Monday, September 24, 2007
Support the striking UAW. Their fight for healthcare is OUR fight, too
 As of 11:00 am EST, the United Auto Workers went on strike. Why? Negotiations for healthcare benefits for their retired workers and their family members ... (ya know... the folks who worked their asses off their entire lives and paid into the system and deserve to finally reap the rewards)... fell thru. Call me crazy... but if we had universal healthcare, this particular strike could have been avoided. So, while these pretend pro-life Repukes are out demonizing folks like unions, pro- healthcare Dems (despite the fact that the Red States would benefit the most from universal healthcare), and The American Cancer Society for daring to announce that, they, too, think that universal healthcare is necessary for Americans, think about how the Auto Workers' fight for benefits for retired members and their family members is a really a fight for all of us. And in full disclosure: I am the daughter of a United Steelworker. I am the grand-daughter of a United Ironworker and a United Steelworker. I am the niece of a United Steelworker. And I am the wife of a former Teamster. Yeah, I am the product of 100% bluecollar unionists... and I couldn't be prouder. Support unions. Their fight is our fight. UPDATE on Weds Sept 26: The strike is over, but the problem has hardly been solved. Read my rant in the comments.
Posted by Tina ::
3:00 PM ::
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Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks at Columbia Univ: Folks freak. Why?
So, plenty of people are freaking out that Crazy Mahmoud was invited and allowed to speak freely at Columbia University? Why? We supposedly value that lil thing called free speech and he proved to be just what we thought he was: Pretty c-r-a-z-y. But here's what really sticks in my craw: Why didn't he graciously thank Dear Leader Dubya, our troops, and we the gullible American people for footing the massively expensive bill and getting rid of Iran's 2 most fearsome enemies: The Taliban and Saddam Hussein? How rude. I'm no Emily Post, but I'm guessing Mahmoud won't be sending out thank you cards, either.
Posted by Tina ::
2:30 PM ::
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
Bush calls Petraeus- Betray Us/ MoveOn ad "disgusting." Really? Don't make me laugh
So, Bush calls the Petraeus- Betray Us ad by MoveOn.Org "disgusting" and adds that it not only is an attack on Petraeus, but also somehow attacks our military. THIS from the party that gave us Rove, Coulter, Swift Boat Liars, & character assassination 101? Surely they jest. Maybe I have a very different concept of disgusting and what an actual attack on the military is, but THAT ad ain't it. Sounds more like trying to squelch free speech... ya know... one of the rights our soldiers are supposedly dying in Iraq to protect. So, what exactly IS disgusting? Well, if ya ask Facebook, photos of a mommy breastfeeding her baby.. ya know, doing with her boobies what Mother Nature fully intended us women folk to do with 'em since humankind began... instead of allowing them to be an object of exploitation for spank material... somehow equals disgusting. If ya ask the bloodthirsty GOP, disgusting must not only be the Move On ad, (which they deemed soooo damned important that they spent HOURS debating the ad on our hallowed Senate floor) but disgusting is also apparently allowing our troops to spend as much time at home with their loved ones as they do in that meatgrinding blood for oil clusterfuck that the chickenhawks can't applaud enough AND restoring Habeas Corpus to our beloved Constitution. As I said, I'm no expert on disgusting, but I have a real strong sneaking suspicion it probably is this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, and it sure as hell is this and this and this. But a piddly little ad that questions a guy (who has been hailed as completely non-partisan, when in fact, the General's very function was to politically pimp Bush's disasterous war position) who tries to tell us how freakin' great the surge has been when the very next week, NO American diplomats are allowed to travel in Baghdad outside the Green Zone b/c it has been deemed so dangerous? I don't fucking think so. No matter how many times Cheney sickeningly invokes Petraeus' name at a GOP fundraiser to whore out this apparently oh-so tender and thin-skinned soldier, whom, we the people, are supposed to somehow actually believe, is not a puppet with BushCo's hand up his ass.
Posted by Tina ::
8:30 PM ::
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Gay Old Party!
So, I could wax poetically about 9/11, but frankly, that date pisses me off so much that I simply don't have it within me this year. THAT date has, for all practical purposes, ruined our nation, allowed a band of soulless power hungry ghouls steal away our very country, decimate our military, lie us into a bloodletting, and destroy a civilization that was the birthplace of civilization. So, instead, I will focus on something that simply begs to be addressed: The Gay Old Party. All GOP criminals & Hypocritical Harriets, really hear this from a fag hag who cares: My GOP sisters... closets are soooo yesterday, and lovers' quarrels that end in sour- queen murder are just never pretty, okay? So, please girls, do yourself a big old favor, end the drama, and come OUT come OUT wherever you are and give up that secret membership to the Self Hating Blowjob Party. C'mon... I'm sure if you nervous nellies pray r-e-a-l-l-y, r-e-a-l-l-y hard for forgiveness, even this guy can forgive ya... and maybe... just maybe... Diaper David Vitter's Big Easy hooker can let you romp in her naughty lingerie closet for a bit. Girl, after she kicks out the skeletons and Depends, there should be plenty of room!
Posted by Tina ::
12:30 AM ::
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