Saturday, December 30, 2006 Saddam Hussein hanged. Wonder if his good old buddy Rumsfeld shed a tear? ![]() Oh the hypocrisy! I simply don't even know where to start... but I'll take a stab at it. Friday's ghoulish "Saddam death watch" was almost comical if you happened to be watching the right channel. Sure, Saddam was a brutal dictator and all around asshat, but on Fox News, I swear I saw Hannity shudder in orgasmic joy while jawing like a moron that executing Saddam would be THE thing to turn the war around for the US (... delusional much??) and while it was refreshing to see Greta not covering yet another missing white girl, she did take a serious beating from one of Saddam's lawyers who aptly pointed out these inconvenient facts: Saddam was executed for killing 148 people who were involved in an assasination attempt against Saddam in Dujail (and by the way, many of the so-called Dujail victims were found to be very much alive, but what do ya expect in a kangaroo court?) and prosecutors had information about another 5,000 Kurds killed. But now that Saddam is dead (probably done with great haste so that it will never be revealed how complicit Prez's Reagan and especially Bush I were in helping Saddam kill 1000s of people, by the way) what kind of trial can really take place in regards to the Kurds? And our US invasion has cost the lives of 600,000+ people that otherwise would not have died in the incredibly short time span of nearly 4 yrs. Kinda makes Saddam's number of 300,000 killed over his entire reign pale in comparison, no? Hmm... this makes me ask: So when exactly will Bush's trial for crimes against humanity begin? And who benefits the most from Saddam's execution? Well, I'm not a betting woman, but if I were, I'd listen to a real Iraqi and bet my money on Iran. Iran stands to win BIG... and all of Iraq (except for the wingnut factions that love this carnage and civil war) stands to lose BIG. And we Americans get to live with the knowledge that we not only paid for the destruction of Iraq and the lives of the Iraqi people, but that our own soldiers lost their lives and limbs to crown the Iranian mullahs the new leaders of Iraq. Congratulations BushCo! And you were able to execute Saddam, too? Bravo! You killed a guy who had absolutely nothing to do w/ Sept 11th & was Rummy's best buddy during the Ray-Gun & Bush yrs... soooo, uh... when do get around to finding and bringing to justice Osama and/or the REAL folks who attacked us on 9/11? Oops... there I go again w/those inconvenient facts. But if you were to ask BushCo Homeland Security twit Frances Townsend, she'd vomit out this inexplicable spew: "Capturing bin Laden is a success that just hasn't happened yet." Yeah. You read that right... sigh... ![]() Merry Christmas all! ![]() These are BabyGirl's holiday pictures for 2006. This will be the last year she gets to fly solo during the picture taking process.... but isn't she a winter cutie? Given that the next few days will be a blur of activity, I wanted to wish everyone a safe and Merry Christmas. Let's hope that we all can get a few of our wishes granted during this holiday season. I am personally hoping and praying for peace, good health and happiness for all. Whether you be Christian or not, may we all be blessed with the peaceful and giving Spirit of Christmas, may we somehow find peaceful solutions to the world's issues, and let's try to do a better job of taking care of each other in 2007. Merry Christmas all! ![]() While Iraq's kids die and cry.... this is what my happy kiddo gets to enjoy: Trying to feel the baby kick in Mommy's belly ![]() Considering what is going on in Iraq (Bush is playing the blame game for his personal clusterfuck and the bloodletting continues for our troops and the Iraqis), I feel almost guilty posting this happy belly shot of BabyGirl trying to feel her sibling kick Mommy's ever increasing belly. The Religious Fright wants to freak out and call Mary Cheney's pregnancy "unconscionable" and think nothing of attacking her fetus, yet not a single peep is heard outta their modern day Pharisee mouths when it comes to this unspeakable and abhorrent war. Now THAT is truly unconscionable. While the children of the Bush Crime family enjoy all that their daddy's blood money can buy, the children of fallen US troops bury their parents, and Iraq's kids die and cry incessantly, and my very safe and happy go lucky kiddo gets to happily await Santa's grand entrance in a few weeks and the arrival of her little sister or brother in the spring. Well... truth be told, the past week has been no walk in the park for BabyGirl: She ran an extremely high temp of almost 104 degrees for 6 days straight before breaking out in a terrible rash all over her body, only to find out that it was just a virus (Roseola) and merely par for the course of normal childhood viruses... but you get my drift. Yucky virus and scary-ass high temperatures aside, all is well in the Fuzzy and Blue household, and yet I have to wonder how many Iraqis despise me and mine b/c of what our criminals in the White House have done. I hate what is done in our names by our govt w/ our hard earned tax dollars... by folks who actually dare to call themselves Christians... and not a single bit of it goes towards making the world a better place. I can't look at my innocent kiddo and wonder what Iraqi mom cries to herself to sleep every night b/c her child lies cold and dead in the ground or what Iraqi mom touches her pregnant belly and fears that her unborn child will be killed shortly after birth or will be born w/ horrific birthdefects from DU exposure. I know this all a little heavy hearted, but spending so much time resting per doctor's orders will make one become very reflective of what exactly is truly important in this world. Now... onto lighter things: Hubby and I have to work on convincing BabyGirl that the fetal kicks are not magically generated in Mommy's hands and that she really will be able to feel the kicks if she puts her hands on my actual belly. And oh yeah, this might make you shake your head: While the obviously obscurant GOP skates by without so much as a slap on the wrist for their part in the blatant Foley coverup, yet ANOTHER evangelical pastor just came slithering out from behind his gay- hatin self loathing rock and finally admitted his closet door is open. ![]() |