Friday, June 02, 2006

Ohio: We all know it was stolen... just say it

I live in OH, which is called a bellwether state. I also live in a county that is regarded as THE quintessential bellwether county. The conventional wisdom is this: As my county goes, so goes OH. And as OH goes, so goes the presidency. OH has successfully picked the winning presidential candidate in every election but 2 since 1900. (Harry Truman and JFK won even though they failed to carry the state.) George Bush beat Al Gore by less than 2% points in OH in 2000, the same margin recorded among my county's voters that yr. But remember, the 2000 election didn't hinge on Oh: It hinged on FL, and who could beat his bro Jeb and Butterfly- queen Katherine Harris? Well, guess what? My county went for Kerry in 2004 by nearly 4500 votes. Oddly, OH somehow "went for" Bush. I knew it beyond a shadow of a doubt that Kerry actually won OH... and now someone as credible as Robert Kennedy Jr comes forward and says it, too: Why was the 2004 Election stolen? I'm not a lawyer like RFK Jr, but here's a hint: 1) Noe, and the corrupt wingnut/ current OH Sec of State/ gubernatorial candidate Blackwell, 2) Gov Taft the convicted criminal, 3) Coingate's dirty money trail, and 4) Diebold's CEO: "Delivering OH to Bush."
Posted by Tina :: 12:51 AM :: 2 Comments:

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