Friday, August 12, 2005 Bush & Sen Pat Roberts Fixed WMD Intelligence The Bush Administration conspired w/ Repub Senators (esp Pat Roberts) to "fix" the Iraq WMD intelligence and hide the truth. RAWstory: Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, Pres Bush issued an order to the CIA, Dept of Defense, the FBI, the State Dept, and his cabinet members that severely curtailed intelligence oversight by restricting classified info to just 8 members of Congress. Bush's order states: "The only Members of Congress whom you or your expressly designated officers may brief regarding classified or sensitive law enforcement information are the Spkr of the House, the House Minority Ldr, the Senate Majority & Minority Ldrs, and the Chairs & Ranking Members of the Intelligence Committees in the House & Senate." But what they said was an effort to protect the US became a tool used by the GOP chrman of the Senate Intelligence Comm Pat Roberts (R-KS) to ensure that there was no serious investigation into how the administration fixed the intelligence that took the US to war w/ Iraq & the fabricated documents used as evidence to do so, stymied all questions into prewar intelligence & post-invasion coverups, including the outing of CIA covert agent Plame, by using targeted leaks and artfully deflecting blame from the WH. Take a gander at the Timeline of the Intel Coverup. Also take a look at how Sen Roberts (thru smears & leaks) protected the WH and pushed the blame on Dems and the CIA. Hmm, could that be why Sen Roberts said this in March '05 in regards to the Prez's WMD Commission: "I don’t think there should be any doubt that we have now heard it all regarding prewar intelligence. I think that it would be a monumental waste of time to replow this ground any further." And I think it would be a monumental waste of time to believe another word from your mouth, Sen Roberts. ![]() |