Tuesday, May 31, 2005 Specter & Brownback Debate Stem Cells GOP Senators Specter & Brownshirt... err... Brownback were debating stem cell research on ABC's "This Week." Specter said he believes the Senate has enough votes to override a threatened presidential veto of legislation easing restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research but Brownback, w/an evil glint in his eye vowed to keep the bill from reaching the Senate floor. My favorite part of this debate? Brownshirt clearly lays the GOP plan all out for American women, and we must not underestimate the threat-- women will have their reproductive futures dictated by those in Washington: Brownback suggested limiting the number of in vitro fertilizations allowed. And who else has jumped into the "limit fertilization" arena? German Pope Benny... hmm, oddly enough, it was the Nazis who controlled reproduction in Germany by sterilizing those people they did not want breeding (via the Nuremberg Laws- scroll down to read who could have sex & who couldn't) and starting the Lebensborn program to breed lil Aryans... I'd like to think that Americans could at least contol how many kids they have, how they conceive those kids, and who they can fuck... but sadly, this may not be the case when the goosesteppers run the show. ![]() From the UK's Sunday Times: THE RAF and US aircraft doubled the rate at which they were dropping bombs on Iraq in 2002 in an attempt to provoke Saddam Hussein into giving the allies an excuse for war, new evidence has shown. The attacks were intensified from May, 6 months before the UN resolution that Tony Blair and Lord Goldsmith, the attorney-general, argued gave the coalition the legal basis for war. By the end of August the raids had become a full air offensive. These details follow the leak to The Sunday Times of minutes of a key meeting in July 2002 at which Blair and his war cabinet discussed how to make “regime change” in Iraq legal. Congressman John Conyers has asked that we all sign his letter to the President. This letter asks how did Bush decide when we had to go to war in Iraq and why. There are many individual petitions out there asking for answers, but we need to support this one. Be one of the 100,000 signatures needed. If you are pissed off b/c Bush/ Cheney/ Talibornagains have driven this nation off the F-ing cliff, please sign this petition. Bush needs to be held accountable for all of the deaths he has personally caused. ![]() Bush first asked Tony Blair to support the removal of Saddam Hussein from power at a private White House dinner nine days after the terror attacks of 11 September, 2001. This comes from a April 4/04 Guardian Observer article... this, plus the Brit Downing St Memo, plus this from Juan Cole = a whole lotta lies from Bush to get us to go to war illegally. ![]() Boo frickety hoo... VP Cheney said: he was offended by Amnesty International's condemnation of the US for what it called "serious human rights violations" at Guantanamo Bay. You're offended? BIG F-ing DEAL, DICK. Amnesty Internat'l shot back: "It doesn't matter whether he takes (us) seriously. He doesn't take torture seriously; he doesn't take the Geneva Convention seriously; he doesn't take due process rights seriously; and he doesn't take international law seriously. And that is more important than whether he takes (us) seriously." Read what Bob Herbert says: "The image of the US has deteriorated around the world. The US is now widely viewed as a brutal, bullying nation that countenances torture and operates hideous prison camps at Guantánamo Bay and in other parts of the world - camps where inmates have been horribly abused, gruesomely humiliated and even killed." Yeah, just ask this former Gitmo detainee who now can't control his urination due to the beatings he received... but as Big Dick says: "I think these people have been well treated, treated humanely and decently." Really Dick? ![]() Memorial Day a la Andy Rooney Generally, I find CBS's Andy Rooney to be irritating, but every once in awhile, he nails it dead-on correct. Sunday night's 60 Minutes was one time Rooney got it right: " We say that these people gave their lives. But their lives were not given-- they were taken from them. There is more bravery at war than in peace, and it seems wrong that we have so often saved this virtue to use for our least noble activity - war. The goal of war is to cause death to other people." This Memorial Day, let's all pray for peace. Watch Rooney's video... he is really right about what we need to do to end this insanity, b/c our soldiers are burnt out and ready to come home... or bail and we had better heed the warning b/c we are well on our way to having a broken military, and things for Iraqi civilians and troops are not looking optimistic when Iraqi doctors are bailing. If you ask Juan Cole, our troops are screwed, unfortunately, and the civil problems in Iraq must be solved by Iraqis... not us or religion... yet, Bush keeps telling us "all is well"... we had better wake up soon. ![]() Judge Orders Release of More Abu Ghraib Pix U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein, decided that the public has a right to see pictures of prisoner abuse, and he told the govt yesterday he would sign an order requiring it to release some pictures to the American Civil Liberties Union to comply with the Freedom of Information Act. The judge made the decision after viewing a sampling of 9 pictures resulting from an Army probe of abuse and torture at the prison. The pictures were given to the Army by a military policeman assigned there. The response by the Neo-Conzis? Releasing these pix is a violation of the Geneva Conventions.... WTF?.... the Geneva Conventions is invoked to defend against being held accountable for violations of the Geneva Conventions... Translation: who gives a flying fuck if the horrific behavior in the pix violates every single tenet of the Geneva Conventions (which, by the by, Bush & Co have always claimed that they were NEVER OBLIGATED to follow in the 1st place b/c this war is supposedly against terrorists... but pix of Iraqi women and children being raped and sodomized is okay, I guess). Who cares if this administration ordered our soldiers to rape, humiliate, sodomize, beat, and kill detainees and then caught all of this stuff on film... we can't show those pix to anyone b/c THAT would violate their human rights... not being beaten, or having a chemical light or soldier's penis shoved up their anus... no, no, no... THOSE DAMNED PHOTOS are what really VIOLATES HUMAN RIGHTS.... okay- and I'm sure the GOP cry will be this: "See, this is just another example of those LIBERAL judges being activists & this will endanger our troops." Uh, wouldn't the act of truly investigating the torture, and punishing this administration and all others responsible for these crimes against humanity actually INCREASE our standing in the world & prove that our soldiers were ordered to do this? The entire world needs to see what Bush & Co is really about, so we can RECTIFY this, and that will save our soldiers in the end. ![]() As We Celebrate Memorial Day Think of This... This is a fabulous post by Diane who diaried "One Hundred Names You Won't Hear This Memorial Day" on Daily Kos. It is exactly what we need to keep in mind as we respectfully recognize the sacrifice and hardship that all of our veterans and servicemembers have given our nation. Some innocents have made huge sacrifices, too... but most of their sacrifices were against their will and wishes. To Chris in Iraq: I hope that you are well and safe and that your wife Kim mailed out our huge care package to you today ( just as she planned to). Please come home and I pray that you remain safe and unharmed. Thank you for being a Marine and serving-- despite the fact that an immoral and insane administration put you in harm's way. Let's all pray to what ever higher power you believe in this weekend that we can bring an end to this war. Amen. ![]() Please check this out from After Downing St. Org and Raw Story. It appears that the sheep are beginning to wake up and have decided to stop blindly follow their Rasputin... and, you can alert your local media to this breaking story, too. Just click here, and put in your zip code, and it will automatically bring up any/all media outlets that allow public emails in your zip code area, with an automatic message prepered for you. Very easy... I already sent mine... please send your's too. IMPEACHMENT... aaaah... can you imagine the beautiful smell of freedom, again? ![]() Here are the documents the government did not want the general public to read -- including an FBI memo (pdf) stating that Defense Department interrogators impersonated FBI agents and used "torture techniques" against a detainee at Guantanamo, but the ACLU filed a request on Oct. 7, 2003 under the Freedom of Information Act demanding the release of information about detainees held overseas by the US. A lawsuit was filed in June 2004 demanding that the govt comply with the October 2003 FOIA request. Read what they have uncovered... and they can't blame Newsweek 'cause these documents are released classified info. ![]() Weds night in Durham NC, police found 3 large crosses burning within a 2 hr period. Police got the 1st call of a cross burning around 9:20 p.m. Weds night at a church (St. Luke's Episcopal Church). A 2nd cross was found burning in a field near Holloway and Dillard streets downtown. Police found a 3rd cross burning along S. Roxboro St near Martin Luther King Jr Parkway. At one of the sites, flyers were left behind baring Ku Klux Klan sayings. The pastor of St Luke's thinks their church may have been targeted by Fred Phelps, (yes, you all remember this freak who looks like The Cryptkeeper and has many lovely sites such as God Hates Fags) who had just recently picketed this church b/c they are gay friendly to their congregation. What a sin- a church that dares to be welcolming to ALL!... hat tip to Pam at Pam's House Blend for everything... and I'm never vacationing in NC ever again. ![]() In the face of national media attention and overwhelmingly negative response to his actions, including a critique from the head of the Southern Baptist Convention's executive committee, Pastor Creighton Lovelace issued a written statement May 25, according to The Daily Courier and Baptist Press. He said in the statement that he "did not realize how people of the Muslim faith view the Koran - that devoted Muslims view it more highly than many in the U.S. view the Bible." ![]() Tom Delay has fired off a letter to NBC Universal Television Group President Jeffrey Zucker Thursday criticizing a shot taken at him during NBC's Law & Order: Criminal Intent finale May 25. NBC counters that the scene was is in keeping with the gritty drama. Read DeLay's letter to Zucker, and NBC's response to DeLay here. What did Mega-Producer Dick Wolf, creator of the "Law & Order" franchise say about DeLay? Wolf took a swipe at DeLay in his own statement on Thursday, saying, "I ... congratulate Congressman DeLay for switching the spotlight from his own problems to an episode of a TV show." Yeah, ya would think that DeLay's newest problem would be on his mind, not TV: a TX judge ruled that a committee DeLay had formed had violated state law by failing to disclose $600,000 in mostly corporate donations. ![]() John Bolton is temporarily blocked for now, as the administration delivers info that Dems consider crucial to making a final determinatioon. This is not a traditional filibuster b/c voting on Yosemite was not killed, just delayed. Let's hope cool heads and rational thinking prevails before Bolton gets to say this (click here) to Kofi and the UN diplomats. ![]() John Bolton... Bully Extraordinaire ![]() Meet John Bolton... the US's soon to be confirmed Ambassador to the UN (I'm sure the bastard will be confirmed-- despite all the evidence that proves him unfit for the position-- b/c a douchebag like Prissy Owen just got confirmed, too). Please listen here to get an idea of how John the Bully Bolton will meet and greet Kofi Annan and the rest of the distinguished UN members... ![]() Here's some infamous paraphrased Bolton quotes: "If you wiped out the top 10 floors of the UN building, it wouldn't matter". And this: "The UN is nothing without the US" and " The only purpose of the UN is bolster US interests when the US wants it to." So, we know that he has absolutely zero interest in respecting the UN or anyone who actually works "with" the UN, but have you ever seen Bolton in action? Check out the video here (Thanks to Political Web Solutions). I wonder how many American people would like to see Bolton become our ambassador to the UN after watching him gnash his fangs and foam at the mustache when dealing w/other diplomats? Please folks... spread this around and send it to your senators and representatives... I did. And it would seem that at least 1 of my state's senators is VERY AFRAID for the future of his grandbabies if Bolton is confirmed... see the video, courtesy of Crooks and Liars here. As genuinely touched as I am by Voinovich's heartfelt tears, WHY in the name of all things holy did he NOT VOTE AGAINST Bolton in committee? He could have nixed Bolton's chances then and there and not needed to shed any fearful tears while speaking yesterday... I'm afraid for my kid, too, George V.-- as well we all should be. ![]() Well, well, well... who will the WH accuse now? How will they spin this into some "the LIBERAL MEDIA" lied and look what happened? This info comes from the FBI... who will they blame now? ![]() McClellan just lies like a rug: At a WH press briefing, Press Sec McClellan,( grilled by reporters and w/ Afghan Pres Karzai in disagreement) retreated on claims that Newsweek's retracted story on Koran abuse cost lives in Afghanistan. McClellan also claimed that he had never said it did, even though a check of transcripts disproves that. On May 16 he said: "people have lost their lives." On May 17 he said: "People did lose their lives," and: "People lost their lives" due to the Newsweek report. How nice: They don't have to admit they were wrong... They just deny that they said it in the 1st place. So what if dozens of people were present that can prove that it was said & it's on tape, and many millions have seen the tape, it doesn't mean it actually happened. B/c you just can't be wrong if you didn't say the thing that was wrong, can you? Nothing could be simpler, and it is so damn handy, let me show you: 1st it was Iraq has WMDs, then it became Iraq has WMD programs, then that became Iraq has no WMDs, and then that became Iraq needs liberated from the leader who could have thought about acquiring WMDs... aaah... ain't propaganda great? ![]() What is the leading cause of hunger in the world?... the weather, such as droughts or flooding?... NOPE... it's WAR. Read here. And what does war cause, besides death, destruction, and maiming?: War "contributes to the spread of HIV/AIDS through displacement, rape or commercial sex."... So, what do we need war for?... absolutely nothing... say it again... ![]() OMG... this jackass Walter Jones (R-NC) - who led the campaign to change the name of french fries/toast to "freedom fries/toast"- has turned against the war! Jones told a local newspaper the US went to war "with no justification" and "If we were given misinformation intentionally by people in this administration, to commit the authority to send boys, and in some instances girls, to go into Iraq, that is wrong. Congress must be told the truth." Holy waffle irons... when the fry guy has a change of heart, ya know this gig in Iraq is going bad. ![]() Okay- so not really in love b/c well, I am very married and in love w/my hubby, and b/c Beatty is married, and much, much, much older- but read Beatty's keynote address at the graduation ceremony for UC Berkeley's Goldman School of Public Policy & tell me if ya don't love him, too?... Arnold, you got righteously bitchslapped by a "girly man". ![]() "More people joined the Michael Jackson fan club. We've done picked all the low-lying Lynndie England fruit, and now we need warm bodies." - Bill Maher on the Army's low recruitment numbers for April. Well, the recruitment numbers are almost 50% lower than they need to be to meet war demands... but Rep Spencer Bachus (R-AL) says this statement constitutes TREASON and should be grounds for cancelling Maher's show. WTF? So, TELLING THE TRUTH is treason? And forget the fact that Maher's statement does not even meet the criteria of what constitutes treason. No Rep Bachus... misleading the Congress deliberately to wage an unjustified and illegal war and killing our own soldiers and innocent civilians needlessly is TREASONOUS. Read Maher's succinct response to Bachus... another righteous bitchslap is delivered to a War Fan who should busy himself w/ the business of signing up the other War Fans to the Army instead of playing "Couch Commandos" & criticizing those of us who see this war for what it really is. ![]() ![]() Gee, Newsweek tarnished our US image beyond repair? No, intolerant and hateful Bigots for Christ damage our image and this should make all of us ashamed. If it doesn't, we are no better than the Muslim Extremists. Should the Talibornagains be the only ones to have their religious beliefs protected and respected? Land of the free, my ass... ![]() A Baptist minister in NC refuses to apologize for a church sign saying the Muslim Koran should be flushed. The Rev Creighton Lovelace of Danieltown Baptist Church says he believes it's a statement that the Bible is above any other religious book "that does not teach Christ as savior and lord." CAIR (Council of American-Islamic Relations) said: "Christians often ask themselves, 'What would Jesus do?'" said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper. "I don't think Jesus, who is loved by Muslims and mentioned frequently in the Quran, would use such hate-filled and divisive rhetoric." He called on Americans of all faiths to take advantage of CAIR's recent offer of a free Quran for anyone interested in learning the truth about Islam and Muslims. Hmm... I wonder if they will also offer free copies of the Bible so these bigoted backwater idiots can learn the truth about Christianity & Jesus and follow Jesus' teachings of acceptance and tolerance? Imagine if a mosque's sign said flush the Bible-- Christians would rightfully be pissed off. You don't have to buy into someone else's religious beliefs in order to respect the holding of those beliefs. This sign says, in essence, that "Your religion is shit & should be flushed", but should we even be shocked since Dobson's spoiled brat son is the author of a book entitled -- I shit you not -- Be Intolerant: Because Some Things Are Just Stupid. Yes, you intolerant bigot.... some things are just stupid. ![]() The suspicious object that jammed traffic Monday on Interstate 75 and Daniels Parkway was not an explosive pipe bomb, according to the Lee County Sheriff's Office. The cylinder was more than a foot long in a plastic bag and wrapped with duct tape. It looked like a pipe bomb. Deputies arrived and alerted the bomb squad, which used a robot to disable the cylinder... only to discover that it was a prosthetic penis. There's no word yet on whether the device was designed to serve medical or recreational needs... ewww... ![]() This, courtesy of Raw Story, raises a very important issue that certainly must be examined: did Bush abuse the Constitutionally given rights of Prez power? : “For the president to be at one time misleading the Congress about his intentions, and at the same time working carefully with Prime Minister Blair and many in his cabinet as the declassified memos now reveal, as far as eight months before the war started, we don’t just have deception, this is a constitutional abuse of power” Rep John Conyers remarked. ![]() At another 1 of his "GOP Kool Aid Drinkers Only Can Attend" Town Hall meetings for Soc Sec Reform, Bush finally told the TRUTH: "See in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." Check out the PDF, scroll down to the quote on page 10, in the 1st full paragraph. Also, scroll down to page 13 where the Idiot and Chief tells a women in her 70's that she looks 100 yrs old... nice, real nice... he must be thinking of his own hag mother... that grandma should have spit in his disrespectful face. ![]() In NY, Bush acknowledges GOP split on Social Security at his fake Town Hall meeting: GREECE, New York (AP) -- President Bush, facing an uphill battle on Social Security in Congress, worked Tuesday to persuade moderate Republicans to resist pressure from constituents and support his ideas for changing the nation's retirement system. Nice A-hole, but they face re-election from those constituents you just told them to ignore... I wonder where they will place their loyalties after receiving King Georgie's royal order? ![]() Creepy... With unemployment in Iraq at about 60%, the chance to earn money by touting body parts is a more calculated risk than, say, becoming a $150-a-month rookie policeman at the mercy of suicide attackers. But things are getting better everyday... if you drink enough Bush Kool-Aid and live in a place untouched by reality, that is. ![]() This is the BEST stem cell rant I have ever heard or read... I only wish I had written it myself, but I didn't, so please check out News For Real's take on it, just scroll down to the May 24th post. Priceless. ![]() ![]() So, Dr. Push N Shove did not get his nuclear wish. It is not a complete victory for Dems, either (hopefully we can still filibuster Supreme Crt nominees now) BUT Frist and his Evil Minions lost more than they gained. Now, let's sit back & watch the GOP get eaten alive by the pissed off Religious Fright who will demand blood for compromise. ![]() Boo frickety hoo... read Dobson's official statement here: "This Senate agreement represents a complete bailout and betrayal by a cabal of Republicans and a great victory for united Democrats. Only 3 of President Bush’s nominees will be given the courtesy of an up-or-down vote, and it's business as usual for all the rest. The rules that blocked conservative nominees remain in effect, and nothing of significance has changed." Too bad... get over it you hate filled Pharisee & when will you and your band of teeth gnashing Talibornagains turn on your formerly beloved GOPers? Call yourself what you really are: Focus on Asshole Families for Hatred. ![]() Senior US congressmen are considering sending a delegation to London to investigate Britain’s role in preparations for the war in Iraq, based upon the Brit Downing St. memo. A letter, drafted by Congressman John Conyers of Michigan has been signed by 89 members of House of Reps, said that the memo raised “troubling new questions regarding the legal justifications for the war as well as the integrity of your own administration”. ![]() As if The No Child Left Behind Act, decimating fed funding so the wealthy could have their unecessary tax cuts, & bilking billions out of taxpayers so home and charter schooled kids can get their vouchers while public schools close, have their teacher staffs slashed and have no extracuricular activities, sports, and books has not been bad enough... now comes this: Rev. Voddie Baucham, Jr.- a minister from TX is 1 of 2 people who has co-authored a proposed resolution to call on churches to investigate whether local public schools in their cities are promoting homosexuality. How do they believe schools are pro gay? Well, thru “officially sanctioned homosexual clubs” (such as Gay-Straight Alliances) and all programs that teach students about safe sex, diversity training, multicultural education, anti-bullying and safe schools. The Rev said: "We deem anti-bullying and safe schools programs to be merely fronts for teaching acceptance of homosexuality as a valid way of life". Whoa... teaching children to not beat the shit our of one another and to allow children to attend school- (a guaranteed right by the way)- w/out being intimidated, beaten, harrassed or scared shitless is PRO GAY? Gee Rev, where exactly did the Bible say it was Christian to intimidate, beat and scare students in the name of Jesus? Big shock he lives in TX, huh?... the fucking cradle of lunacy and the armpit of the nation. Note to self, if I ever have the misfortune of visiting TX... DO NOT DRINK the WATER... it will rot my mind and morals. ![]() Read Bob Herbert's "The Rumsfeld Stain" from the NY Times. Dead-on correct... now, when will the War Fans realize this? ![]() Nice one Pope Benny... protect and coddle the baby fuckers: He scored a major victory for the perpetrators who molest minor children by simply closing down the investigation into Father Maciel, very credibly accused of molestation in Mexico. And the victims of Fr Maciel?... well, it appears that they are fighting back against the man who founded the VERY FAR RIGHT group called The Legion of Christ. Hey Pope Benny and Fr Maciel... who would Jesus molest? ![]() What a completely shameful ass kissing event this was. Please read the WH Press Release here. I just want to know why Catholics who truly follow Doctrine did not call attention to the fact that putting prisoners to death via capital punishment, waging a war that was not waged in self defense (the only Biblical defense) and protecting and padding the wallets of the wealthy while standing on the throats of the middle and poor classes violates everything that the Church is supposed to stand for? Oh that's right, abortion and homosexuals are the only issues the Church can focus on while whoring themselves out via the deal made with the Devil. It would appear that some evangelical Christians ARE NOT SMITTEN w/Bush and his band of Talibornagains (good for them!). And John of AMERICAblog brings up the issue that since Mayor Jim West of Spokane was attending a prayer breakfast also on Friday, he and Bush could have just went to the Catholic Prayer Breakfast together to discuss how the Catholic Church was so able to hide the sexual abuse of children from pedophile priests for decades since West has his own sexual abuse charges facing him, now, too. Ouch. ![]() Why is Galloway's Senate Info Missing? This is creepy... the Senate website claims that George Galloway did not make a statement. Do you fully understand what that means?... the Senate is officially LYING by saying that Galloway did not make a statement. How did we watch him on the news? How did we read about his appearance in the papers? And what about this: All other witness testimonies for the hearings on the Oil for Food scandal are available on the Committee's website in PDF form. But Galloway's testimony is the only document not on the site. Hmm... so I guess that we had better read and archive the Times Online UK articles on Galloway's appearance before they all disappear, too, huh? And what about this article that Yahoo linked to from The Nation? Is this a figment of our collective imaginations b/c this administration says so? (I linked to this Nation story via another blog (www.misoldierthoughts.blogspot.com) so I guess a soldier getting his ass shot at is delusion, too) If scrubbing and sanitizing the news that Bush or our politicians do not like doesn't scare the shit out of you, it does me. Again, let me refresh your memory of a much earlier post of mine on fascism. Please watch it here. Be afraid. Be very afraid. ![]() Read this from Texans for Public Justice... I get the distinct feeling that Owen is not well liked by these Texans. Perhaps they are biased?... well... I don't think so, b/c check out the piss poor rating Owen got from the Houston Bar Association, which is INCREDIBLY conservative: Priscilla R. Owen: Outstanding-39.5 Acceptable- 15.2 Poor- 45.3. Still not convinced she blows as a judicial nominee? How about this bit about her being a heartless c*nt to a ventilator-dependent quadriplegic 14 yr old boy? ![]() This photo is just sickening, and comes courtesy of AMERICAblog, please check it out. And the Dept of Defense posted this photo on 05/05/2005... that means the Newsweek's "Toiletgate" fiasco happened after this tank has been rolling thru Iraq for how long? Do you think that a tank w/New Testament written on it endears our troops, our nation, and our politics to the Iraqis and the Muslims? Read the AP story on the tank here and check out what an Iraqi Christian leader has to say about the Talibornagains "bribing" poor Iraqi Muslims w/money to convert... funny, but I don't recall the part of the Bible that says Thou shalt Bribe in the Name of the Lord... ![]() 10 Inquiries Into Abuse & 10 Free Passes for Bush Read Seymour Hersh's article in the Guardian UK. Hersh asks why does the buck stop w/a handful of low- ranking enlisted military members who all claim that they had been instructed by their superior officers to abuse the prisoners, yet no one in the chain of command has been implicated or seriously investigated. That's why the "Saddam in His Undies" story so disgusts me... do pix of Saddam in his undies constitute humiliation, and therefore violates his rights guaranteed by the Geneva Convention? Yes they do... but what about the rights of the detainees and prisoners at places like Bagram? How many of their rights have been violated?... yet no one gives a damn. Hamid Karzai claims he is shocked to learn of abuse at the hands of US troops in Afghanistan... really?... why? Did Karzai think his nation's citizens would be given a free pass on abuse? Read this interview from Democracy Now w/Erik Saar, a former Army sgt who served as an Arabic translator at Guantanomo Bay... chilling. ![]() On Jan. 24, 2003, four days before President Bush delivered his State of the Union address presenting the case for war against Iraq, the National Security Council staff put out a call for new intelligence to bolster claims that Saddam Hussein possessed nuclear, chemical and biological weapons or programs... but the Nat'l Sec Council investigators told Bush this: "the NSC believed the nuclear case was weak," according to a 500-page report released last year by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Hmm... so the Brit Downing Street memo + this info = trumped up illegal war... so we impeach Bush when exactly? ![]() Paul Craig Roberts: Impeach Bush Paul Craig Roberts, an economist who had been formerly appointed by Reagan to work as asst to the Sec of Treasury in the 80s says this about Bush: George W. Bush and his gang of neocon warmongers have destroyed America’s reputation. It is likely to stay destroyed, because at this point the only way to restore America’s reputation would be to impeach and convict President Bush for intentionally deceiving Congress and the American people in order to start a war of aggression against a country that posed no threat to the United States. America can redeem itself only by holding Bush accountable... 'nuff said. ![]() ![]() Maybe I'm seeing subliminal things... but does that sign behind Bush (doing his best Nazi arm salute imitation last week during his Baltic trip) spell GORE 1?... yeah A-hole, we all know that Gore won... or does it spell ORGI? Read this next story, and I think you'll agree that it spells orgy... ![]() Okay, 1st, this part about porn star and former gubernatorial candidate Mary Carey joining her boss, Kick Ass Pictures president Mark Kulkis, in attending a dinner with President Bush in Washington, D.C. on June 14 comes courtesy of Karena's Blog. But,... I have to wonder if Mary Carey is seeking a presidential pardon of sorts for her arrest in April 2005 in a strip club raid in Tacoma , WA? Who knows, maybe Mary and Bush can discuss his expertise in horse masturbation for her next film project... can you imagine the aneurysm the Talibornagains would have had if Bill Clinton had dinner with a porn star? What kind of things will Bush say to Carey?: "Well Mary, although I do everything within my power to treat all gays and lesbians like sub-humans, I do admire your girl on girl action." or "Gee Mary, that scene from your last movie -ya know- where you took on 4 guys- was truly awe inspiring... it was such a group effort... with no partisan bickering." ![]() Sen Santorum compared the Dems to Nazis in regard to using the filibuster: "It's the equivalent of Adolf Hitler in 1942 "I'm in Paris. how dare you invade me. How dare you bomb my city? It's mine. This is no more the rule of the Senate than it was the rule of the Senate before not to filibuster." See video here at Crooks & Liars. Read what Steve Gilliard has to say about this and how Think Progress shows the blatant hypocrisy of Santorum who ripped into Sen Byrd when Byrd made a Nazi reference in March 05. As David Sirota points out, did Santorum read Bob Novak's playbook on Nazi references or what? Here's my 2 cents on this: If the Dems are Hitler, then the GOPers are Stalin. 1. GOP/Stalin want absolute power over the Executive, Legislative, & Judicial branches of govt 2. GOP/Stalin want the collectivism of big corporations or big govt controlling all commerce, production, employment, education, food, social agendas, sexual practices, etc. 3. GOP/Stalin want and advocate use of torture, never ending imprisonment, destruction of due process. 4. GOP/Stalin want any scientific view that doesn't suit their agenda labeled ""bourgeois pseudoscience" (Stalin) or "secular" or "anti-Christian" (GOP). ![]() So, it looks like Newsweek didn't get it so wrong after all since CNN is reporting that the Red Cross had documented abusive treatment of the Koran in 2002/03... but check out this on the front page of the NY Times: Even as the young Afghan man was dying before them, his American jailers continued to torment him. It would be many months before Army investigators learned a final horrific detail: Most of the interrogators had believed Mr. Dilawar was an innocent man who simply drove his taxi past the American base at the wrong time. This infamous quote from a Vietnam Vet's mom says it all: "I sent a good boy. They made him become a monster"...yep. ![]() This story just blew me away... and if it is true... how F-ing desperate are the recruiters to fill combat boots with a warm body? If the Senate can intervene on the behalf of a child at a mother's request like in the Terri Schiavo case, shouldn't the same thing happen here on the behalf of this child at the request of his mother? Oh, that's right, our media and the Talibornagains only care about Christian white girls (Schiavo, Runaway Bride, practically every Amber Alert)... not missing Hispanic boys with borderline IQs, or poor people who need oxygen. ![]() From the BBC: Women who serve in the US army are barred by law from fighting on the front line. But in Iraq, the US is fighting an insurgency - which means there is no front line. GOP lawmakers in the Congress now want to pass a measure which would keep women out of units called Forward Support Companies. The army is deeply opposed to the measure. Underlying the army's opposition are the problems it is having recruiting new troops. Well, this is not shocking to me... it is very hard to keep selling your illegal war when daddy's lil girl or some sad lil kid's mommy fills a body bag, and quite frankly, if they can't trust and allow females to be in charge of their reproductive futures, then why in the hell should we die for their war anyway? ![]() Slow painful death of the freedom of truth... here is the linchpin: The Justice Dept's enthusiasm for a Supreme Crt decision that effectively says only rich people can challenge a federal bureaucrat’s decision to keep secret government documents that ought to be public. Until now, people who appealed a bureaucrat’s withholding of documents requested under the FOIA could have their attorney’s fees reimbursed by the fed government if their suit was the “catalyst” for the official to reverse the adverse decision. Citizens appealing the bureaucrat’s decision to conceal requested documents can have their legal fees paid by the govt only by gaining a favorable court decision. That means the bureaucrat can wait until the last minute and then provide the documents w/o having to pay the requestor’s legal costs. The Crt’s decision could end FOIA appeals by everybody who doesn’t have a fortune to pay lawyers, such as returning soldiers in need of medical appeals, journalists, and injured workers, injured consumers. This info comes from The Heritage Foundation-- yes-- UBER conservative Heritage Fndt... wow. ![]() Why do we need Freedom of Information Act? For reasons such as this. I know... we have been told about the defective armor... but read down to see how we found out about it being defective in the 1st place. ![]() If ever there were reason to support legal and safe abortions in this nation, it would be this article about the predicament a nation like the Philippines faces daily. Well, actually, all one would have to do is look at the horror that was unleashed upon the nation of Romania when all methods of birth control and abortion were made illegal by dictator and theocrat Nicolae Ceausescu. ![]() GOP Agenda: Corporate Judiciary Read this very ominous Dec 03 article from Mother Jones on Bush's push to get his judges shoved down our throats. Although the descriptions of these judges that Bush is so enamored of shows them as the swarmy sub-humans they truly are, this judicial fight is WAY bigger than gay marriage and abortion. It's about making us powerless against the big bad corporations who have the GOP in their back pocket. Be afraid. ![]() Read what happened Weds during the Senate Session on the filibuster and see what Bill the Cat Killer Frist had to say about the GOP use of filibuster courtesy of Think Progress. And check out the Top 10 Filibuster Falsehoods courtesy of Media Matters. Yep... the GOP wants the GOP to be the only group to ever be able to use the filibuster and if any spineless Dems jump ship and become turncoats, they can go fuck themselves b/c the GOP hatched the nuclear plan back in 2003. ![]() Check out this NBC/Wall St Jrnl poll from MSNBC: Perhaps the most revealing finding in the poll is by 47 percent to 40 % the public says it would prefer Dems controlling Congress after the 2006 elections. ![]() Oh Bill Maher... you are so dead-on about this... but the best lines: "For everybody who helped sell this war. You've got to go first. Brooks and Dunn, drop your cocks and grab your socks! Ann Coulter, darling, trust me, you will love the Army. You think you make up shit! Oh, and that Republican Baldwin brother, he's got to go so that Ted Nugent has someone to frag. But mostly, we have to send Mr. And Mrs. Britney Spears. Because Britney once said, "We should trust our president in every decision that he makes, and we should just support that and be faithful in what happens." Okay, somebody has to die for that. Or at least go. Hey, maybe she'll like it. Hell, she's already knocked up. That'll save the MP unit about ten minutes. And think of the spiritual lift it will provide to troops and civilians alike when actual combat smacks the smirk off of Kevin Federline's face and fills his low-hanging trousers with dootie."... yes Master Maher, you so nailed it. ![]() Read this transcript of the questions following a meeting between Condi Rice & Brit Foreign Sec Jack Straw. It's lovely to see them feign ignorance over the Brit Memo and then weasel their way out of it w/their usual lies that could substitute as fertilizer for your lawn. ![]() My brain is going to explode if I read anymore blatant Catholic insanity... this is not the Church I remember as a child and loved: A pregnant student who was banned from graduation at her Roman Catholic high school announced her own name and walked across the stage anyway at the close of the program (YEAH! You go girl!) ... but then... this: But her mother and aunt were escorted out of the church by police after Cosby headed back to her seat... and the girl's baby daddy?... well... leave it to the good old boys mentality in Alabama and the Vatican to do this: The father of Cosby's child, also a senior at the school, was allowed to participate in graduation. So, this teen does what the Church orders her to do (do not have abortion, carry baby to term) and the boy who helped create this situation with his dick's actions? FREE PASS FOR ALL RESPONSIBILITY and BLAME... that slut lured you, you poor innocent boy... Jesus... please help me maintain my heartfelt faith in You when the Church pisses me off so much. ![]() Weds morning, as my toddler and I were helping my husband get ready for work @ 8:00am, we heard on the stereo (on the nationally syndicated “Bob and Tom Radio Show” - I know... we just turned it on and didn't bother to change the channel- but yes, they are A-holes) a sickening song that made a mockery of the abuse at Abu Ghraib. I called my local radio station to complain, and they pretty much blew me off. Why is this so important? Well, 1st, the White House throws a fit over Newsweek’s article, apology and retraction, saying that Newsweek has not done enough to “fix the tarnished image of the US now has abroad” – as if the use of torture, waging an illegal war and killing with impunity has earned our nation a sterling image, eh?—and these morons get to make a mockery of offenses that soldiers have been tried and imprisoned for? 2nd, what about our soldiers who are still in Iraq? Don’t ya think that making a mockery of the abuse at Abu Ghraib sends the wrong message to Muslims and Iraqis, who may, in fact, decide to retaliate against our troops and make them “pay” for what happened at Abu Ghraib? The song shows absolutely zero regard for Islam, the Iraqi people, and our soldiers.. and that is also worthy of an apology and/or retraction of some sort. I contacted Media Matters about this & I hope that they look into this disgraceful song of Bob and Tom's just as they did when radio host Glenn Beck said this: "I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it." ![]() Let's Play the C-SPAN Drinking Game! Right now on C-SPAN, you can watch live coverage of the Senate Session on the Filibuster Issue... please feel free to click and watch (Arlen Specter is on right now) but let's make a fun drinking game out of it! 1 sip every time FILIBUSTER is said. 2 sips every time NUCLEAR is said. 3 sips every time UNCONSTITUTIONAL is said, 4 sips every time UP and DOWN VOTE is said, 5 sips every time CLOTURE is said, and 20 sips ANYTIME someone has the balls to say "Bill Frist is a crazy fucker!". Cheers.... drink up and let's get really drunk b/c I think it may make the possible destruction of our Constitution more bearable. Sure... it's not even noon yet (EST) but screw it... bottoms up! ![]() ![]() The GOP claims that the filibuster has never been used before. Hmm... is this front page of the Wash Post from Sept. 26, 1968 a figment of my imagination? NO. They are LIARS. Spread the word. Hat tip to Daily Kos for the pix. ![]() Yes, once again, Bill the Cat Killer Frist is LYING. I know-- you're probably as shocked as I am-- but just ask Abe. Abe Lincoln? Nope. Abe Fortas. His nomination was filibustered by the Repubs, but why should those pesky lil things like history and facts get in the way of a GOP extremist agenda? The unprecedented break in tradition began in 1968, when GOPers filibustered LBJ's nomination of Abe Fortas. Fortas (who had been on the Supreme Court, as an Associated Justice since 1965) was nominated to replace Chief Justice Earl Warren in 1968. The GOPers didn't want another Warren, so in an unprecedented move, they blocked Fortas from a straight up or down vote... so THEY FILIBUSTERED back in '68. They also filibustered 2 Clinton appointees on the floor, just 5 years ago. The GOPers, (including a cat's worst friend, Bill Frist), tried to block Richard Paez and Marsha Berzon from a straight up or down vote. Don't believe me? Check out the Roll Call for Berzon on March 8, 2000. Now, check out the Roll Call for Paez on March 8, 2000. Didja happen to see this part?: Question: On the Cloture Motion. Well, cloture motion= filibuster. Case closed ya hypocritical lying bastards. Please sign Sen Harry Reid's petition letter to keep the filibuster. Thank you. ![]() Please check out this site. It just cracked me up... but sadly... it is dead-on correct, unless you live in Kansas... ![]() This is an awesome op/ed piece that asks the very question that I have been pondering for a looooong time now. ![]() I'm not quite sure what to make of George Galloway, a maverick British member of Parliament, when he testified before a Senate committee and said that the committe's charges that Saddam Hussein's government had given him the rights to buy 20 million barrels of oil to sell at a profit were "utterly preposterous"... but I do know what to think of his great oneliners that turned the tables on his accusers in a heartbeat: FABULOUS. Forget the fact the US backed illegal oil deals under Saddam, but we love to sweep our own transgressions under the rug. The quotes? Here they are: 1. "Senator, in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to be right and you turned out to be wrong and 100,000 people paid with their lives; 1600 of them American soldiers sent to their deaths on a pack of lies; 15,000 of them wounded, many of them disabled forever on a pack of lies." 2. "I told the world that Iraq, contrary to your claims did not have weapons of mass destruction." 3. "I told the world, contrary to your claims, that Iraq had no connection to the atrocity on 9/11 2001." 4. "I told the world, contrary to your claims, that the Iraqi people would resist a British and American invasion of their country and that the fall of Baghdad would not be the beginning of the end, but merely the end of the beginning." That's one Scotsman w/a set of brass ones. ![]() Bwwwaaaaahhh! Read this transcript of the WH daily press briefing. McClellan gets seriously bitchslapped on the WH insistence that Newsweek "must do more" b/c the image of the US has been irreparably damaged by "Toiletgate". I don't know who put the No Doze in the coffee of the reporters, but it is nice to see them finally waking up since they have been snoozing while this administration has driven the entire nation over the cliff for the past 5 yrs. ![]() This is a great investigative look at all of the very many reported incidences of disgracing the Koran, or Muslim prayer by US personnel against detainees. Read it and you tell me if Newsweek was far from the truth that has been reported and documented before. ![]() Why the Rush to Confirm Bolton? Iran War If this article is correct about this rush to confirm Bolton... God help us. ![]() So, Bush can't tell us enough that we must create private SS funds... but what about all of the widows, orphans, and/ or spouses and kids of the disabled? Well... simply put: SCREW 'EM. Didja know that with SS (apart from the earned income tax credit) no other government program lifts more children above the poverty line? Well, to hell with 'em... it just sucks to be poor and in need, now doesn't it? See the charts here for the full picture on how desperately we need to KEEP Soc Sec from being gutted by these heartless pricks. ![]() This gives you compact summaries of the judicial nominees that Dems are vehemently opposed to. The summaries don't even scratch the surface on why the Dems and anyone who values our nation, our civil rights, and our Constitution have such a problem w/them, but it's nice to see someone wants the public to know why exactly they are thought of as such foaming at the mouth wingnuts by anyone w/a brain. ![]() How nice that the WH can be so indignant about Newsweek inaccurately reporting that U.S. military investigators had confirmed that personnel at Guantanamo Bay had flushed the Koran down the toilet, yet, what about the Brit memo that proves that Bush & Blair concocted reasons to start the Iraqi War? (Read Krugman's take on the memo here) Here's the most laughable quotes by Scott McClellan: "The report has had serious consequences," he said. "People have lost their lives. The image of the United States abroad has been damaged." Serious consequences? REALLY? Consequences like destroying another country? Consequences like costing the US taxpayers billions upon billions of dollars for a war when our own people are unemployed, underemployed, facing foreclosures, bankrupt schools, and no health care? People have lost their lives? REALLY? Try 1600+ US soldiers, and 100,000 Iraqis A-hole. The image of the US has been damaged abroad? REALLY? So waging this illegal war in Iraq in the name of Empire hasn't made the US hated enough around the world? Applauding the use of torture hasn't damaged the image of the US around the world? Killing Muslims w/impunity hasn't damaged the US image around the world? GET a fucking grip on reality White House. You had already pissed away any sympathy, support and decent image that the US had after 9/11......... all for NOTHING but GREED & HUBRIS. ![]() While all of this furor over the Newsweek thing increases like a tornado... does anyone see disturbing similarities to it and Rathergate and Karl Rove's dirty fingerprints on the Texas Air Nat'l Guard's "forged" documents that proved that Bush was AWOL during Vietnam? Well, it seems that Raw Story does, too ( i.e. --the info is legit but "fake" or "forged" so it loses all credibility despite being legit) and maybe the Guardian UK has uncovered the reason behind the furor: It will take the focus off of the damning revelation that the Bush administration was made aware of illegal oil sales and kickbacks paid to the Saddam Hussein regime in the Oil for Food scandal, but did nothing to stop them. Or what about this from Think Progress? There were already BIG troubles brewing well before the Newsweek article came out with the Taliban insurgents (yes, they are back & still going strong b/c the money & focus in Iraq makes it so)... and once again, Keith Olbermann gets it that something smells rotten in Denmark, and that the stench may emanate from Scott McClellan. Check out Corrente Blog's take on how many times it has previously been reported that US personnel has disgraced the Koran way before Newsweek reported it. Read what MSNBC & Newsweek have to say on the whole issue, but frankly, we have smeared fake menstrual blood on the detainees, sodomized them, made them eat their food out of the toilet, and forced them to masturbate-- is throwing the Koran into the toilet out of the question? ![]() Well, well, well... I guess that Bush's blowjob amongst the bluebells for Saudi Prince Abdullah in TX does nothing to help this problem of extremist Saudi Islamics who want our Western heads on a platter, eh? No... but who cares b/c the only people who stand to get bent over and really service the Saudi Prince are our soldiers and the American citizens... not Bush. And what about this: the Saudi government has spent more than $1.5 million since 1998 lobbying Congress to shield the chemical industry from liability for damages caused by MTBE, a potentially cancer-causing gasoline additive that has seeped into water & which Senator has been lobbying for the Saudis? Tom DeLay. ![]() Neal Horsley:The Mule Consented to Sex If you can believe this, Neal the Animal-Lover Horsley went back on Alan Colmes' radio show to "clarify" his man on mule sex confessions. (open mouth/ insert foot). Horsley said: You can be forgiven for the "naturalness" of beastiality because animals are dumb and have no feelings, but those involved in homsexuality should be put in prison. Read more here, b/c it is un- F-ing- believable & it would mean that Horsley should be in prison b/c he admits to having homosexual sex, and asking the 2 mistresses he impregnanted to have abortions... and he is an anti-abortion extremist who prints abortion clinic doctor's home addresses online and encourages violence against said docs. Oh the hypocrisy! God, please bitchslap these hypocritical freaks who commit these acts in Your name... please. This quote sums it up perfectly: "The more repressed and sanctimonious and uptight you are about sex and love and gender and religion, the more likely you are to be involved in secret kink, in deep perversion, illegal perversion, perversion that crosses the line from healthy and slippery and delicious to degrading and morally reprehensible". ![]() Talk about a jaw dropping set of statements: "This war came to us, not the other way around." WTF?? WE CHOSE TO GO TO WAR... PRE-EMPITIVELY! And this: "Things do not happen overnight." WTF?? Things do not happen overnight when you have absolutely no plans in place besides invading and killing, ya stupid bitch. ![]() Read this condensed Time online interview w/ Chappelle. I truly hope that Dave is not smoking crack or losing his shit, but maybe the Comedy Central $50 million contract is messing w/him... but let me tell you, $50 million can come mess w/me ANYTIME it wants. ![]() A Catholic priest denied communion to more than 100 people, saying they could not receive the sacrament because they wore rainbow-colored sashes to church to show support for gay Catholics... I can only say this: Who would Jesus discriminate against and to whom would Jesus deny communion? ![]() Well McCain, you whored out any pride you have left w/in yourself when you appeared at the Repub Convention and practically bent over and let Bush screw you on live TV, so who cares if you agree w/it or not? The Blair & Bush administration HAVE NOT disputed it's contents. After Bush and Karl Rove destroyed your chances to become the GOP candidate in 2000 b/c they spread lies about you fathering an illegitimate black daughter, said you were gay, said that you were mentally unstable from the time spent in a Vietnamese POW camp, & said that your wife was a drug addict, and yet you still cheered for Bush at the 2004 GOP Convention, I'm sorry sir, but quite frankly, your judgement, your self respect, and your ability to tell any shred of the truth is destroyed as far as I'm concerned. So just go back to being one of Bush's many lap bitches and shut up. ![]() Well, they did finally decide to run the story, but notice they ran it on a Friday-- (the day of the week that important news yet damning news for an administration)-- is put in the papers and/or released to the media. ![]() ![]() Duh... while chaos unfolds... I'm just riding my trusty lil trike... I wonder if those Secret Service guys packed my go-gurts and juice boxes? ![]() So, Junior Bush on his Little Tikes Trike was in fact BREAKING THE LAW. Just take a gander at the rules for Patuxent Research Refuge Nat'l Wildlife Visitor Center Trails. Merely scroll down a bit, and clearly it is shown by the series of signs that biking is not allowed... but since when has pesky lil things like RULES and REGULATIONS and RESPECT ever held back W's wishes? What a jackass. While chaos was unfolding in DC, Baby Bush was blindly and blissfully breaking the law while biking. If Clinton had done this, they would have ordered an immediate investigation by the Fed Fish and Wildlife Commision to see if he could be charged w/a crime or to see if he secretly humped something on the trails. ![]() Bush was Blissfully Unaware... Like Usual Anybody else find this incredibly disturbing?: While the "Cessna Scare" was going on, and the 1st Lady and her guest, former 1st Lady Reagan, and Cheney were whisked away to safe and undisclosed locations... Bush was... riding... his... freakin... BIKE? From WA Post: He was out at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Beltsville, riding his bicycle -- at noon on Wednesday -- blissfully unaware. "The decision was made to inform the president upon conclusion of his bike ride," Bush press secretary Scott McClellan said later. WTF? John Roberts reports on the CBS Evening News: Roberts: "The fact that the President wasn't in danger is one aspect of this. But he's also the Commander-in-Chief. There was a military operation underway. Other people were in contact with the White House. Shouldn't the Commander-in-Chief have been notified of what was going on?" McClellan: "John, the protocols that we put in place after September 11th were being followed. They did not require presidential authority for this situation." Roberts then shows footage of Mike Woods, Bush's biking buddy, who upon his return to the White House yesterday is clearly surprised to hear from a reporter that there was a fuss while they were away. So, 1st McClellan says he didn't know until after his bike ride, but now when asked about when was the prez told about the situation, McClellan lies his ass off! He now says the Prez was told while biking. Was Bush still reading My Pet Goat? Did they simply not want to interrupt Georgie's book time? Or did they tell him when he was on his tricycle? WTF... who is running the F-ing show around here? War President my ass... he was off riding his trike while the adults handled the big people problems... F-ing twit. ![]() Gee, a civil war will fix things up right away for Iraqi civilians and our troops, right? God help them... but hey, now the insurgents even have time to fight amongst themselves... as if our soldiers were a mere nuisance, and would you believe this for even one second: The Army is offering a 15 month sign-on deal so recruits can avoid signing up for the typical 3 to 4yrs. Hmm, the back door draft.... ever heard of it? Yeah... and the check is in the mail, don't call us we'll call you, and I promise you honey, I will pull out in time... ![]() So, the freak resigns... but claims that the tapes of his foaming at the mouth rants about the Gates of Hell being WIDE OPEN to Kerry supporters must be "doctored"... yeah... and you can go seek the help of a doctor... to remove my foot from your self-bloated fundamentalist ass. ![]() The Worst GOP=GOD Bumper Sticker Ever You have to check this site out b/c it is for real folks... it sadly is not a joke. The bumper sticker that always pisses me off is this: "In Case of the Rapture This Car Will be Empty". What kind of nerve is that? To just ASSUME to know that you will be chosen to ascend into Heaven. Excuse me? If you believe in such things, you hope and pray that you've lead a good enough life to be worthy of Heaven-- who the in the hell are they to be so damn arrogant to know what God will do? I want to make my own bumper sticker specifically to target these types of cocky asses... tell me if you like it: My Darwin dinosaur car magnet EVOLVED and ate your Christian fish symbol car magnet... I know... the gates of hell await me... ![]() Dr. David Hager is Bush's evangelical federal adviser on women's health issues and a gynecologist. He is also a rapist who sodomized his wife against her will, and oftentimes, sodomized her while she was sleeping- in deep states of narcoleptic sleep & under the influence of narcolepsy medications. This of course, would wake her up and she would have to fight him off or simply endure it. His excuse? He said:"Oh, I didn't mean to have anal sex with you; I can't feel the difference". WTF? A man... NO... a gynecologist who can't or doesn't tell the difference between an anus & vagina? Okay, so we put aside the fact that he must be the WORST OB/GYN EVER, what about this: Read what the Wash Post has uncovered when Hager urged the FDA to kill selling the morning after pill over the counter (despite the fact that w/in hrs of taking the doses it does not "kill" a fertilized egg- it just causes a female to shed the lining of the uterus that a possible fertilized egg would use to implant itself into, and/or delays and prevents ovulation all together. It is not effective if a woman is pregnant and cannot terminate an established pregnancy. Since it must be taken w/in 72 hrs of the condom breaking or the unprotected sex, the possibility of the egg not being fertilized is very great). Hager (on videotape) said: "I argued from a scientific perspective, and God took that information, and he used it through this minority report to influence the decision. Once again, what Satan meant for evil, God turned into good." Whoa... but he doesn't let his medical decisions be dictated by his fundamentalism, now does he? And what does the good doc say about menstrual cramps? Just pray bitch! ![]() Anyone who knows me or reads my posts regularly knows that I cut Republicans ZERO slack... esp. GOP senators from my own state... so when I applaud Sen Voinovich (R-OH) for having the stones to call Bolton the crazy bully he is, he really deserves it. Read Voinovich's statement here. But all of that being said, I have to wonder if in the end Voinovich wimped out & voted for Bolton b/c he knew that Karl Rove would make it a sure thing that Voinovich would wake up with the bloody horse's head next to him on his pillow. Voinovich still can bite me, though...wimp. ![]() OK, so Mich already has a an informed consent law (passed in 1993) this law requires that: A woman seeking an abortion be given certain information at least 24 hours beforehand. The info includes a written summary of the abortion procedure; illustrations of fetal development corresponding to the gestational age nearest the probable gestational age of the woman's fetus; and prenatal care and parenting info. So, women in Mich are already fully aware of what exactly will happen/ does happen to the fetus during an abortion. I guess that is not enough for these Inquisitioners, b/c in addition to HB 4446 (Ultrasound Bill) they are proposing House Bills 4246 & 4247. These bills would bar health insurers from providing coverage for elective abortions except by an optional rider for which the policyholder has paid an additional premium. They're sponsored by Rep Scott Hummel (R-DeWitt). Insurance companies already throw a HISSYFIT if you dare to see a specialist or go to the ER... how do you think they will feel about the possibility of paying for all of the medical problems that seriously disabled children will rack up when their parents cannot pay to elect to have an abortion when they find out that their baby will be born w/ abnormalities? But once again, screw you baby, and screw you moms & pops... better keep your legs closed and your fly zipped. And another thing, technology and science is only handy for them when they need it to propel their agenda, but when it comes to issues like global warming and evolution, technology and science are tools of the Devil and completely incorrect, right? I'd like to make it mandatory for all GOPers to undergo a CAT scan so we can see if they really have brains in their heads and an EKG to see if they really have beating hearts in their chests before they're allowed to take office. ![]() Ok, so sue me, the Bush trip to the Baltics bored me... until that awesome grenade landed near him... but then, as my dad put it: The fucker who threw it had bad aim and it was a dud. And then the "Cessna Scare" happened but a terrifying thought of Cheney the Snarler being prez entered into my head- hey, that's right, he's the only one they rush off into an undisclosed area any time a scary "threat" happens- he's already the real prez- and then I read about this news... and I got PISSED. Bush practically dug up FDR's corpse and pissed on the old guy w/Bush's lie by comparing the Yalta accord among FDR, Churchill and Stalin in 1945 to the Hitler-Stalin pact. It is well known that the Bushes HATED FDR, but c'mon... and the Rude One perfectly sums up how Bush has desecrated FDR's works- it's a lil crude- but hey, he's the Rude One. And speaking of WWII, check out Pat Buchanan's latest rant: WWII. Was it Worth Fighting? He rants about murderous world leaders yet neglects to mention all the blood Bush has on his hands & this rant pissed plenty of folks off. I'm sure both of my WWII Vet grandfathers would resent their combat service being reduced to worthless... Pat is a Jew hating jackass & WWII survivors should line up & bitchslap him. ![]() Brit Memo Headlines I've Been Waiting For Well, it appears as if some news orgs want to do their job and REPORT on the British memo that proves that Bush's war in Iraq is illegal like the LA Times & CNN. I wonder if the Wash Post regrets not running that BIG story now? But still, most newspapers are black & white & full of crap, as this op/ed perfectly sums up... and now I am off to tend to a sick baby who just awoke w/a fever... I'm in for a loooong night, I predict... sigh... ![]() I knew Bolton's piss poor 70s porn star mustache revealed a hidden scary nature just bubbling under the surface... read what Raw Story & Larry Flynt exposes about Bolton & his ex-wife. ![]() A new portrayal of John Bolton: he so angered senior State Department officials with his public comments that the deputy secretary of state, Richard Armitage, ordered 2 yrs ago that Bolton be blocked from delivering speeches and testimony unless they were personally approved by Armitage. The NYT reported that the State Department will not provide critical documents about John Bolton requested by Sen. Joe Biden (D-CT) Why? B/c he's not a Republican. And what about Bolton's huge "nuclear blunder" that caused setbacks w/ Iran? ![]() You said it brother...but colored me shocked... this guy, Jude Wanniski, is a former editor of the Wall Street Jrnl, and he writes a letter to his friend Sen Lugar (R-MN) telling Lugar why Bolton should not be confirmed to the UN:" When I tell you John Bolton is a true force of darkness, you can be sure I do not do so lightly. “Darkness” in this sense is the absence of light and Bolton is a protégé of Richard Perle, who has been known for decades in Washington as “The Prince of Darkness". They are both masters of misinformation, believing that their “just cause” gives them the right, even the responsibility, to make the facts and intelligence fit their personal political objectives." 'Nuff said... ![]() Notice to Dave Chappelle: Put down the bong, take some Paxil or Zoloft, accept your fame and fortune.... and write us some funny skits bitch! Sheeze... one can enjoy one's new found success and STILL be productive, ya know... but good luck & get better b/c we need you man. ![]() Michigan GOP lawmakers are hoping more women will decide not to have abortions if they get to view a live image of the fetus first. House Bill 4446, would requires abortion providers to perform ultrasounds prior to abortions and offer women a chance to see the fetus before ending the pregnancy. The bill would not force women to watch the procedure. So, let's not prevent the pregnancies... just hurt and humiliate the pregnant women who are facing a gutwrenching decision. And who will pay for these ultrasounds? And who will fund the medical, food, clothing, education, housing, and living wage needs of these fetuses once their scared shitless moms feel like horrific baby killers and have the child insted of abort? Oh that's right... the GOP is only PRO-Birth-- screw you baby once you're out of the womb... your economically disadvantaged slut mother should have closed her legs... As gutwrenching as a decision like abortion is for most women, what about the decision to send our troops into a completely UNNECESSARY, ILLEGAL, & UNJUSTIFIABLE war? Perhaps all of the War Fans should be made to look at these pictures of OUR soldiers (I'm not even saying the horrifying pix of bloody civilians and children b/c the War Fans could care less about those "filthy rag-head Eye-rackees" anyway) but pix of our men and women whose bodies have been destroyed or killed by Bush's lies and criminal behavior should be mandatory viewing. And when the GOP, the Talibornagains, the Vatican, and the states/ fed govt cough up the cash to pay for these ultrasounds, the cost of raising these kids, and the cost for contraceptives to prevent more unwanted & unexpected kids, THEN they can demand that the mom undergo an ultrasound. Until then, they can shut the fuck up. ![]() Editor of Catholic Mag Fired per Vatican Orders The Rev. Thomas Reese, S.J., has been the editor of "America," an influential Catholic weekly magazine for 7 yrs. The Vatican threatened to impose a "board of censors" to oversee the magazine if he stayed, according to the National Catholic Reporter. The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, formerly run by the new pope, had pressured to get rid of Reese "for about 5 years". A source told the paper that it had issued an ultimatum, "that either Reese goes or they would appoint a board of censors." The irony is that "America is pretty mainstream," said Rev. Richard McBrien, professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame. He also added that Reese himself "has been very careful to be even-handed, fair-minded and restrained in any comments he's ever made, either in the run-up to this papal election or in his books." "I would be astonished if anyone except extreme right-wingers would be offended by anything he's either written or said," McBrien said... well McBrien, I think the people running this Catholic show are extreme right wingers... so Reese's moderation doesn't even count. ![]() This comes courtesy of Karena's Blog, and she picked up the actual article from USA Today (read the article here) but the gist is this: an Arabic practice known as "pleasure marriages" is now legal again in Iraq (outlawed b/c it was regarded as prostitution) but it does allow lonely widows to get their freak on... and make a few bucks, or dinars, as the case may be, in the process. Yippee! Legal prostitution in a "FREE" Iraq... see what democracy does for formerly repressed females?... does the Religious Fright know about this?... idiots. ![]() WAYNESVILLE, N.C. (AP) -- A Baptist preacher accused of running out 9 congregants who refused to support President Bush resigned Tuesday: "I am resigning with gratitude in my heart for all of you," the Rev. Chan Chandler said as he left a closed-door meeting at East Waynesville Baptist Church. Yeah, well don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya on your way out... A-hole. ![]() Jeeze... what if Woodward & Bernstein had blown off the break-in at the Watergate Hotel?... well, it really shows that the Wash Post has no balls when it comes to calling Bush to the carpet when he commits a massive F-ck up and they should be told about it. Please feel free to do so at: letters@washpost.com. Also feel free to check out Bella Ciao Org and Ben Frank Net to see how serious many are taking this memo and why they say that it is the final straw. ![]() Ever wonder what the Army pays? Here is a 2005 Army pay scale: Private: $13,711 Private E-2: $14,822 Private First Class: $17,475 Specialist/Corporal: $19,352 Sergeant: $21,108 Staff Sergeant: $23,040 Sergeant First Class: $26,640. Ever wonder how much private contractors make? Here is a job listing: Government contractor seeking applicants for overseas assignment in KUWAIT. Excellent pay & benefits up to $60,000+. The duties of the FPO are similar to those of an Army MP... except they will make a HELLUVA LOT MORE than any MP has ever made... and didja know that we could have been jamming roadside bombs and have not been? The Bush Administration did not request any funds in the emergency supplemental to purchase jammers for the Army despite the Joint Staff's estimating that roadside explosives have caused 70 percent of U.S. casualties (soldiers killed and wounded) in Iraq. Well, Sen Barbara Boxer is pissed off and she is trying to get something done for our troops. Did His Holiness the Prez think that if he and all the Talibornagains PRAYED REALLY HARD that our troops would be protected from the roadside bombs WITHOUT the jammers they need?... F-ing immoral idiots. ![]() Anti Abortionist Admits to Bestiality Sex For the love of Mr. Ed... I couldn't make this up if I tried: An anti abortion extremist on Alan Colmes radio show admitted to having sex with a mule, and alluded to having sex w/lots of farm animals. Neal Horsley's quote: "When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule... You people are so far removed from the reality... Welcome to domestic life on the farm... You experiment with anything that moves when you are growing up sexually. You're naive. You know better than that... If it's warm and it's damp and it vibrates you might in fact have sex with it." So let me get this straight: God hates abortion doctors, just like Horsley does, but God thinks that sticking your dick in a defenseless animal is A-okay? I'm no expert, but forcing yourself upon animals would seem to violate some serious Leviticus Laws and/or some serious Laws of Nature... what a sick freak. ![]() When will these public gay-bashing GOPers come out of their private closets and just cut the crap? Yet another member of the GOP, this time- the mayor of Spokane, Washington: Jim West for over 2 decades, West rose to power with a carefully cultivated image as a fiscally conservative Republican opposed to gay rights, abortion rights and teenage sex. Yet, in an Internet chat room last New Year’s Eve, he discussed his recent date with an 18-year-old man, and criticized the “sex Nazis” who try to regulate private sexual behavior. But there is much more: 2 men who met West in online chat rooms say that they were offered high salaried jobs on the city policy-making board, West is also tied to sex abuse allegations as far back as the 1970s, and it was announced today that West would be taking a leave of absence and that the Deputy Mayor would fill in for him, and you can check out this online chat from 3/05 w/ what West thought was a high school boy (but was really a forensic computer geek working w/the cops) where, yes... West is jacking off. ![]() Personally, I don't know if Bush/Cheney planned 9/11, but I do believe that they willingly turned a blind eye to stop it from happening b/c it benefitted them and their plan to invade Iraq (which was planned since Bush the Elder didn't finish the job in the Gulf War) and their Neo-Con plan for world domination. So frankly, nothing would shock me when it comes to the depths of evil this administration would sink to in order to get their twisted agenda accomplished. I watched David Griffin on C-SPAN, and he raises very compelling questions while promoting his new book, The New Pearl Harbor. Check it out for yourself, and try reading Michael Ruppert's book, Crossing the Rubicon if you want a hair raising peek at the depraved complicity of George W. Bush & Dick Cheney. ![]() Wow. I guess a vest that fails to stop a bullet is pretty much F-ing useless, huh? Oh that's right... it was John Kerry's fault that our troops still do not have armor vests and were SENT INTO Iraq in March 2003 w/out armored vests and vehicles when Kerry voted against the "blank cheque to Bush" in late 2003... yeah... WTF? ![]() I just have to wonder why exactly the Talibornagains and the GOP have made homosexuality their obsession. Watch this clip from an old The Larry King show (the cameras kept taping during the commercial break) and Pat Robertson is being coached to twist the questions being called in (which he claims are specifically being asked by "homos" and lefties) to suit his agenda, and then read these quotes by Robertson, Falwell, Cameron & other freako fundamentalists of their ilk to see what they have to say about about homosexuality. For people who claim to be so disgusted by gays and their sex lives, they spend AN AWFUL LOT of time obsessing specifically about gays and their sex lives. Personally, I do not care 1 bit what other people do sexually. I care about me and my husband's bodies and our sex life together... is the problem w/these uptight gay bashers that they just need laid, or just come out of the closet, or both? ![]() Well, well, well... it would appear that a mighty important event took place in space very early Monday: Astronomers photographed a cosmic event which they believe is the birth of a black hole. A faint visible-light flash likely heralds the merger of two dense neutron stars to create a relatively low-mass black hole, said Neil Gehrels of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. The merger occurred 2.2 billion light-years away, so it actually took place 2.2 billion years ago and the light just reached Earth early Monday... LIES! all LIES! If it isn't recorded in the Bible than it just didn't happen, and there are no black holes mentioned in the Bible, so this is all just scientific lies... well, if I lived in Kansas, this might be what I'd say... but since I have my head out of my ass and live in place called REALITY, I'll accept that this scientific discovery is in fact true and real. ![]() Crazy NC Pastor:Just a Mistunderstanding Hmm... so the crazy foaming at the mouth Baptist pastor from the NC church that ousted church members who are Dems and/or do not support Bush says this about the entire issue: "It's a great misunderstanding," and issued a statement afterward through his attorney saying the church does not care about its members' political affiliations. Well, it sounds like Jesus must have changed his mind and decided to admit Kerry voters into the Kingdom of God after all! oh that's right... this pastor is only saying this now b/c even the Associated Baptist Press knows that what this pastor did will kill the church's tax exampt status... oh well, if HR 235 passes, public stonings of Dems can take place immediately following Sunday's sermon... Yippee! & Praise Jesus! ![]() If this possibility of this bill passing does not scare you, then nothing will. HR 235 will allow churches to politicize their pulpit by telling their parishioners and church members whom to vote for and why... w/out any sanctions from the IRS, which has that nasty lil strict rule about giving places of worship tax exempt status as long as those places of worship stay separate from politics... ya know-- keeping the separation of church & state SEPARATE-- just as our Founding Fathers wanted and knew was best for our nation... theocratic F-ing idiots who sponser this are listed here. ![]() For the love of all things spy related: No European or American intelligence expert contacted last week had heard of al-Libbi until a Pakistani intelligence report last year claimed he had taken over as head of operations after Khalid Shaikh Mohammad’s arrest. A former close associate of Bin Laden now living in London laughed: “What I remember of him is he used to make the coffee and do the photocopying.” Yet, Al-Libbi’s arrest in Pakistan was hailed as a major breakthrough” in the hunt for Osama bin Laden & Bush called him a “top general” and “a major facilitator and chief planner for the Al- Qaeda network”. Condoleezza Rice said he was “a very important figure”... except HE'S NOT ANY of THESE BLOATED TITLES... retards. ![]() So, most of us spent Sunday celebrating our moms and/or our own motherhood... well, hate to burst your happy mommy bubbles, but it is time to think of the plight of other women around the world away from our comfortable American homes: 3 women in Afghanistan were found raped, hanged and dumped on a roadside with a warning not to work for foreign relief organizations. Oh but that's right... the US has completely improved women's rights there, eh? And this next article is beyond horrifying... as a woman, mom & mom w/a daughter... this article tells of unspeakable horrors: Read Ms. Magazine's look at life for women in the Congo. Don't know much about the Congo? (I admit, my knowledge is limited, too, but I did watch "Hotel Rwanda" in awe)... well, this BBC News piece from 12/04 is great (very easy read & simple maps). And if you haven't had enough sickening details, please read this Wash Post piece about the "U.N. 1 dollar girls"... God help females... how does half of the world's population become so abused, worthless and controlled? Oh that's right- simply b/c we have ovaries instead of penises, we must be abused, valued at nothing and controlled. Here are 2 organizations for women that can make a difference: Women for Women, and Global Fund for Women. ![]() |