Thursday, June 30, 2005 Blair is Bush's Bitch: 9/11 Changed Everything Tony Blair dismisses the Downing St Memo and truly proves that he is Bush's bitch-monkey: "The most important thing we can do in Iraq is concentrate on the fact ... that what is happening there is a monumental battle that affects our own security. The world for both of us changed after Sept. 11. What happened for me after 9/11 is that the balance of risk changed. I took the view that if these people ever got hold of nuclear, chemical or biological capability, they would probably use it. What people forget about that memo is that that (it) occurred 9 months before the conflict. ... So whatever issues there were, we resolved them ultimately by saying we have got to give it one last chance to work peacefully." Yeah, Tony, that's really is the point. The UN was then strongarmed and lied to by the US and the UK in order to justify the illegal invasion of a sovereign nation. So his big attempt at discrediting the Memos is to say that b/c the UK & US did exactly what the Memos suggest they considered doing (drumming up the WMD threat in order to make the war more politically palatable since Bush had already said he was determined to overthrow Saddam, no matter what) SOMEHOW the Memos distort the facts. Does that make any sense at all? Well, Howard Dean tries to make sense of their lies on Hardball. ![]() The House on agreed to a $3,100 pay raise for Congress next year to $165,200 after defeating an effort to roll it back. The vote came as the House debated a spending bill containing a provision to guarantee a 3.1% pay increase for federal civilian workers. In a 263-152 vote, the House blocked a bid by Rep Jim Matheson (D-UT) to force an up or down vote on the pay raise. Instead, lawmakers will automatically receive the raise officially as a cost of living adjustment (COLA) as provided for in a 1989 law that barred them from pocketing big speaking fees in exchange for an annual COLA. Matheson said: "Now is not the time for members of Congress to be voting themselves a pay raise. We need to be willing to make sacrifices." Yeah, do ya think? ![]() I didn't know that being a Dem or a liberal disqualified someone from being able to purchase and own something, unless of course you live in America. Some GOP lawmakers don't think George Soros should be permitted to purchase a Major League Baseball team because he's too liberal, and favors the decriminalization of marijuana, and clean needle programs, as a way to combat drug use. Hmm, let's examine this: W owned the Rangers, and he was a coke user, drunken driver, raging alcoholic, complete business failure (every single business he owned/ managed was driven into the ground), and Bush's MLB deals made himself at least $15 million off of the taxpayers' backs. And what about Marge Schott, the now deceased owner of the Cincinnati Reds who praised Hitler was a huge Nazi memorabilia collector, referred to Dave Parker as her “million dollar n**ger”, and refused to pay her staff and players competitive salaries, causing staff and ball players to leave the Reds? Tom Davis (R-VA) is trying to steer the sale of the Nationals and says Soros is just not the kind of person "we need or want in the nation's capital." Oh yeah- Soros, the billion-dollar philanthropist and Nobel Prize nominee- is not the kind of person we want owning a team. Hmm, didn't Bush say that all Americans should go out and purchase big ticket items to stimulate our post 9/11 economy? Well, maybe Soros is just a patriotic guy trying to do his part w/ a $400 million purchase ya A-hole. ![]() Sniff... sniff... Harris says she feels stabbed in the back by the WH as they encouraged other GOPers to enter the FL Senate race for 2006: "It's unimaginable that the White House folks and the Nat'l Repub Senatorial Committee would be so disloyal to Katherine Harris, especially after all she has done for the Bush family and the Republican Party," a FL political operative who supports Harris said. "It's unconscionable and a stab in the back." Well Kathy, that's what happens when you lie down w/dogs... you get fleas. ![]() Taking the Fight to Karl Rove from US Soldiers This site just so rocks... and these service members are PISSED OFF. I would pay good money to see Rove get his toady ass kicked by a hard-core vet anyday. Check out what lib soldier Leonard Clark predicted Bush would say in his speech ("We're Gonna Win this Thing"). Clark must be psychic. ![]() This story, from BBC News, is un-F-ing-believable. The UN says it has learned of serious allegations that the US is secretly detaining terrorism suspects on US military ships. The UN said for over a year there had been no response to its requests to carry out checks into allegations of human rights abuse, but that the UN would begin an inquiry into alleged abuses with or w/out US co-operation. I pray that this is not going on. ![]() As the numbers of US war injured in Iraq & Afghanistan soared, the Bush administration admitted to lawmakers it had underestimated funds to cover health care costs for veterans and Congress would have to plug a $2.6 billion hole! How? Where is the money going to come from? How many veterans have they underestimated to provide coverage for? Well, the Veterans Administration assumed it would have to take care of 23,553 patients who are veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but that number has now been revised upward to 103,000! If I paid my bills and planned my budget the way this administration pays their bills and plans the budget, my hubby, baby & I would be on the streets- homeless & begging. But I guess homeless and begging may be what these GOP gouged war vets will have to face soon. Funny, Bush neglected to mention any of this during his speech when he told us to "support the troops". ![]() Canada's House of Commons passed landmark legislation Tuesday to legalize gay marriage, granting same-sex couples legal rights equal to those in traditional unions between a man and a woman. Prime Minister Paul Martin said: "We are a nation of minorities. And in a nation of minorities, it is important that you don't cherry-pick rights." A Hope College professor and psychologist David Myers said research has shown strong marriages -heterosexual and homosexual- benefit society. Myers says: "Marriage contributes to flourishing lives ... and, therefore, we do need to work at it." My sentiments exactly... if any 2 consenting adults are in love and committed to each other and want to make their committment official, then I say "mazoltov" to a marriage. I love being married, I love being a wife- so who am I to deny that happiness to other people simply they are gay? ![]() This op/ed by Michael Ignatieff "Who are Americans to Think that Freedom is Theirs to Spread?" is great to read against the backdrop of the Bush speech. Realistically, we as a nation have to ask ourselves "who are we to shove democracy down other people's throats?" Let's face it... a gift stops being being a gift when it turns into an obligation, and you cannot force someone to accept a gift-- especially an unwanted and obligatory gift. But when- if ever- will Bush, the Neo-Cons, and the Red Staters realize this? ![]() These are worthwhile to check out: 1.) Gen Wes Clark on Fox News. 2.) Sen John Kerry on Larry King (hosted by Bob Costas). 3.) Fox News tries to "spin" the fake applause into something great for Bush... dear God, REALITY, ever heard of it? ![]() This speech (courtesy of The Witlist) is the speech that Bush should have given... at least it would have been honest. Please check out this AOL News poll and speech coverage. The poll numbers are astounding, to say the least, and can't make Bush & Co none too happy. Probably about as happy as those soldiers at the speech who were "told" to clap for the prez... and check out the speech by the numbers (how many times he said mission, freedom, WMDs). ![]() John Kerry: Things Bush Needs to Say Tonight This op/ed by Kerry is fabulous, succinct, and dead-on correct. Unfortunately, I don't expect Bush to say anything more than "It's hard work", "Liberals hate America"& "All is well in Iraq" during his speech tonight. Bush needs to address the massive recruitment shortfalls and the new Pentagon database that holds info on 30 million 16-25 yr olds. No draft? - then why the nat'l database? ![]() This story from The Monterey Herald just pisses me off beyond belief... WTF? Gee, Pope JP II was anti-war, too... did the CA Nat'l Guard keep a close watch on him, too? Citizens are not terrorists, and the mothers of the war dead ought to be treated with a bit more respect than this. I wonder how long before they'll start locking us up as "enemy combatants"? Wake up America and get your goosestepping boots ready b/c the fascism is in full force. ![]() Please check out Leonard Clark's Blog. He is a proud liberal soldier stationed in Iraq. Please listen to his voicemail message to his blog's administrator- Kevin, about how Sen Hagel (R) and Kennedy (D) are completely right about the US losing in Iraq and how this war is a quagmire. Also listen to his voicemail to Kevin about Karl Rove's remarks about liberals being soft on terrorism and how he (Leonard) is worried that he may be arrested for exercising his right to speak freely. God bless you & keep you safe Leonard-- and thank you so much for having the courage to tell us the truth when our own govt refuses to. ![]() I really wanted to call this post: "2 Jews and an Austrian", but thought that people may mistakenly think that I am anti-Semitic. Anyhoo... the story is this: Norman Finkelstein (who is Jewish) has written a book that Alan Dershowitz (Jew also), the prominent Harvard law professor, does not want published-- so, Dershowitz wrote a letter to Gov Arnold asking the Gov to stop the University of CA Press from publishing Finkelstein's book. Dershowitz's problem w/Finkelstein's book called "Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History"? Finkelstein (who is the son of 2 Holocaust survivors) is not a Zionist. Beyond Chutzpah makes his anti-Zionist stance clear, and this pisses off Dershowitz, who in 2003 wrote the pro-Zionist book "The Case for Israel". Ya have to read the article to see just how far Dershowitz is willing to go to stop Finkelstein's publisher, but when will this religious extremism/ Manifest Destiny crap stop? Are there no moderates left in this world? ![]() From Scotsman Online: Blair is preparing to rush 1000s more Brit troops to Afghanistan in a bid to stop the country sliding towards civil war, amid warnings the coalition faces a "complete strategic failure" in the effort to rebuild the nation. The grim prognosis was voiced by Afghanistan's defense minister, who warned that al-Qaeda was regrouping and planned to bring Iraq-style bloodshed to the country. Despite this warning that the security situation in Afghanistan was deteriorating, the US has now launched a determined action to ensure that Iraq is Britain's primary military focus... so, in other words: Bush doesn't give a damn about Afghanistan-- the nation that we know had ties to al-Qaeda, 9/11 and had the Taliban running the entire country-- but instead Bush wants all the focus on Iraq-- the nation that had no ties to al-Qaeda, 9/11, or WMDs. Do our actions in Iraq make ANY SENSE AT ALL to any of you? ![]() Mary Carey in World Net Daily: She made no secret of wanting to have sex with Karl Rove, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Pat Buchanan and Alan Colmes – in addition to at least 1 player from every team in the NBA. But she asked blogger John Aravosis to hold back reporting her feelings about the Bush twins until after she cleared out of town. "Oh my God, his daughters!" she said. "I'd love to party with his daughters. I'd love to meet them. I totally want to have sex with them. You can write it the day after I leave here." Personally... I totally want to see the twins in full combat gear in the middle of Baghdad... but that's just me. Please check out Stephen Colbert's (of The Daily Show) interview w/Mary Carey and her boss Mark Kulkis (click on "Popping a Big Tent"). I am perfectly fine w/porn- as long it involves consenting adults- but Mary is just stupid, gross, and ill- mannered. Watch her lift up her butt and rip a giant fart for Colbert (I swear- I would not make that up). Let the GOP have these 2 sloppy pigs. When the Talibornagains start cracking down on who in America can own and view porn, we'll see who supports the GOP then. ![]() Iraq on the brink of a civil war? Oh noooo... just ask Bush & Cheney... everything is coming up roses. Unless of course you have to explain why Rumsfeld says we will have to stay in Iraq for perhaps 12 yrs, why we are expanding the prisons in Iraq, why we are involved in talks w/insurgents, and why the bodies of Sunnis are turning up handcuffed, blindfolded, beaten, electrocuted and executed after being taken away by people dressed as Iraqi police officers. ![]() US Gen: Secret Air War Against Iraq in 2002 From The Sunday Times UK: The US general who commanded allied air forces during the Iraq war appears to have admitted in a briefing to US and Brit officers that coalition aircraft waged a secret air war against Iraq from the middle of 2002, nine months before the invasion began. The 9 months of allied raids “laid the foundations” for the allied victory by ensuring that allied forces did not have to start the war with a protracted bombardment of Iraqi positions. But if those raids exceeded the need to maintain security in the no-fly zones of southern and northern Iraq, then Bush & Blair acted illegally. Also from The Sunday Times is a look at the UK's own Deep Throat- reporter Michael Smith- who has been the man all leaks have been given to. ![]() This letter (penned by Kerry & signed by Senators Johnson, Corzine, Reed, Lautenberg, Boxer, Kennedy, Harkin, Bingaman, and Durbin), presses for answers on the Downing Street Memo and other Downing documents from the Senate Intelligence Committee. Great quote: "We voted to give the president the authority to go to war. For the sake of our democracy and our future national security, the public must know whether such warnings were driven by facts and responsible intelligence, or by political calculation." ![]() From the Delaware Online and The Fort Wayne Sentinel News comes 2 great op/eds that nail it precisely: As Americans question all of the reasons that we went to war, our support for this war sinks lower and lower. 1) You either want to know if we have all been lied to or you don't. 2) You also either want to know why this WH simply shrugs off all evidence and inquiries into these war motives or you don't. You have to ask why is Congressman Conyers' consistent "peace not war" stance blown off by the White House as "proof" that Conyers' evidence should be ignored? (WH: Conyers is just a peace-nic, so his inquiry into our war motives should be dismissed). Since when has consistency been a BAD thing to this WH? They can't shove it down our throats enough just how damn "consistent & resolute" Bush is... so why is Conyers' consistent peace stance a bad thing? Frankly, the only thing Bush has ever been, IMHO, is a consistent liar and resolutely dedicated to evil. ![]() Near my home in Ohio, a short drive will land you smack dab in Amish Country. It appears that an insular genetic pool like the Amish has geneticists enthralled. Studies are being conducted by geneticists to examine how 200 yrs of inbreeding has effected the Amish and their children, which frequently suffer from genetic abnormalities. 200 yrs of inbreeding?... hmm, maybe that explains the overwhelming Amish support of Bush & his policies, and why they actually believed Bush's crap when he told them: "God speaks through me." ![]() Tsunami Aid Went to the Richest of the Victims This news just sickens me- yet- I am not shocked anymore by the depraved indifference of greedy people. ![]() While I do believe it is best that our female soldiers should "handle" as much of the interactions as possible between a US soldier and Iraqi females, the lack of an actual "frontline of combat" happens when you are part of an occupying force that is engaged in guerilla warfare. Therefore, US females soldiers stand a very high chance of being killed or wounded. America is not happy about burying our sons, nephews, husbands, brothers, and fathers... how happy will America be to bury our daughters, nieces, wives, sisters, and mothers? Probably about as happy as Krugman is when discussing "Our War President". ![]() Iran's Hardliner Prez is What Bush Wants Allow me to explain: The BBC (and others) are reporting that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the hard-line mayor of Teheran, has won election as Iran's next president, and that hardliners will now control the presidency and parliament- giving free reign for theocracy. This is exactly what Bush wants. Why? B/c then he can drive us over the cliff into war w/Iran by claiming that it is being run by "crazy Islamic fundamentalists" who stole the election... err... hey, wait a minute... a religious freak, a stolen election, complete control of the entire govt, and a fundamentalist theocracy?... are Bush and Ahmadinejad long lost twins? I bet the liberal Iranians are sobbing their eyes out, too... just like we all did on Nov 3rd. ![]() Karl Rove, you self bloated, GOP fat and pathetic toad-- why do you spew lies such as this: Republicans are the ones who prepare and take care of our nat'l security and our troops? REALLY? Please explain why the GOP has REPEATEDLY shot down almost every single Dem proposal to increase money to the VA and for troops currently in Iraq or returning? And- Rove you asshat- what will happen to all the veterans who desperately need the help of the VA for their health care needs? Will they just be told "Too bad... sorry for your luck" b/c at least $1 BILLION is missing from the funds of the Veterans Affairs? Yep... I'm sure that they will be given the shaft... again. ![]() Please watch this short clip, courtesy of Dem Bloggers. "Hot Tub Tom" sounds & looks like he fell into some bathtub gin. Jeeze, w/ a red flushed face like that you'd think he was having a menopausal hot flash, and w/slurring like that you'd think he had suffered a stroke... lay off the booze Tom... it may make your lie-filled spew sessions a wee bit smoother. ![]() ![]() Photo courtesy of ![]() Speaking in a Manhattan ballroom just a few miles north of ground zero, Karl Rove said that the Democratic party did not understand the consequences of the Sept. 11 attacks. "Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers," Rove said. "Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war."... prepared for war? Excuse me? What preparations were made to attack a nation and leader that had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do w/ Sept 11th? What preparations were made when you sent our soldiers to war w/inadequate supplies, body & vehicle armor? What preparations were made to "plan" any farther than just INVADE and GO WILD? Dealing w/the insurgency once we become an occupying force? ZERO preparations. Exit plan? ZERO preparations. Paying for this war while handing out wealthy tax cuts like it were Christmas morning? Zero preparations. Saying "Fuck you Rove... only I wouldn't EVEN if you borrowed a dick." ?-- priceless. ![]() Bush's ratings are sinking faster than a luxury liner hitting an iceberg, so let just start a campaign that only spineless wimps would use: The GOP controls EVERYTHING, but let's blame the GOP failures on the minority Dems. While the Downing St Memos chip away at Bush's war motives & show this administration as the power hungry fascists they truly are, we have 1.) Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) saying that "Dems... are conducting guerrilla warfare on US troops". 2.) Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-OH) says that "Dems... want prison-camp detainees to be given pillow-top mattresses or lean-cut filet mignon." 3.) Scott McClellan defending Rove's idiocy & accused Dems of engaging in partisan attacks. 4.) WH Chief of Staff Andy Card says a lot of people agree with Karl Rove. 5.) Repub Party Chrman Ken Mehlman said "There was no need to apologize because what Karl Rove said is true." F-ing crybabies and complete failures- despite the fact that they control EVERYTHING- but they have succeeded in having The. Worst. President. Ever. ![]() 1.) Watch John Kerry rip Rove a new ass on the floor of the Senate for whoring out the tragedy of 9/11. 2.) Here is the response of the Families of Sept 11th to Rove's idiocy. 3.) Dem Leader Harry Reid rips Rove for whoring out the tragedy of 9/11. 4.) 9/11 Widow Kristen Breitweiser righteously bitchslaps Rove. 5.) Hillary bitchslaps Rumsfeld over Rove's idiot statements. 6.) Sen Kennedy rips into Rumsfeld & Kennedy says "Isn't it time that you resigned?" Dear Lord... I so love it when Dems grow a set of brass ones and bare their claws... and frankly, I'm tired of always being an ass-kicker for the Party-- jeeze-- I'm only a 1 woman show. ![]() OH Pastor Rod Parsley in World Net Daily: "I told an audience of 1,000 pastors we hosted recently that I'm not a Republican or a Democrat – I'm a Christ-ocrat," and says he believes that "Islam is a false religion" and that he believes America was founded to see Islam destroyed... well Rev, we are certainly doing 1 helluva bang-up job destroying at least ONE Muslim nation and culture... ![]() OMG... I know we all heard about Bush claiming he listens to God's orders, but to actually see this sacrilegious freak's quote is too much. Israeli Haaretz News: Bush said: "God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them." ![]() In honor of my lifelong best friend & tireless Kerry campaign buddy Alyssa-- who proudly wore a NOFX T-shirt w/this logo on it... please watch Punk Voter. ![]() ![]() The US Flag Code states: The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature. Hmm... whose signature is that on that big ol' flag? Oh yeah... George W. Bush defaced that flag by writing on it- but that's OK b/c he's above all laws. ![]() Now don't get me wrong, I have no desire to burn a flag, but wouldn't it be nice to know that if I ever did get that hankering to burn one, I could, and would avoid prosecution? Flag burning is the new GOP wedge issue for the 06 election. The GOP sickeningly dug up the World Trade Center dead by saying that those who died there wouldn't want the flag to be burnt (I personally would think they would want Osama captured, but I digress). Very simply: This is a partial repeal of the 1st amendment right to Freedom of Speech as afforded to us by the Constitution. Keep in mind that this is coming from the same people who claim that we should not be able to limit the amount of money that corporations give to political campaigns because that would be an infringement of the very same right. In the US Code regulating the Flag of our country, it says that the only way to retire a flag is to respectfully burn it (it also says that the flag should never be used for advertising, as a hankerchief, cushion, or paper plates/napkins) Note to self: Ditch the Fourth of July themed napkins and paper plates for the BBQ. So, how does the GOP propose we police that? Pay for Flag Police? So, we now have a distinction between burning a flag as a means of retiring it from service under the regulation of federal law and burning a flag as a means of making an ideological statement. They now are going to READ our minds on our motives, eh? Aaahhh, yes, the THOUGHT Police will make that distinction in our new fascism when it comes to Freedom of Speech. ![]() From Common Cause: Last week, House appropriators cut $100 million from next year's budget for public broadcasting. House members also voted to cut all federal funds to public broadcasting by 2008. As the Washington Post noted, the cuts were a "malicious wounding, if not outright attempted murder, of public broadcasting in America." Today, the House will vote on its final budget proposal for public broadcasting. Please flood our elected officials w/emails and calls so we can save Big Bird. If PBS funding is hacked, rural and poor kids who cannot afford cable will be hardest hit. Find your elected officials here and please contact them. ![]() This Salt Lake Tribune story pisses me off beyond belief. Maybe someone should put lil pix of dead soldiers killed in Iraq on a missing white girl's photo... people might then pay attention. ![]() Can anyone say the tides are turning? Stars & Stripes: Members of Military Families Speak Out, whose members are relatives of troops killed in Iraq, said Congress must investigate whether the president lied to the country to justify military action, given that the Downing St Memo indicates that Bush "fixed" the intelligence to justify the war. The group, which has frequently criticized the administration, met with congressmen and left flyers petitioning for a full investigation at the offices of Republican House leaders. “I envy the parents who support this war, because if I did I’d sleep better,” said Dianne Davis Santorello, a PA resident whose son was killed in August 2004. “But I don’t sleep well. My son died for a lie.” And since we're on the subject, here is another petition to sign for an investigation into DSM. This one, courtesy of Democracy for America. Please sign it. ![]() What's interesting about this latest leak is that it was picked up by an American reporter, rather than the London Times & it says that the Brit govt, in sharp disagreement with the US' s ultimate position, believed that post-invasion Iraq should be run by a Sunni-led govt and not one controlled by the majority Shias. ![]() ![]() If you are a Republican, and you love Bush & you love this war, get off your yellow-scaredy cat ass and stop the pro-war ranting and enlist in the armed forces! This war isn't going to fight itself, ya know. ![]() Jesus' General, of Patriot Boy Blog, has started Operation Yellow Elephant to encourage College Republicans to drop their studies, give up their plans for the future, and enlist in the US Armed Forces to help fight the war they support so strongly. After all, the Army missed its recruiting goals again last month, and the Iraq war isn't going to fight itself. People are even trying to take out a full page Operation Yellow Elephant ad at the College Republican Nat'l Committe which is meeting July 6-10 in Las Vegas. Here are some more great action ideas... puurrrfect. Operation Yellow Elephant is especially perfect timing since McClellan just pissed his pants when a reporter had the brass balls to ask if any member of the Bush clan were currently serving in the military! ![]() Bush said he will visit Vietnam in 2006 when it hosts the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum's annual summit. Gee... this will be the FIRST time Bush ever set foot in Vietnam. Perhaps he can ask John Kerry what he should pack. ![]() President Bush defended the war in Iraq, telling Americans the US was forced into war because of the September 11 terror strikes: "We went to war because we were attacked…" Bush said Saturday (June 18/05) in his weekly radio address. Can you F-ing believe that?? I'M SERIOUS. Can you believe that?... me... banging head on keyboard... OMG... WTF? ![]() Ohio Gov Bob Taft has hired one of the top criminal defense attorneys in the state after admitting that he failed to report numerous golf outings on the annual financial disclosure statements that elected officials are required to file with the state's Ethics Commission. It may be an incredible coincidence that this is happening now and that it doesn't have anything to do with Tom Noe, the Coingate scandal & the federal investigation into illegal campaign contributions . . . but take one look down the Toledo Blade home page and you tell me if Taft isn't shitting kittens when he sees how deep these scandals run & how closely he is tied to ALL of them. Looks like it will be 1 helluva hot summer in OH. ![]() From Durbin's Website: "I sincerely regret if what I said causes anybody to misunderstand my true feelings. I'm sorry if anything that I said caused any offense or pain to those who have such bitter memories of the Holocaust, the greatest moral tragedy of our time. Nothing, nothing should ever be said to demean or diminish that moral tragedy. I'm also sorry if anything I said in any way cast a negative light on our fine men and women in the military. They are the best. I never, ever intended any disrespect for them. Abraham Lincoln said, ‘If the end brings me out right, what is said against me won't amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, 10,000 angels swearing I was right wouldn't make any difference." I'm pissed that Durbin felt that he HAD TO apologize. He apologized for telling the TRUTH. The Star Tribune backs this up by saying this: By caving in, Durbin did just what the orchestrated right-wing smear effort required to succeed: It made him the story rather than focusing further attention on the outrageous violations of international law and human rights being perpetrated in Guantanamo and elsewhere in the name of the American people. Again, the GOP ducks the truth. ![]() From AP: At the request of one of Tom DeLay's assistants, Jack Abramoff was told to re-direct the checks from the Coushatta Indian tribe b/c of concerns that donations from tribal casinos would appear on the rolls of DeLay's conservative political groups. The tribe was told to cancel its checks to the DeLay groups in 2001 & 02 and route the money to more obscure groups that helped Republicans on Medicare prescription drug legislation and Christian voter outreach. DeLay's Texans for a Republican Majority and Americans for a Republican Majority never reported receiving any checks from the LA tribe to federal or state regulators, their reports show. The donations, however, are recorded in memos and ledgers kept by the tribe. So, a DeLay PAC group received undisclosed donations? DeLay is involved in YET ANOTHER shady and illegal activity?- heavens no! Well, the Wash Post has the real scoop on campaign finance: The number of registered lobbyists in DC has more than doubled since 2000 to reach nearly 35,000. The cause: GOP control of WH & Congress. ![]() Mandatory Mental Health Screens for Our Kids From Online Journal: Taxpayers better get out their checkbooks because school taxes are about to go up as the lawsuits against school boards start mounting over the TeenScreen depression survey being administered to children in the public schools. The scheme was concocted by the pharmaceutical industry and pushed forward by the Bush administration to screen the entire nation's public school population for mental illness and treat them with controversial anti-depression drugs. The connection between the pharmaceutical industry and Bush & the GOP runs DEEP (Bill Frist in 2002 tried to get drug company Eli Lilly legislative protection from all law suits). Think I made this stuff up? Have ya ever heard of the New Freedom Initiative? If not, you had better acquaint yourself w/it: It is a proposal to screen every American, including you, for mental illness. This screening is not elective, and it circumvents the long-cherished notion of parental consent before a medical or psychological test can be carried out on school children. EVERY parent in America needs to know this, and as for me and my baby girl... let one of those fuckers lay a hand on her mind or body. If they want to use religion to back up every immoral position they take, I can throw it right back at them and say that psychiatry is against our religion and that we will pray for her mental health, thank you very fucking much. What can they do then? Claim that I cannot practice my religion that they use like a crutch and wheelchair on every single issue when it suits them? ![]() It appears as if the latest block on Bolton makes Bush look even weaker than those poll numbers indicate. Whatever will Bush do? Finally cough up the documents the Dems have asked for or keep being the real obstructionist he falsely claims the Dems are? ![]() In a letter sent to US Senators on June 18, 05, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich called on the Senate to censure Sen Richard Durbin for his speech where he said that abuses at the hands of Americans against detainees was Nazi-like. Shut the fuck up Newt. What would you censure Durbin for... telling the truth? Don't you have better things to do like cheating on yet another one of your 5 wives or leaving another one to die from cancer in a hospital bed or have some gay bashing to do against your own lesbian sister, ya self righteous pustule of pompousness. And watch Hannity try to turn Gen Wes Clark (Fox News latest military commentator) into Hannity personal Right Wing bitch... but Clark is nobody's punk bitch. Clark refuses to condemn Sen Durbin and he refuses to let Hannity twist his words, and check out Clark's interview in Salon. If Clark keeps talking this kind of sensible stuff, he just may be a very serious contender in 08. ![]() This is a must read from The New Yorker. If you truly want to understand the homeschooled beast that becomes the GOP Talibornagain, this is a great resource. ![]() Finally... 2 groups after my own heart: Catholics for a Free Choice is a courageous organization that has stood up for the equality of women and for reproducitve rights for many years & they have a new project: First 100 Days Campaign. This campaign examines the first 100 days of Pope Benny's new Papal administration. I have been holding out for hopeful signs, too, since Pope Benny entered the scene... but so far he never fails to disappoint me. And Jews Against Zionism: Judaism is a religion, one with many positive and beautiful attributes (as is the case w/ most religions) but Zionism is a form of ethno-nationalism that runs counter to any idea of democracy and social justice. Israel is a type of democracy, but Zionists want it to be a Jewish democracy, where priviledge and opportunity are reserved for (certain) Jews at the expense of Palestinians, especially, and other Arabs. BIG difference, dontcha think?-- and NO, I am in NO way, shape or form anti-Semitic. Keep in mind, the Talibornagains are Zionists, too. They believe that Jews & a State of Israel w/out Palestinians are a "necessary evil" to bring about the Rapture, after which, of course... all of the Jews will be burned and purged by "Rapture Jesus" (will he wear a cape & big R on his chest?) ![]() Downing St Memos ARE AUTHENTIC Contrary to what the GOP smear campaign and Swift Boat Liars for Lies say, the Downing St Memos (DSMs) are NOT fake. The GOP is trying to "Rathergate" this... but they are flat out F-ing wrong. Here are just some of the confirmations: 1. The Times UK , 2. NY Times on May 2/05, 3. Knight Ridder on May 5/05, 4. CNN on May 12/05, 5. Wash Post on June 7/05, 6. NY Times on June 13/05, 7. Editor & Publisher on June 11/05, 8. MSNBC/ NBC on June 14/05, 9. Wash Post on June 12/05, 10. Washington Monthy on June 19/05. These are not the Killian Memos; this isn't Rather on 60 Mins (although the content of Rather's documents were accurate, but they were not originals, they were copies). These memos are legit. Their contents are authentic. And all the GOP whining and smearing in the world will not make them fake. Give it up, ya F-ing crybaby liars b/c NO ONE (incl Bush & Blair) have denied they are real. ![]() From the Independent UK: Known as MK77s --they are napalm canister munitions-- and they evolved from the napalm bombs which we associate with the Korean and Vietnam wars. And US officials lied to British ministers over the use of these "internationally reviled" napalm-type firebombs in Iraq b/c the use of such incendiary weapons would breach the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW), which permits their use only against military targets. So, despite persistent rumours of injuries among Iraqis consistent with the use of incendiary weapons such as napalm, Adam Ingram, the Defense minister, assured Labour MPs in January that US forces had not used these incendiary weapons (MK77) in Iraq. Now, Ingram admitted to the Labour MP Harry Cohen in a private letter obtained by The Independent that he had inadvertently misled Parliament because he had been misinformed by the US. "The US confirmed to my officials that they had not used MK77s in Iraq at any time and this was the basis of my response to you. I regret to say that I have since discovered that this is not the case and must now correct the position." The US State Dept website admitted in the run-up to the UK election that US forces had used MK77s in Iraq. Protests were made by MPs, but it was only this week that Ingram confirmed the reports were true. Let's re-cap: The US fixed the intelligence to wage the war in Iraq, the US lied to use illegal weapons in Iraq, and besides our poor troops who are risking their lives for all of these lies, who else has been taken along for a big ride? The UK and Tony Blair... Blair truly is Bush's lil bitch monkey, isn't he? ![]() These 2 videos, courtesy of Hate Gun, are powerful and rapid fire in their images and music. Please watch Bush: Mistaken, and Bush Won: Get Over It. Pass them on, and ask yourself why in the hell is this man still allowed to be in office? ![]() CIA Director Goss just said that he has an "excellent idea where Osama bin Laden is hiding" but will not arrest OBL until (I believe) Bush's poll ratings drop even lower and impeachment proceedings are in full throttle discussion. Then, I'm sure that they will pull Osama out of his undisclosed glass case, a case that they last opened Oct 30, 04 to scare voters to vote for Bush when Osama's "Halloween" video appeared outta nowhere. But have you ever wondered how exactly the CIA & FBI could claim that they had absolutely no idea that 9/11 would happen, but that w/in hrs of the 9/11 attacks, the names of the 19 hijackers were splashed across all TVs and papers? But guess what? Some of those names were wrong. At least 6 of those names are of people who are ALIVE. The 6 claimed they were victims of identify theft. In 9/02, then FBI Director Robert Mueller told CNN twice that there is "no legal proof to prove the identities of the suicidal hijackers." After that admission a strange thing happened - nothing. No follow-up stories. No follow-up questions. Until now... read on. ![]() Another UK Leaked Document & Watch this Video There is yet another leaked document, courtesy of Sunday Times UK. This document's info comes from March 02, but the doc was issued from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's legal advice to the Cabinet Office on July 21, 2002. The gist of the new document is this: It deals w/the illegality of US pre-war bombing of Iraqi No Fly Zones. Imagine all that? The US illegally bombed Iraqi No Fly Zones... before the war started. Please scroll down this story, courtesy of Al Rodgers, to see these great charts and graphs taken from the media that highlights Bush's dismal ratings on all issues. And read this op/ed piece from The Desert Sun of Palm Springs, CA. It is a scathing piece that says this: The president's apparently soiled hands are dyed with the blood of more than 1,700 American soldiers and 100,000 Iraqi citizens. The potential crimes of George Bush reduce Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton's misdeeds into subjects for a comedy act. Yeah... no one is laughing... except maybe Bush. Watch this video short made in 2004, and reflect upon how awful it is for Bush to be making a joke about WMDs now that we all know he FIXED the intelligence to wage this war. Bush is a morally bankrupt ghoul. ![]() Boycott Domino's Pizza Now No... not b/c it blows and tastes like microwaved cardboard... but b/c the owner of Domino's Pizza is a freaky-deaky wackjob who wants to "make" his own Catholic-ONLY community free from contraceptives, abortions in hospitals, homosexuals, and anything else he deems sinful. Hmm, I wonder when will Rick Santorum be moving into Ave Maria City? ![]() WOO HOO! Downing St has hit Yahoo news... so, ya know it is a story that has gained some weight, now. Please also check out Knight Ridder's take on DSM, Check out Detroit Free Press, the Detroit News, and the Christian Science Monitor, just to name a few. The more we talk about it, ask media outlets why they are NOT talking about it, and keep it in the news, it has to become fairly common knowledge even amongst the most clueless Americans. And maybe it will keep Bush's poll numbers tanking and circling the bowl (as they are now) and will cause a few GOPers who want to be re-elected in 2006 to jump ship like scared rats on the Titanic. Of course, Bush will always have his hard-core worshippers (like people who would order these T-shirts from Limbaugh) but I guess W could eat a live baby while sodomizing a pre-teen boy on live TV and these freaks would still worship him and claim he is a man of God.... it is the rest of America we need to reach. ![]() Conyers Denied Entry to WH to Deliver Petitions ![]() Congressman Conyers took over 560,000 petitions to the White House early Thursday evening... only the guards at the gate would NOT allow him to deliver them. A member of Congress, in tow w/other members of Congress is NOT allowed to deliver petitions signed by US voters and taxpayers? I thought that all 3 branches of govt were equal in power and importance... but I guess when the US has really become a fascism, then only 1 branch holds absolute power. Isn't it amazing that a gay hooker like Jeff Gannon could come & go freely in the WH, but a member of Congress- who has been there since the Watergate days- is denied entry? Ya know what? It is OUR White House. OUR WHITE HOUSE-- we the people's WH- not Bush's, or any president's. Open the fucking gate asshole. Stop lying and trying to avoid the truth. Be a man for once in your life... open the fucking gate... and face all of us who hate what you have done to our nation in the name of torture, illegal war, theocratic insanity, and corporate pimping and whoring... open the fucking gate. ![]() Senate Repubs are calling on the Bush administration to reassess US financial support for the International Committee of the Red Cross, charging that the group had "lost its way" and veered from the impartiality on which its reputation was based b/c the Red Cross faulted U.S. treatment of detainees in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. OMFG, our own military has faulted the US for the treatment detainees have received at the hands of Americans... but let's put the Red Cross in the GOP crosshairs. And what has our esteemed administration said would be done w/the detainees: Senators called for the rights of foreign terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay prison to be legally defined as the Bush administration said the inmates could be jailed there "in perpetuity."(psst... that means FOREVER) Jeeze, even those on death row know why they're in prison, and what their sentence is... it shouldn't be called Gitmo-it should be called Limbo. Or if you're Limbaugh, it may be the perfect vacation spot: Rush Limbaugh painted the detention center as the picture of religious freedom, stating that Gitmo "may be a great vacation spot for oppressed Christians in the United States." Good, start packing your bags ya self bloated fat fuck. ![]() From Billmon: Read what Sen Durbin said about how Americans have treated detainees and then read this quote from a former Vietnam POW that Durbin made reference to: ""From my 6 1/2 years of captivity in Vietnam, I know what life in a foreign prison is like. To a large degree, I credit the Geneva Conventions for my survival . . . This is one reason the United States has led the world in upholding treaties governing the status and care of enemy prisoners: because these standards also protect us . . . We need absolute clarity that America will continue to set the gold standard in the treatment of prisoners in wartime."-- Former POW Pete Peterson YEP... these War & Torture Fans have sold their soul to the Devil to attempt to justify their illegal war and the illegal use of torture. Unfortunately, THEIR deal w/the Devil is dragging all of our American souls-and especially all of our soldiers' souls- along for the ride to Hell, too- & Durbin had the balls to call them on it & tell the truth. ![]() Where did 15 of the 19 Sept 11th hijackers come from? Saudi Arabia. Which nation is inexplicibly exempt from nuclear weapons inspections? Saudi Arabia. Whoa... Bush must give one helluva mean blowjob. ![]() Would any of us regular citizens get away w/this?: Thousands of federal contractors working for civilian government agencies together owe more than $3 billion in unpaid taxes, according to a report to be released today by a Senate subcommittee. Of the roughly 33,000 contractors, about 50 cases closely examined by auditors with the Government Accountability Office involved "abusive and potentially criminal activity." Even so, the contractors still got paid. ![]() From Hardball transcript for 6/15/05: Matthews: "My big concern is, the longer you keep them, the angrier they get. Eventually, you are going to send them home. Maybe the smarter thing is to execute everyone down there, because if you're going to send them back to the Arab world or the Islamic world angry as hell at us, they're going to be doing dirty stuff against us, right?" Wow. Okay, so now, since we imprisoned them and tortured them, let's execute them b/c if we set them free they will retaliate against us b/c we tortured them in the 1st place... and no wonder Big Dick can't say loud enough that Gitmo will not be closed down: Halliburton Co. will build a new $30 million detention facility and security fence at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay. ![]() From Guardian UK: Insurgents have taken over much of the Iraqi city of Ramadi and used it to launch attacks against US forces while terrorising the population with public beheadings. Hey Big Dick & McClellan? Is this what an insurgency in its "last throes" looks like? They seem to be getting pretty effective & deadly, if ya ask me, but insurgents taking control of a city can probably be spun into a ray of sunshine by Bush. ![]() Conyers WILL BE at the Capitol Today at 2:30pm Hell's bells... who took the gavel out of Sensenbrenner's Big Baby ass? Conyers did manage to get a room at the Capitol for today (this courtesy of Conyer's Blog & hat tip to Firedoglake) : "For those commenters who were concerned (or hoping) that there would be a media blackout of the forum, that will not be the case. I have every major network, other than Fox, bringing cameras to the hearing. Nightline is taping the event, which I think represents a welcome development from a well respected investigative program. In addition, C-Span 3 and Radio Pacifica are carrying it live." My satellite service does not carry C-Span3, but you can view it online here. Please watch it and let's go kick some serious lying like a rug GOP ass. ![]() Sen Walter Jones (R-NC) formerly asked for all French fries to be called Freedom Fries on Capitol Hill, he has since recanted that remark, but this week, Jones will be intoducing a bi-partisan bill that will demand a date for our troops' pullout from Iraq. Watch this video, courtesy of Crooks and Liars, of an interview of Sen Jones, on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos, and if you can believe this- Jones blames the neo-cons in the administration for mis-managing the war and says his conscience is at the heart of his change AND GET THIS: Jones will co-sponsor legislation about calling for the truth regarding the Downing Street Memo and reasons how the US got involved in Iraq!! Holy crap-- a GOP senator is on the brigade for truth w/the Dems. Notice Jones' peacesign pin in the photo... I just hope that Jones is truly siding w/Conyers b/c he knows that Bush lied to get this war started & that he is not a scared GOP rat in the 9th inning looking to save his own skin as so many GOPers did when Watergate brought Nixon down. ![]() From ABC News: Alberto Mora, General Counsel of the Navy, warned his superiors that they might be breaking the law, according to notes from a series of meetings at the Pentagon in early 2003, due to the interrogation techniques used at Guantanamo Bay Detention Center. Mora warned that "use of coercive techniques … has military, legal, and political implication … has international implication … and exposes us to liability and criminal prosecution." A group of top Pentagon lawyers concluded (according to the memo) "we need a presidential letter approving the use of the controversial interrogation to cover those who may be called upon to use them." Shockingly... no such letter was issued. And this from Boston Com News: Top Navy officials were so outraged at abusive interrogation techniques being used at the Gitmo in late 2002 that they considered removing Navy interrogators from the operation, according to a portion of a recent Pentagon report that has not been made public. Of course though, when Sen Durbin (D-IL) said this: ""If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime -Pol Pot or others- that had no concern for human beings"-- the GOP lying spew went off the hook & called Durbin a traitor.But I dare ANYONE to show me where Durbin said that "what our American soldiers had done to prisoners". Guess what?... you won't b/c Durbin said "what AMERICANS had done to prisoners" b/c he knows that plenty of hired US contractors and intelligent agents did these things, too, as ordered per the US White House & Rumsfeld. Durbin is correct that it should be our govt who apologizes, not him. ![]() Wow... it is such an honor to have my homestate's GOP fuckups become national news: OH's Coingate scandal featured in the Sunday edition of the LA Times. And from the Toledo Blade (the OH paper that got the entire Coingate ball rolling) says this: Repubs in DC and Columbus have left a trail of misdeeds that was highlighted during last year's presidential race. "If Bush collected illegal money in OH, it casts some questions about the results of the election." Oh yeah... the 16 to 18 hr wait in voting lines and voter's rolls mysteriously missing and then miraculously, Bush "wins" Ohio by 118,000 votes. Yeah, and if you believe that load of crap, I'm the Virgin Mary. But what about the MONEY that is missing from Workers' Comp? Well, it seems that now the huge loss may in fact rack up to be $7 BILLION in missing money. That is 1/3 of the entire Ohio state budget. What does Gov Taft say: Taft told Workers' Comp "to give MDL-(the firm that mis-handled the investments)- a break." Taft is as useless as tits on a bull. ![]() You have to check out the video, courtesy of Crooks and Liars, of Mary Carey's interview w/Keith Olbermann. The best parts: Mary talks about meeting a GOPer from OH who will "hook her up" w/some of his rich friends who will contribute $10million to her political campaign and 1 of those friends has a sister who owns strip clubs, so after calling his sis on the phone, they set it up that Mary can make fundraising appearances at the sis's strip club. Also, Mary was repeatedly propositioned to have 3 ways w/politicians & their wives or mistresses, and 1 Congressman (who she was told must remain unnamed) was interested in getting together w/her & some of her porn friends. Where is the Talibornagain outrage? I guess we all know the REAL GOP VALUES: If your donation check clears, then you are more than welcome to sit at our GOP table. ![]() First things first: Since Dr. Bill Frist said that he acted as a physician instead of a senator when he analyzed videotapes of Terri Schiavo and that in his medical opinion, Schiavo was not in a persistant vegatative state and responded to visual stimulus maybe Frist should have stayed w/torturing kitty cats b/c he certainly BLOWS as a human doctor. The autopsy performed on Schiavo showed that she was BLIND and had severe brain deterioration-- so much so that her brain had withered to less than half the normal size, and that no treatment could have remotely improved her condition. There was also absolutely no indications of any physical abuse as her parents had alleged against her husband Michael. So, her husband is vindicated, but what do the Schindler's say about the autopsy results? They of course, are in COMPLETE DENIAL yet again: "... they still believed their daughter had responded to their voices and touch... and also doubted the finding that Ms. Schiavo was blind." Well, there ya have it... when SCIENCE once again does not suit an agenda, -it is not their theory or agenda that is incorrect- but instead it is the SCIENCE and FACTS that are wrong. ![]() Sensenbrenner Pulls Plug On Conyers' Hearing If you needed anymore proof that this nation has begun goosestepping... we have Senators refusing to sign ANTI-lynching legislation in the yr 2005... (me... banging head on keyboard)... and now this from The Hill: Judiciary GOP pulls the plug on Conyers 'forums'. So, since the "Big Baby w/the gavel" Sensenbrenner stormed out of the Patriot Act II hearings in a huff when Dems dared to say that the Patriot Act violates civil liberties, I guess now Sensenbrenner wants to try to hurt Conyers and attempt to stop the hearing on the Downing St Minutes by denying Conyers a room. Well, the Downing St hearing will now be held at the DNC because Repubs deny Dems use of rooms on the Hill- which by the way- who ever said that the GOP owned the rooms on the Hill? Can't Dems & Independents use the rooms, too, or do they have to kiss the Despot's ring first? Gee... sounds to me that the Big Baby w/the gavel and the rest of the GOPers have something to hide, huh? Why else would they try to stop the Downing St hearing? ![]() Hat tips to Magorn & Left Coaster. From CNN 03/24/03 : It was March 2002, and Rice was meeting with three U.S. Senators, discussing how to deal with Iraq through the United Nations, or perhaps in a coalition with America's Middle East allies. Bush wasn't interested. He waved his hand dismissively, recalls a participant, and neatly summed up his Iraq policy by saying: "F___ Saddam. We're taking him out." The Senators laughed uncomfortably; Rice flashed a knowing smile. The President left the room. A year later, Bush's outburst has been translated into action, as cruise missiles and smart bombs slam into Baghdad... oh yeah... the Downing St Memo is soooo wrong, eh? ![]() From Wash Post: Police and security units, forces led by Kurdish political parties and backed by the US military, have abducted 100s of minority Arabs and Turkmens in this intensely volatile city and spirited them to prisons in Kurdish-held northern Iraq, according to US and Iraqi officials, government documents and families of the victims. Seized off the streets of Kirkuk or in joint US-Iraqi raids, the men have been transferred secretly and in violation of Iraqi law to prisons in Kurdish cities, sometimes with the knowledge of US forces. The detainees, including merchants, members of tribal families and soldiers, have often remained missing for months; some have been tortured, according to released prisoners and the Kirkuk police chief. Nice way to convince more regular- yet pissed off- Iraqis to become insurgents, huh? (So says Major Gen Joseph Taluto) And let's not forget- one helluva nice way to get a civil war started based on ethnic hatred- w/WHO trapped in the middle?... OUR TROOPS. ![]() Stupidest.. fucking.. idea.. ever. Okay, so let's recap: Arabs & Jews have a REALLY bad dislike for one another. The US invades a Muslim/oil rich nation. Then US comes up w/idea to piss off Iraqi/Muslim people EVEN more by pumping THEIR oil to their Israeli/Jewish enemies b/c (and I quote from the article here) "the pipeline to Haifa would be a "bonus" the U.S. could give to Israel in return for its unequivocal support for the American-led campaign in Iraq". I am stunned... but it comes from the Haaretz-Israel News, so it must be true. This administration is so fucking stupid, that they couldn't schedule a gang-bang in a whore house. ![]() Speaking of whores, this from Radar: At the 2005 President’s Dinner & Salute to Freedom, Bush sat down to break bread with 6,000 Repub boosters, & w/porn star Mary Carey & her boss., Mark Kulkis, president of Kick Ass Pictures. How, exactly, did a porn king and his 36DD leading lady get themselves invited to a fundraiser for those holier-than-thou House Republicans? The GOP came to him. For publicity reasons, Kulkis affixed his company’s name to a pro-GOP ad in the Wall Street Journal, then received an invitation and paid for two $2,500 tickets. Natl Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Carl Forti admitted it was true and said, “Their money was donated to the NRCC. The NRCC’s job is to elect Republicans. We’ll take that money and use it to elect more Republicans.” Hmm... do you think that Dobson, Frist, & DeLay have all seen Mary's ode to testicles in "Lick My Balls"? Hat tip to Karena for the ball-fest info. (THAT is a sentence I never thought I'd post) ![]() From BBC News: US Defense Sec Donald Rumsfeld has acknowledged that security in Iraq has not improved statistically since Saddam's fall in 2003. Rumsfeld told the BBC insurgents crossed Iraq's "porous" borders from Iran, Syria and elsewhere. But then he said Iraq's military forces were growing in numbers and he was confident the insurgency would be defeated... Gee, do ya think if I drink enough of that GOP Kool-Aid that I will actually start to believe Rumsfeld's "Iraq is all smiles" b.s.? ![]() These photoshop pix, courtesy of Dood Abides, are priceless. Please, scroll down to enjoy them all... sigh... a girl can dream, huh? ![]() ![]() The snarling face of a GIANT, EVIL DICK. And it is not even a face his own momma could love. ![]() This is what Big Dick has to say about Howard Dean: "I've never been able to understand his appeal. Maybe his mother loved him, but I've never met anybody who does. He's never won anything, as best I can tell," VP Cheney in an interview aired on 6/13/06 on Fox News Channel's Hannity & Colmes. Ya know what, Big Dick? Only a punk ass bitch brings somebody's momma into the fight... so now for some "Yo Momma/ Yo Family" jokes for Big Dick: Yo momma is so stupid Big Dick, that she tripped over the cordless phone. Yo momma is so fat Big Dick, that when she stands outside in the sun, people's long distance phn rates go down. Big Dick, yo daughter is so butch, she rolls her own tampons. Big Dick, yo daughter is so butch, she kick starts her vibrator. Yo wife is so ugly Big Dick, that her face could make a freight train take a dirt road. Yo wife is so ugly Big Dick, that her face could stop an eight-day clock. ![]() This Downing St Memo video comes courtesy of Crooks and Liars. I don't have much to add, b/c you just have to watch it to fully comprehend the brevity of it. Please watch... then spread it as far and wide as you can b/c every single Bush voter and War Fan should be strapped to a chair and made to watch it 24/7. After doing that, please check out Raw Story's fabulous war timeline (that oddly enough, mentions the '99 Common Dreams article on Mickey Herskowitz that I just posted... whoa... great minds think alike, lol) and also check out the 6 new leaked British internal memos that I had to download from Cryptome's zip files yesterday night, but are on Raw Story's main page tonight. 1st Memo, 2nd Memo, 3rd Memo, 4th Memo, 5th and 6th Memo (on PDF) Let's leave NO STONE unturned on these soul-less pricks. Information is power! ![]() This from the MN Star Tribune: The U.S. media, as a whole, have been in slow motion reacting to the Downing St Memo. Word of the memo did not appear in the Star Tribune until May 13 -- and that was way ahead of most American media. Curiously, that silence extended to most of the US media; including the Star Tribune. For days, it appeared the story had no legs. Unless you went online... Some sites gave instructions for pressuring local media to run a story. Emails started pouring in to all newspapers around the nation, so now- look where things have progressed. We now have an official hearing w/Rep Conyers on Downing St scheduled for June 16 on Capitol Hill. The power of independent media & blogs is MIGHTY, and as a proud member of Big Brass Alliance (I joined on June 5th) BBA is a group of 450 blogs (as of last count) that are dedicated to posting about Downing St and progressive politics, I hope that Fuzzy and Blue's repeated posting about the Memo has played a small part in spreading the word & I can proudly tell my child one day that her mommy played a part in ending this illegal war and stopping an immoral administration drunk w/bloodlust & absolute power. ![]() The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (FLDS) is an offshoot of the Mormon Church-- only WAY out there on the fringe of society. They are polygamists, and the towns that they live in are COMPLETELY controlled and centered around the FLDS. All of the politicians are FLDS church members, as are the police... so, if the church elders and/or the church "prophet" (a guy named Warren Jeffs who has at least 70 wives) decides that they do not like you and your behaviors, then you are driven out of your church owned home and all of your wives and children will be "re-assigned" to new men. This kind of society demands a shortage of some kind in the number of males vs females... so who do you think gets kicked to the curb? Hundreds of teenaged boys, nicknamed The Lost Boys, get thrown out and they are looking for someone to help them. THIS is what absolute power looks like when a religion takes over all levels of govt. They are the Mormon Taliban-- but their M.O. is way too similar to the Talibornagains... so be afraid, be very afraid. ![]() Indonesia's Prez Wants Voters to Call His Cell Phn President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia announced the number to his cell phone on Sat. and said anyone could call or send text messages if they wanted to complain about govt services. Wow- imagine that- a Prez who wants to hear what we have to say & cares enough to give his personal cell number out to millions of voters? (OK, it is kind of a stupid idea, I mean obviously this could have SERIOUS ramifications) but contrast that w/our Prez: Bush's ghost writer when Bush was Gov of TX & when he was gearing up to be prez in'99 was Mickey Herskowitz. Read this Oct '04 article from Common Dreams w/Herskowitz: "He was thinking about invading Iraq in 1999. It was on his mind. He said to me: 'One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as a commander-in-chief.' And he said, 'My father had all this political capital built up when he drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait and he wasted it.' He said, 'If I have a chance to invade- if I had that much capital, I'm not going to waste it. I'm going to get everything passed that I want to get passed and I'm going to have a successful presidency." ![]() Holy crap... all I can say is BEHOLD the POWER of CHEESE!: the Green Party of Wisc calls for Bush's impeachment, as does the Democratic Party of Wisc. ![]() If you check out my side links, you will see a "Dean Speaks for Me" link. Please click on it and sign the petition. Whether we love Dean or not, he is our DNC leader, b/c God knows we need a strong voice to hold our own against the lying of the GOP, and this op/ed from David Podvin sums it all up perfectly. Here is a Reuters article: After a meeting of the DNC's 40-member executive committee, members said Dean was doing exactly what they elected him to do: build the party in all states and aggressively challenge Repubs. "I hope Gov Dean will remember that he didn't get elected to be a wimp," said DNC member Gilda Cobb-Hunter, a SC state representative. "We have been waiting a long time for someone to stand up for Democrats." Yep. And this from the Guardian UK: Dean said that positive responses from supporters have reinforced his determination to keep talking tough despite suggestions from some congressional Dems that the party chairman should tone down his rhetoric. "People want us to fight,'' Dean told the national party's executive committee. "We are here to fight.'' Amen brother Dean! And check out this from America Blog, and keep in mind that there are 43 black Dems in Congress. ![]() WTF? Edward Klein has a new book coming out called "The Truth About Hillary". I hope Hillary sues the living shit out of this son of a bitch ASAP for libel b/c this is some really vile shit to say about someone's child. But I guess that soul-less GOP pricks have always felt like Chelsea was fair game in the slandering department: In '93, Limbaugh calls pre-teen Chelsea the WH dog. In '98, Lucianne Goldberg tells the NY Press that Clinton might be "finger-fucking" Chelsea, & also in '98, GOP representative James Hansen says someone needs to assassinate Clinton b/c of his affair w/Monica. In 2001, John Derbyshire said America needed to purge our nation of the Clinton bloodline by executing Chelsea, and now, in 2005, courtesy of the Drudge Report: Bill Clinton raped Hillary while on vacation in Bermuda and Hillary conceived Chelsea as a result of that rape. This crap comes from the party of "family values"? Nice. ![]() 1st Downing St, Now ANOTHER Brit Memo If you can believe this, there is yet another Brit memo that confirms that the info in the Downing St Memo is legit. The Downing St Memo comes from the recorded minutes of the July 23, 2002 nat'l security meeting for Tony Blair at his Downing St offices in London. This new memo comes from a July 21, 2002 memo that was produced by Blair's staff in preparation for the July 23rd meeting. The 8 page memo said U.S. "military planning for action against Iraq is proceeding apace," but that "little thought" has been given to, among other things, "the aftermath and how to shape it" and concluded that U.S. military officials were not planning adequately for a postwar occupation. It also says that since Britain was committed to taking part in an American-led invasion of Iraq that ministers had no choice but to find a way of making it legal. What more proof does America & the rest of the world need to prove that this Prez and this administration trumped up the evidence to attempt to justify this illegal war, that they gave ZERO thought into post-invasion planning, and that the blood of all of our killed, injured, and maimed soldiers rests completely on the hands of Il Dulce Bush, not to mention the blood of how many 1000's of Iraqis? ![]() From the Wash Post: Members of the Iraqi military unit were threatening to quit en masse this week over complaints that ranged from dismal living conditions to insurgent threats. Across a vast cultural divide, language is just one impediment. Young Iraqi soldiers, ill-equipped and drawn from a disenchanted Sunni Arab minority, say they are not even sure what they are fighting for. They complain bitterly that their American mentors don't respect them. In fact, the Americans don't: Frustrated U.S. soldiers question the Iraqis' courage, discipline and dedication and wonder whether they will ever be able to fight on their own, much less reach the U.S. military's goal of operating independently by the fall. And this from The AP: Insurgents in Iraq go on a killing spree... that is always uplifting news to hear, huh? Insurgents and killing spree... but when no pre-emptive planning was given when waging a pre-emptive war, what else can you expect but chaos and carnage? ![]() Sensenbrenner Ends All Partriot Act II Talks You have to check out this Quick Time video to truly appreciate the Stalinesque actions at work here at the Judiciary Committee's Hearing on the Patriot Act II (broadcast on C-Span). Sensenbrenner (the proud papa of the Real ID Act & Judiciary Committee Chrmn) simply refused to hear what the Dems had to say against Patriot Act II, and that is fine-he can disagree w/what the Dems had to say- but Sensenbrenner simply refused to even allow them to speak AT ALL. James Zogby, a guest who was to speak at the hearing sums it up best: "What I think is, we are lecturing foreign governments about the conduct of their behavior with regard to opposition. When I see the behavior I saw here today, as an American I'm really troubled about what kind of lesson this is going to teach to other countries in the world about how they ought to conduct an open society that allows for an opposition with rights- & I'm sorry, I'm very upset." Ab-so-fucking-lutely. Check out this 2nd Quick Time video that shows how the pissed off Dems who are left stunned in the room-- after Sensenbrenner abruptly whacked the gavel and left-- go ahead and discuss what they came to say, w/no mics on and no record being kept b/c the Big Baby stormed out of the room. If you cannot watch on Quick Time, please go to this site and make your own selection on how to view it. If you are not afraid for our democracy folks then you are NOT paying attention. The goosestepping has begun... ![]() From the Scotsman: Militants killed five US Marines, and authorities found 21 bodies near the Syrian border, where American & Iraqi troops bore down in 2 recent major operations aimed at crushing a tenacious insurgency. The Marines were killed on Thurs in a roadside bombing while conducting combat operations near the volatile Sunni town of Haqlaniyah, 90 miles NW of Baghdad, the military said. The victims, thought to be missing Iraqi soldiers, were shot repeatedly in the head and found blindfolded, their hands tied behind their backs. 3 were beheaded. Oh yeah... things are going so well in Iraq. ![]() New AP Poll: Bush's Numbers Even Lower! New AP poll finds Bush's number tanking even lower than before: 55% do not support Bush's foreign policy. 65% think the country is going in the wrong direction. 59% do not approve of Bush's handling of social security. 57% do not support Bush's handling of the economy. Well, Bush sure is an amazing uniter: He has united practically every nation on earth to hate him, so I guess he's now working on uniting all of America to hate him, too. Karl Rove is probably cooking up a diabolical late night scheme to skyrocket the Terror Color Code up to flaming Elmo Red as we speak, while Cheney the Snarler is getting reading to be filmed being whisked away to his latest "undisclosed" location, all the while Junior Georgie tries in vain to find a corner in the Oval Office to curl up into. ![]() Congressman John Conyers (D-Mich) has scheduled a hearing for June 16th on Capitol Hill to examine all of the evidence tied to the Downing St Memo. Also scheduled to appear: Numerous Congress members, Joe Wilson, a WMD expert and former Ambassador; Ray McGovern, a 27-year CIA analyst; Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq; and John Bonifaz, a renowned Constitutional attorney. At the conclusion of the hearing, they will go to Lafayette Park and Conyers will personally deliver the signatures on the petition to the WH. Conyers so rocks! He is my 76 yr old hero. What a damn shame that a 76 yr old man kicks more Neo-Con ass than any other Dem (besides Barb Boxer & Louise Slaughter) we know. Maybe it's b/c they see how the Neo-Con agenda tramples on the rights and wishes of women & minorities. ![]() WTF? The African Anglican bishops are refusing aid b/c it comes from gay friendly churches. Keep in mind that these starving people are barely living ( most are eating 1 meal every other day to stay alive, or they feed their starving babies LEAVES!) What a pack of selfish, self-righteous bastards. Jesus said nothing about homosexuality- NOT ONE WORD- but Jesus said plenty about poverty, & about our obligation to all mankind and to God to help the poor, widows and orphans. What these bishops are doing violates everything Jesus preached about the poor and it is sickening and selfish... culture of life my ass. ![]() This is short and sweet: Absolutely no scripture, religious icons/ images, or messages belong at a taxpayer-funded & scientific exhibition-- which a zoo is. When I go to my YMCA and I see a painting of the Noah's Ark story from the Bible behind the personnel desk, I am A-okay w/that. Why? B/c I know that the YMCA is the Young Mens Christian Association. The zoo is not the Christian Zoo. What is next for these people? The "Earth is Flat" exhibit? The "Stork Brings Babies" exhibit? The "Adam, Eve & T-Rex Co-Existed" exhibit? For fuck's sake, it's a zoo, not a church. Could we let our children have science based sciences, please? ![]() Soc Sec IS NOT in crisis. However, THIS IS A CRISIS: Nearly 48 million Americans will be uninsured for the entire yr in 2005. This study from Families USA, shows, for the 1st time, the dollar impact on private health insurance premiums when doctors and hospitals provide health care to uninsured people. In 2005, premium costs for family health insurance coverage provided by private employers will include an extra $922 in premiums due to the cost of care for the uninsured; premiums for individual coverage will cost an extra $341. Take a look at their projected premium price hikes... & notice that all of the states that will be very hard hit by these hikes by the yr 2010 voted for Bush in 2004... thanks for nothing morons. What's next? You'll eat your young, too? ![]() On Ohio Gov Bob Taft: "He has either lost control of his administration or there is some kind of conspiracy that he is involved in." Let's check out the evidence: 1.)Taft said he didn't learn about OH’s failed investment in rare coins until he read The Toledo Blade’s April 3 story, which uncovered that Workers' Comp had invested $50 million w/coin dealer Tom Noe. Really Gov? Then why- in a March 18 memo, did the Workers' Comp CEO, (James Conrad) inform 2Taft aides (chief of staff Jon Allison & James Samuel) that The Blade was inquiring about the investment contract w/Mr. Noe’s Capital Coin? 2 of your own close and personal staff do not tell you that the unusual coin deal went awry? 2.)Taft claims that just this week that he and his office learned that the OH Bureau of Workers’ Comp had lost over $220 million in a high-risk investment. Really Gov? Then why- in an October26/04 email to your aide Mr. Samuel from Worker's Comp CEO Mr. Conrad, did you not question why the “entire value” of the portfolio managed by MDL Capital Management was down about $225 million? Dontcha think that being "on top" of these state matters would be part of your job as Gov? Or did promising the state of OH to Bush on Election Day stand in the way of you telling the truth? Since Bush may be tied to illegal campaign contributions due to Coingate, & the discovery of the connection between the former aide of Bush's daddy and Coingate, & the protesters who greeted Bush on Thurs, don't ya think that the GOP would be nervous in OH? ![]() USA Today Defends Ignoring Downing St Memo Nice try USA Today... but the truth is this: The corporate owned media has not touched the Downing St Memo b/c they are afraid of opening up that can of TRUTH and risk the wrath of Bush, Cheney, and Rove. That Diabolical Trinity is continually on the hunt for souls to bargain with and buy, and blood to spill, so why should USA Today be any different in the chickenshit department? It appears that some in the media, in this case, the Seattle Weekly, know that when people nostalgically said last week that we need a modern-day Deep Throat, that in 2005, we need only to say these 3 words: Downing St Memo. Yep. ![]() I praise Howard dean for having the balls to stand up and tell the truth: The GOP attacked Dean for saying in San Francisco on Monday, when asked about the lack of outreach to minorities by political parties, that Repubs are "pretty much a white, Christian party." The GOP response: Repubs accused Dean of trying to divide Americans by religion and faith. Rep. Eric Cantor of VA said this: "Howard Dean's games of division and hate." Dean is trying to divide Americans by religion & faith? Are you fucking kidding me? The GOP and Talibornagains want churches to recruit voters & STILL keep their tax exempt status. They want to flush separation of church & state and make this the United States of Jesusland. CNN reported last night that Dean was statistically correct: Repubs= 82% White Christian, Dems= 57% White Christians. Kerry won the non-White vote (70 to 30%) and the White non-Christian vote (66 to 33%). (pdf file here) Bush won over the White, evangelical, Protestant, and uber Catholic vote. As the population of non-Christians grows rapidly (I believe that the rabid Talibornagains are fueling this movement b/c people are scared of "Hateful & Bigoted Jesus") which Party do you think they will vote with? Hmm... the scary ass fundamentalists who hate eveyone except themselves and want the rich to only become richer on the backs of the middle class or the Democrats who embrace all minorities & sexual orientations, want the middle and working classes to survive and let ya still keep your dinosaurs and science-based sciences? As the non-white/non-Christian populations rise, how ever will the GOP & Talibornagains explain & cover-up stolen elections? You rock Howard Dean, and I'm happy to have you represent the Dems b/c you speak the truth... and I am a white Catholic girl. ![]() Hat tip... hell... HAT'S OFF to Bond Dad for this post that counters all claims that Dean is trying to divide America. Bond Dad took the time to do the tedious work of compiling a vast amount of quotes from the likes of The Emaciated Hag Coulter, InsaHannity, Lamebaugh and other Hateful Liars who have made OUTRAGEOUS and false statements that are beyond insulting and divisive. And what did we hear from the GOP? Not one peep was heard from them then. I guess when hatred and lies are coming from your beloved ilk, one is fond of the spew... no matter how awful it is. Dean's statement that the GOP is comprised of white Christians can be statistically backed up and proven. The Hateful Liars' spew can't be proven b/c they just LIE. ![]() The first article is beyond infuriating: Military recruiters are "kidnapping" minors. Read one family's horrifying account from the Seattle PI. Maybe that is why women like Cindy Sheehan, who lost her son Casey Sheehan in April /04 to the war in Iraq & knows firsthand how wrong this war is, are speaking out for our dead soldiers (video is here) by speaking on a panel at MSNBC, and by founding the Gold Star Families for Peace. ![]() |