Monday, June 26, 2006 RepPeteKing(R-NY): NYTs is treasonous The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep Peter King (R-NY), urged the Bush admin on Sunday to seek criminal charges against The New York Times for reporting on a secret financial-monitoring program used to trace terrorists: "I am asking the Att Gen to begin an investigation and prosecution of The NYTs -the reporters, the editors and the publisher. We're at war, and for the Times to release info about secret operations and methods is treasonous." Oh yes, there is that magic Neo-Con word: Treasonous. King also said the paper is "pompous, arrogant, and more concerned about a left-wing elitist agenda than it is about the security of the American people." Funny, but the EXACT same thing could be said of the Repukes and their beloved empty-headed Emperor Bush. Let's examine Bush's MANY pompous, arrogant, and more concerned about a Rightwing corporatist, racist, religious, and pro- wealthy agenda than he is about the security of the Amer people actions, shall we?: 1) Has absolutely not secured America's borders & ports, and instead has made them more porous. 2) Engages in 750+ signing statements so he can selectively ignore and cherry pick which parts of the law he chooses to. 3) Trumped up "evidence" to launch a FIRST EVER pre-emptive war-- a war which has left our military and our economy decimated. 4) Violates every tenet of the separation of church of state, and since our Founding Fathers were Deists NOT Christians, don't even try that spew of "we're a Christian nation". 5) Violates internatl laws and treaties to torture and detain. 6) Acts like he is a King by treating Congress as an unwanted step-child-- and willingly violates the respect and equal powers that are given to all the branches of govt, NOT just the Executive Branch. 7) Is purposefully bankrupting our nation's economic future with out of control spending. 8) Is putting our natl security at risk by making America drown in debt to Communist China. 9) Violates every American citizen's Constitutionally guaranteed right of the 4th Amendment in regard to illegally warantlessly spying on us. 10) Quietly enters the US into a trade agreement (with no consent from we the people or our elected officials) w/ Mexico's Vincente Fox and Canada's then PM Paul Martin that will erase our sovereignty, further decimate our economy, and form a N American union that mimics the EU. So, Pete King, who is the REAL treasonous enemy of our natl security? ![]() |