Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!
 Hmm... my phone service and DSL are finally back after being MIA since a winter storm blew into Ohio. It must be a freakin Christmas miracle! We were told not to expect service until sometime after the 27th. Speaking of this month, December has been, in a word, sick. No, I'm not talking about all the stomach churning and ceaseless nausea that BushCo and all the presidential candidates have caused. No, see I've seen my pediatrician more times than I'd care to repeat, and I'm sure more than my health insurance will pay. My kiddos have simply been unable to shake their illnesses, which have morphed into new illnesses that require new doctor visits and new prescriptions. Sooo... I can honestly say that I look foward to a healthy and happy New Year. Don't get me wrong, Christmas is still a wonderful time of year, especially since BabyGirl is r-e-a-l-l-y trying to convince Santa that she has been a supah-doopah girl this yr (check out her face in the pix below as she sits on Santa's lap...oh yeah... she's seriously sweating it as she wonders if Santa actually sees EVERYTHING and really knows when you've been bad or good for goodness' sake) plus, it is Lil Man's 1st Christmas, so we do have much to celebrate. But, I do look foward to wrapping 2007 up and spending a quiet winter that involves oodles of healthiness & plenty of wishing for an end to the war in Iraq. So, my dear beloved blogger friends and cherished ones, from me and mine, to you and your's, may you have a very Merry Christmas and a very happy and healthy New Year, and let's all wish and pray for peace. I think it is what the Prince of Peace would want during this time of the celebration for His birth... no matter what the bloodthirsty religious wingnuts try to tell me.
Posted by Tina ::
12:30 AM ::
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My gorgeous girl sits so prim and proper, that ya'd never guess that just moments before this pix was taken, she was spinning around like the Tasmanian Devil in an attempt to make herself dizzy to the point of sickness, and to make her dress twirl up and show her Cinderella undies hidden beneath her tights... sigh...
Posted by Tina ::
12:25 AM ::
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Look at my beautiful boy in his little sweater and corduroys... I could just eat him up! As we close '07, my 9 mos old Lil Man can wave hello, shake his head "no-no-no," make "woo-woo" sounds w/ his hand like a bad stereotype of an Indian chief, blow you a kiss, clap his hands (with or w/o me saying "Yay!" to him first), constantly say "Da-Da" to Hubby or just b/c he simply seems to love the word, say "hi" and "uh-oh," and can roll like a demon on wheels. Heartbreakingly, he rarely says "Ma-Ma" and won't say it to me upon demand, and he refuses to crawl. He'd rather roll everywhere & then cry like a banshee when he gets bored or tired or stuck. Oh well, there is one thing he absolutely must have from Mommy: Me rocking him to sleep at night. Aaaahhh... only Mommy can seem to do that right.
Posted by Tina ::
12:20 AM ::
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Yes. She is incredibly elated to finally have her pow-wow with the Big Guy in the Red Suit. But look closely at that slightly nervous smile... and those excitedly clasped tight hands... oh yeah... BabyGirl is really, really hoping that Santa has checked on her plenty when she has been sleeping instead of when she has been awake. Don't get me wrong, she is a pretty good kid, but she is oftentimes waaay too smart and sassy for her own good. And no... I have abso-freakin-lutely NO IDEA where she gets it from....
Posted by Tina ::
12:15 AM ::
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Thursday, December 06, 2007
Huckabee: Not your average NRA lovin' wingnut. Add to that "blatant liar about murdering rapists" and the scary GOP picture is complete
And to think, once upon a few days ago, I thought that all I had to do was post about Mike Huckabee's lack of knowledge and/or concern about a rather crucial key international issue, a few "unfortunate" facts about him that his campaign would love to keep hidden, his rather interesting stance on arming everyone in the US so we can protect ourselves from criminals AND a tyrannical govt (guess even he's scared shitless by BushCo, eh?), and his insane comments about how he is A-okay with the death penalty because Jesus (who would appear to be the ultimate victim of state sponsored torture and capital punishment to... oh... I don't know... anyone with a brain, a conscience and any semblance of the Christian gospels?) did not beg for clemency while nailed to the cross. Feh... who knew I'd have to post about the good Baptist minister easily chucking aside his supposed Christian morals to bear false witness against the Arkansas parole board, the raped and murdered victims of the guy he earnestly and personally (like he was on a first name basis with the rapist kind of personally) pushed to get paroled, not to mention ALL of the many criminals he helped get paroled?... and of course... somehow.... some way... to the sanctimonious Huckster, this is all Bill Clinton's fault....sigh... I'd suggest we all need to pray that this guy never gets elected, but it appears that he is running around saying that God is the reason for his recent rise in the polls... bleeecgh... typing that out just made me throw up a bit in my mouth... excuse me while I fetch a large breath mint, an old priest and a young priest, the ASPCA, Michael Vick's attorney, and oh yeah... this guy.
Posted by Tina ::
1:00 PM ::
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