Monday, June 05, 2006 Bush, what about interracial marriages? So, Bush is pushing his old stand-by issue that gets the freaks to come crawling out of the woodwork (or out of that veeeery DEEP, DEEP closet, as the case may be): Gay marriage to the rescue!. Funny isn't it that Bush said this: "A Marriage Protection Amendment is necessary because democracy, not activist judges should decide the future of marriage in America," since some of those "dangerous activist judges" made it possible for your bros Neil and Jeb to marry their wives? B/c ya see, 40 yrs ago, it was illegal in FL for Jeb to marry his wife Columba, and illegal in TX for Neil to marry his current wife Maria (it also would have been illegal for Neil to bang those Asian hookers, but I digress). But thanks to some "radical judges" and a little case called Loving v Virginia of 1967, the Supm Crt declared VA's anti-miscegenation statute (the Racial Integrity Act of 1924) unconstitutional, thereby ending all race-based legal restriction on marriage in the US... which allowed your bros to marry their non-white wives. Why doesn't somebody ask the Prez what he thinks about Loving vs VA? And... hmm, I have to wonder if Bush will tell these Jews that they cannot marry same-sex partners since Reform Judaism endorsed same-sex Civil Unions in 1993, and endorsed gay marriage since 1997? I'd love to see somebody shove this question at Joe Lieberman. His Jewish-Bush lovin head would explode as our nation gets even more divided by these bullshit wedge issues. ![]() |