Monday, June 05, 2006 Found:Answer to Tax Money = Blood Money via AMERICA: From Freedom to Fascism ? So, you'll recall that I have thrown down the gauntlet on this war. I am beyond sick with grief that my tax money is paying for the killing and maiming of our troops, and the Iraqi people, especially unarmed women and children. And what do I happen upon in my search to refuse to toss my share into the bottomless BushCo blood money pit? THIS, fresh from the Cannes Film Festival: Aaron Russo's AMERICA: From Freedom to Fascism. The film is an expose of the IRS, the Federal Reserve, and proves conclusively there is no law requiring an American citizen to pay a direct unapportioned Tax on their labor. Check out Aaron's site, and let's spread the word about this film. One thing is for sure, when it comes to people's wallets: If they discover that they've been getting taken for a ride, suddenly they personally care. The film is scheduled to be released nationwide July 28th. From what I gather at his site, Aaron is having problems getting this film widely distributed. Remember all the grief Michael Moore got before Fahrenheit 9/11 was released? (and apparantly still gets, which is 100% bogus if ya read this.) Well, we all need to spread the word about this film b/c here is some of what it exposes: 1) The operation of a secretive power elite, most visibly represented by the Council on Foreign Relations, which seeks political and financial control of the world. 2) The use of perpetual war to generate public debt, and constrict individual liberties. 3) The relationship between the banking cartel and corporatist trade pacts like NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA - and how illegal immigration is being used to advance the consolidation of the Western Hemisphere into a European Union-style mega-state, which means the loss of our national identity, our prosperity, and eventually our liberty. 4) The emergence of digital microchip technology portending the use of implantable IDs. Check out the trailers at Aaron's site... and spread the word: I think this film has the potential to piss people off, or at least get them to ask some serious questions. ![]() |