Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year All!

Ring out the old of the dying year. Ring in prosperity, peace, and cheer.
While perusing for some lovely Victorian images for New Year's, I came across this 1863 poem by H. F. Chorley, which waxes upon the dying year, and all of the hope we place into the new year. I know I am certainly hoping and praying that 2007 is a better year than 2006. I guess I can't look at my 4 yr old kiddo and ever growing baby-belly and not have hope and prayers for our future. I have to try to keep hope alive that we can all make this a better and peaceful world because my kids are depending upon me to do so. Happy New Year all. And let's all make a big effort to take better care of each other in 2007... simply because it is THE right thing to do.
Posted by Tina :: 12:01 AM :: 14 Comments:

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