the right to do so as much as I believe I also have every right to stop at 2 kids... because honest to Pete, nearly dying twice during my 2 very wanted pregnancies was enough for our marriage and family, not to mention our wallets and savings account, thankyouverymuch. But unfortunately, these "Quiverfull" Republican freaks do not reciprocate that same freedom sentiment. Their ultimate goal is not really to get rid of abortion. No no. That is just the scary- emotional- in- your-face- issue. The real goal of these Quiverfull folks is to "build an army for God" and getting rid of contraceptives completely... including for married couples... because ya know, as never been married and childless nutbags like Ann Coulter spew: Privacy rights between a man and wife is a right that liberals just made up. I don't know about you, but some outsider intervening in my marriage threatens my marriage, and NO ONE has the right to threaten the bond that I have with my husband. NO ONE. I don't care how "holier than thou" you claim to be. I not only take my love, friendship and relationship with Hubby deadly seriously, I also take our wedding vows that we spoke to each other and in front of God and others deadly seriously, too. Not to mention the fact that outsiders forcing their interventions onto a couple's marriage threatens that marriage AND that sounds mighty anti-Bible... particulary anti- marriage... to me and according to this passage: For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder" (Matthew 19:5-6). Oh that's right... actually doing what the Bible states wouldn't allow most Religious Frighters/ Republicans to cherry-pick Biblical passages to justify their own divorces, hatred of gays, women, the poor, needy, orphaned, and minorities. What was I thinking? This clearly out-of-date pix of the Duggars was used during big daddy Jim Bob's campaign as a former Repuke representative, and I guess it "endeared" him to some voter-types.... who exactly that would be is beyond me, except for maybe haters of the deadliest tool of Satan... ya know... pants for girls... which oddly enough, will probably work against the Duggars because while I'm not an expert or fashionista, I reckon the best form of birth control those girls never imagined will be those crazy ass Little House on the Prairie dresses... unless, of course, ya have a fetish for Laura Ingalls.. but that, my friends, sounds like a Dateline w/ Chris Hansen special just waiting to happen.
Posted by Tina ::
10:00 AM ::
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