Monday, August 15, 2005 Camp Casey: Shots Fired & Bush's Life Goes On Shots were fired Sunday morning near Camp Casey by a pissed off neighbor, but no one was hurt. Cindy's post about Sunday's events (including the fired shots) are summed up in 1 word: Hope. But she is incredibly (and rightly) offended by this: "Bush took a 2 hr bike ride and when he got back, he was asked how he could go for a 2 hr bike ride when he doesn't have time to meet with me, and Bush said: 'It's also important for me to go on w/my life.' I wish I could EVER be able to get on with my life. Getting on w/my life means a life without my dear, sweet boy. Getting on with my life means learning to live w/ a pain that is so intense that sometimes I feel like throwing up, or screaming until I pass out from sorrow." Do ya think Georgie is boning up on his biking so he can take his training wheels off & learn how to pop a wheelie since according to the WaPo, Lance Armstrong will be joining him in Crawford next week for a ride around the Bush Estate? Lance claims he is not a War Fan, but what a giant tool he is for planning to gallivant w/the Evil Architect of this war. Lance could redeem himself a wee bit if he visited Cindy while there, but it would be heavenly if Cheryl Crow would bash Bush in the head w/her guitar. Feel free to download this & make them into anything you want to show support for Cindy. ![]() |