Thursday, March 31, 2005 Hannity Calls Congressman an Asshole Well... if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I just don't know what is. Hannity called Dem. Jim Moran "an asshole", and adds, "I hate these people"... it takes one to know one Hannity, and you have no idea how much I hate you and your people... ya jackass. ![]() This is beyond weird... a group of employees of Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR) have gang beaten a fellow co-worker b/c he is Hispanic. The attackers, from Louisiana, are known as The Redneck Mafia, and they make no bones about being openly racist. The victim, who had to be med-evaced to Camp Anaconda, is now awaiting to be flown to Germany as he is in ICU in serious condition. If these American racists treat a fellow American like this simply b/c he is of Hispanic heritage, how do you think they treat Muslim Middle Easterners? ![]() Don't misunderstand me, I would 100% prefer it if Schiavo were given an injection that would stop her heart rather than see her denied food and water, but where are the protesters about this starvation: Children under the age of 5 are starving in Iraq. Malnutrition rates (4% for kids under age 5 when Saddam ruled) have now doubled to 8% for kids under age 5 since we invaded Iraq. Children grow faster in the 1st five yrs of life than at any other time, including their brain development, so what kind of devastation will this have on their futures? 17,000 kids die everyday in the world due to hunger. Why is there no outrage over their starvation? ![]() When I heard that the 11th Circuit Court was going to hear the Schindler's appeal, I thought WTF? But then when today's ruling came in, I have to wonder if they did take the appeal so all 12 judges could address the lie about activist judges and the unconstitutionality of Terri's Law. Thankfully, the 12 judges did in fact say that Terri's Law is unconstitutional and that not a single judge who had to examine and/or hear this case was an activist. See their decision here. And this op/ed from the Chicago Sun Times sums up what I feel about this case, as does this op/ed from the San Fran Gate, and it is positively GHOULISH of the Schindler's to receive money for the selling off of the list of people who donated money to "save Terri". ![]() Hmm... so Jeb Bush tried to kidnap Terri Schiavo, only to be stopped by the police who upheld the judge's ruling that she was to remain in her hospice and not have her feeding tube reinserted. Let me get this straight, a governor tried to break the law (kidnapping is illegal in all states) and purposefully tried to throw aside judicial law... so why is he still gov? Krugman asks what the hell is going, too? And the Schindler's thwarted a plan by a pastor and militia member to kidnap Terri... spooky. And this from CA, Arnold broke the law by hiring out of state petitioners to do his dirty work (i.e. intimidate pro-union protesters) which is in clear violation of CA law... so again, why is he still gov? ![]() Okay, so when does the "Buy All the Fake News Money Can Buy Scandal" end? This time, it's Jeb Bush who did the buying, and the reporter was paid at least $100,000. I'm working in the wrong field... I bet if I whored out my ethics & writing skills, I could accrue a nice lil nestegg. ![]() Bob Schindler Pulled Plug on His Own Mom OMG! Tom DeLay pulled the plug on his dad, the monks for the Schindlers let one of their fellow monks be taken off of life support, and now this: Bob Schindler pulled the plug on his own mom. ![]() Wow... I guess the guys who fired these nuns, (only to be replaced by someone younger and evangelical) never saw The Blues Brothers movie... cause The Penguin threw a mean ruler... ![]() For years, Evangelicals and born agains despised Catholics, and in fact, many still do hate Catholics, and do not even consider Catholics to be Christians, but politics have made the 2 religions form an unlikely and unholy alliance. Why? Simple: they both have an agenda & they both need one another to achieve their goals, and they can use one another long enough to reach their goals while still maintaining their mutual distrust and dislike for one another. Now, it seems that 2 very different groups have put aside their differences to reach their agendas and goals... the Aryan Nation and Al Qaeda. If Catholics can conveniently cast aside obligations to the poor, hungry, social programs, death penalty and war opposition, and wealth inequities just to join forces w/the born agains on abortion, maybe the Aryans really can cast aside their hatred of dark skinned Middle Eastern people who they deem to be impure and heretical. ![]() I cannot believe the things I stumble across sometimes, and this is one of those things: Eugene Delgaudio, the president of the Public Advocate USA, a "Family Values" GOP group, praises Terri Schiavo's parents and Prez Bush for fighting for life, b/c "we as a nation, are respecting innocent life less and less". Hmm... funny that he mentions respect and innocent life, b/c Delgaudio's own brother, and Repub direct mail guru Richard Delgaudio, pled guilty to producing child pornography... that means he actually made the kiddie porn folks... but Eugene can't cry and wail enough about the evils of homosexuality. So, kiddie porn gets a thumbs up, but homosexuality gets a thumbs down... WTF? And what about the Boys Scouts' anti-gay stance, yet one of their own leaders gets arrested for porn featuring lil boys? ![]() More news about the plight of Iraqi women, but this time it involves rape and our soldiers from the 3rd Infantry Brigade, the same unit that fired upon Giuliana Sgrena. Troops accused of rape will not be prosecuted, and there was no attempt to even try to find the women who were allegedly raped. How can you conduct an investigation if you do not question the victim? And even worse, in the Muslim world, even the hint of rape, leaves a female to be punished b/c her sexual assault brings shame upon her family, and I'm sure that photos, such as these (very graphic) contribute to the widespread belief that our troops are preying upon Muslim women, thereby making the lives of these Middle Eastern women even more miserable, and making Muslim men hungry to extract revenge upon our soldiers, too. The lives of Muslim women can be bad enough already, so why can't we heed the advice of Amnesty Intnt'l and try to prevent any and all acts of violence against Muslim women? ![]() Talk about hypocrisy... yet again... Eric Rudolph the abortion clinic bomber has ties to a church, led by an anti abortion activist, in TN. And how about the Schiavo life protesters who are making death threats on the conservative Repub judges who had the misfortune of being assigned this case, threats against W and Jeb, Michael Schiavo, his siblings, his children and their mother, his lawyer, and the police who are trying to keep law and order? That really must warm Jesus' heart to see people bomb clinics and make death threats in His name. These religious criminals merely want to end the life of anyone who dares to disagree w/their views on life, law, and religion. Killing to defend the sanctity of life is like having an orgy to defend virginity. ![]() If You're Gay, Don't Expect Healthcare 1st of all, let me make this clear: I am 100% hetero, but I am so sick and tired of fighting for the civil rights of gays who vote GOP, so if you are a Gay Repub, go fuck yourself. 2nd of all, if this doesn't scare the hell out of every single one of you out there, you are obviously not paying attention and do not see the very real slippery slope that this will create. DOCTORS and HEALTH INSURERS now have the right to refuse to treat Gay and Lesbians in Michigan if they find them to be morally objectionable to their personal beliefs. It allows Drs & insurers to refuse to treat a patient or perform a procedure that they object to, & what nightmare will that lead to?... if you are raped and you go to the ER to get treated and you want emergency contraceptives to prevent that rape from developing into a pregnancy, too bad bitch. It's your tough luck that you got raped on that particular morally superior health care provider's watch. And fuhgettaboutit if you're a gay man who has been abused by a partner and you need medical treatment... I guess it will just suck to be you... as if being a gay person in America doesn't suck enough already. The Nazis will be goosestepping in surgical greens... ![]() Wal-Mart is refusing to fill emergency contraceptives, presecribed for women by a doctor, of course, b/c Wal-Mart feels as if they have the right to deny a legal prescribed medicine to a patient based on their "morals" (as if Wal-Mart has morals). I wonder if they also feel the same way about filling Viagra for some dirty old horny man? And in a big shout out to K-Mart, they have said since 1999 that they would fire any pharmacist who refused to fill any legally prescribed prescription... looks like more Martha Stewart products are in my future... but this article on pharmacists should really scare the hell out of every American. They tell us we can't get abortions, but they also can refuse to give us our prescribed birth control pills that will prevent an unwanted pregnancy in the first place? What's next for these freaks? Canada's high taxes and endless snow just looks better and better every F-ing day. ![]() Creditors are illegally bleeding our soldiers and it appears that there is nothing the soldiers can do about it. Nice, real nice, so they get the honor of being shot at & foreclosed upon. ![]() Wow... it just never ends w/Gannon/ Guckert. Susan G. at Daily Kos uncovers that Jeffy worked at an auto-body repair shop until Jan 02. In Feb 02, he then miraculously turns up in DC, ready to begin his uncredentialed career as a untrained journalist w/a front and center seat in the WH. Jeeze, I guess I never thought to bang someone for a career. Instead, like an idiot, I racked up huge student loans and studied my way to my Bachelor's degree. It really is who ya know & blow, eh? ![]() It is utterly amazing that Bush is on the record (as TX govnr) as saying that he absolutely trusted the judgment of our courts (when it came to the death penalty of prisoners), yet he does not trust the judgment of the courts when it comes to Schiavo... FLIP FLOP. ![]() DeLay Lets Dad Die & Frist Kills Cats I CANNOT BELIEVE THE ENDLESS HYPOCRISY!! In 1988, after a freak accident, Tom DeLay's own father was hooked up to life support, but his dad was severely brain damaged, and according to Tom's mom, his dad would never want to languish on life support but would rather be let to die... oh, so let me get this straight, Tom DeLay's mom gets to say that his dad wouldn't want to remain on life support and it was A-ok, but when Michael Schiavo says the same thing about his wife, he's a bastard w/murder in his eyes... and how can we possibily trust 1 word out of the mouth of DOCTOR Bill Frist when it comes to Schiavo? He is an admitted cat torturer and killer who, as a med student, went to animal shelters, pretended to want the cats as pets, and then fraudently took the poor kitties home and performed medical experiments on them and killed them in the process. Gee, Dahmer stared out by torturing animals, too... ![]() Let's see, we have DeLay & Frist leading the Hypocrite Parade for the Schiavo Circus, but this card carrying member of the Randall Terry Family Values is a registered sex offender. He also convinced his son to attempt to take a cup of H2O to Schiavo, and his 10 year old son was promptly arrested. Oh, 1 more thing, this guy is wanted for failure to register as a sex offender. But since he is a longtime abortion clinic thug, I guess the 2 rapes he committed against minors just gets wiped away in the born-again/ GOP Family Values world, eh? May he rot in hell... along w/DeLay, Frist, W, Jeb, and the entire Neo-Con Devils, and what about Randall Terry? Well, it seems that he is not so moral either, but how else could he be the ringleader? It would appear that some of the monks who are rallying for the Schindlers let 1 of their own fellow brothers of the cloth die when he was on life support, too. LIARS & HYPOCRITES! ![]() Judge Greer, the Schiavo judge, has received a letter from his Southern Baptist church's pastor, informing the judge that he has excommunicated. Greer, a lifelong conservative Republican, must be shocked to find himself w/out the comfort of his church during this Easter holiday, but why would a church offer comfort & understanding when they can instead play partisan politics? This piece from the LA Times illuminates much of the background info and beginning of the rift between the Schindlers & Schiavos, and it does seem that the crux of the big rift is MONEY. ![]() So, we all heard the Repubs rip Michael Moore to shreds over Fahrenheit 9/11, but Moore was telling the truth when it came to the US helping the Saudis escape from the US after 9/11. I'm willing to bet that Moore told the truth on whole lot of other things, too. ![]() More torture news from Iraq. This time the city is Mosul & the details are very disturbing, and it seems like most of it will be swept under the rug... business as usual... while those at the top, who ordered the torture remain untouched and unstained, when it fact, they are guilty as sin. ![]() Steal a Brain Not a Gun as the Insanity Grows The insanity is spinning out of control in FL. A man tried to steal a gun from a gun shop, so he could "save" Terri Schiavo... good God... he should try to steal a brain that is capable of intelligent thoughts. And if you can believe this... CNN & MSNBC have these stories that the Schindlers are claiming that Terri has been speaking and has begged them to save her life... and notice, these miraculous events have not been captured on film to verify it... and since she has no brain cortex or electrical activity in her brain, how exactly did she manage to speak? And if this is true, and the feud between the Schindlers & Michael Schiavo didn't rear its ugly head until a settlement was reached by Terri's doctor for a cool million for misdiagnosing her chemical imbalance, then the Schindlers are really shallow and sick. I found this on Fox (Faux) News if you can believe it, and it shows just how F-ing selfish these protesters are when it comes to actually being pro-life. Families who are attempting to capture the few precious moments remaining w/their sick loved ones are not able to do so b/c of the heightened security measures and incredible congestion due to the protesters. One woman couldn't even get to be beside her grandfather as he was dying, so he was forced to die alone. NICE, real NICE... but that's right, they are just concerned w/life and the preservation of it... well, if that were true, then why are these pro-life activists advocating the use of lethal force to "save" Terri's life or why did a NC man get arrested by the FBI for offfering (via the internet) a $250,000 bounty on Michael Schiavo's head and a $50,000 bounty on Judge Greer's head?You tell me. F-ing hypocrites and sinners, the whole putrid lot of 'em. ![]() Jeb's Dr. for Terri is a Nutcase Hey, the doctor that Jeb proclaims can prove Schiavo is not in a persistant vegatative state, is in cahoots with James Dobson and the group Focus on the Family. Yes, the same James Dobson who says that SpongeBob is such a deadly threat to our kids b/c Dobson claims that SpongeBob is gay. I watched the new SpongeBob movie, and it more than proves that he is not gay. He and Patrick are on a quest to become men, complete w/mustaches, and they have crushes on Princess Mindy. But all of that aside, as a kid, were we warped by Bugs Bunny's crossdressing? Naw, didn't think so, but check out this awesome tribute to Bugs at his crossdressing best. And yes, the Bugs Bunny thing is partly in honor of Easter. Happy Easter everyone! ![]() We've all seen these people protesting the Schiavo case... but here's my question: Where are these people when it comes to the war? Why aren't they grandstanding in front of the Pentagon to let people know that the killing of our soldiers and/or the Iraqis is wrong? Their signs say "Thou shalt not kill"... well... when?... just when it suits you? Where are they when a prisoner is put to death? And in case you wondered who was behind their activities, well it's a Evangelical nutcase named Lou Engle, who is a good friend of Sen. Sam Brownback and they get together and speak in tongues and ramble about the evils of cats, witches, and of course... liberals... deliver us from THEIR evil... PLEASE! ![]() This makes my blood boil... Bush can fly in lickety split to "save" the brain damaged Schiavo, but the funding for brain injured soldiers in Iraq is cut to zero. 60% of returning injured soldiers have traumatic brain injuries! Do you need ANY MORE proof that Bush is a minion of Satan? ![]() Arnold's strong-arm tactics against unions in CA is appalling, and this story highlights his tactics against female teachers who want to keep their teacher's pension intact. As a teacher, I am horrified, and I propose we terminate The Terminator... what a giant jackass. ![]() Is Gannon/Guckert a Fem Bot, or maybe a Borg? Anything is freakin possible given that we know that he has a fake name, fake journalist's credentials, fake access to the WH, worked for a fake news agency, and now this... he was a fake Marine. Yep, it seems that thru FOIA documents, Susan G at Daily Kos has unearthed that Jeffy is not/was not a Marine as he claimed. Big shock... a hooker lied... again... what's next... he's covering up for his johns? ![]() Paging Dr. Mengele Read this... and if you are not as stunned as I am, then you must have no heart inside of your chest. Testing pesticides on children for chemical companies? Let's save a brain dead woman, but use infants and kids, particulary minorities, as guinea pigs for chemical corporations... does the Bush evil ever end? I am so seriously pissed off.... ![]() Hmm... so the pro-lifers in FL want to save a brain dead woman, but say nothing about a proposed law that would allow Floridians to "shoot first, ask questions later"? This proposed law would allow people to not only use a gun inside of their homes to defend themselves, but also on their porches, on the street and/or in their car! God help the little kids who have to go up on someone's porch to retreive their kickball or sell some school fund-raising candybars. And who is this "renowned" doctor that Jeb pulled out of his ass on Weds.? Well, it seems that most other neurosurgeons asked the exact same question & they said that Schiavo's EEG is absolutely flat, i.e., she has zero electrical activity inside of her brain... but Jeb's doctor claims she talks... whoa. ![]() This gem just showcases LAMEbaugh at his best... he's soooo intelligent it hurts: "If you put together a video of ANWR, you would see nothing but snow and rock. It is no place anybody's ever going to go. The wildlife that lives there wishes it didn't, but it's too stupid to figure out how to move anywhere. They don't have moving vans sent to their places like people in Philadelphia do when they want to get out of someplace. This is absolutely absurd." Wow. Do you think the caribou would fare well in FL? How about the polar bears? Do you think they'd love to soak up the rays in AZ ya F-ing retard? So now, wildlife is too stupid to change their surroundings... their surroundings that have been shaped by evolutionary forces over hundreds of thousands of years? Rush, you ass hat, it is not a fluke that Arctic animals are specifically designed to live in the Arctic... ya can't pick them up and drop them in the middle of Central Park and expect them to survive you moron! But I guess I shouldn't mention that blasphemous word evolution b/c IMAX Theaters have caved in to American Taliban pressure and decided to not show a scientific movie (in a SCIENCE MUSEUM... gasp!) about volcanoes b/c it mentions evolutionary forces. WTF? what is next for you people? The earth is flat? The stork brings babies in lil pink & blue blankies? I know, science is the realm of the devil, you ignorant inbreds. I only hope that my DNA wipes out their DNA & that a 1000 yrs from now, Evolutionary Darwinism has washed away their moronic existence. And how about this: Bush appointed a TROPHY HUNTER to be the Director of US Fish & Wildlife Service. WTF? That's a guy who makes the animal kingdom feel all warm & fuzzy, huh? ![]() For fucks sake... what is next for these people? A proposed law in FL would allow students at universities and colleges to SUE their professors if the students do not believe in the views that the professor espouses and/or if the student finds the professor's beliefs to be intolerable. First of all, if you are such a F-ing crybaby that you can't tolerate diversity of views at the college level... please... go back to high school or to your home schooled haven... and STAY STUPID AND IGNORANT ya retard. Second of all, I thought that Repubs just hated frivolous lawsuits... oh that's right... they only hate lawsuits that involve F-ups on the part of doctors or corporations who would have to compensate serious injuries/ suffering for the average joe. ![]() Terri's Parents Fear for Her Soul. Why? So, the parents of Terri Schiavo are in fear for her mortal soul b/c they say if their daughter is allowed to die, due to the feeding tube not being replaced, that Terri will not go to heaven. Hmm... why would that be Mr. and Mrs. Schindler? The only way a Catholic could be in line to have their mortal soul put in peril would be if that said Catholic in fact wanted to be allowed to die b/c the case could be made that it would be assisted suicide. Terri cannot be held accountable for the actions of others that are done to her, but she would be held accountable if she did really tell her husband and others (as has been testified in court) that she would have never wanted to languish on life support but would rather want life support ended so she could die. Is that really what frightens her parents then? That they know in their hearts that their daughter wanted life support ended, which would make her husband correct, but that they, as Catholics, do not want Terri to be a part of assisted suicide? Sounds like it to me... and I don't believe that ending life support is assisted suicide. If we didn't have such medical advancements like life support, we would die naturally due to injuries, disease, accidents, etc. It is extended existence on life support that is un-natural. It is death that is natural, and thereby, what God had planned. ![]() Hmm... 18,000 Americans die per year because they do not have health insurance, yet one brain damaged woman on life support is so important that her plight gets our Commander and Chief to fly in from his ranch to sign a bill? Gee, he wouldn't even fly in from his ranch when the Tsunami hit. And what about all of those prisoners who were executed under his watch as governor of TX? Dare we call it what it is... blatant hypocrisy? ![]() Well, since the WH gets to ignore the ruling that bars the Bush administration from packaging up fake news and presenting it to America as actual news that real journalists create with facts and data, I guess turning to Jon Stewart for news will do, huh? At least Stewart tells us some of the truth via humor... that's refreshing compared to the complete bullshit Bush tells us via his lies, hidden agendas, and corruption. And since we're on the topic of lying members of the GOP, please check out this site, it shows what campaign promises various members of the GOP made on tape and how they are now trying to weasel their way out of those promises. ![]() In the midst of all of this Schiavo flurry and hypocrisy, I cannot help but remember Matthew Chapter 23 from the Bible. My Bible, a St. Joseph's Edition for Catholics, is in fact, in my bathroom. It is there, b/c I can't tell you how many times that my Protestant husband and I discuss politics and religion, while one of is taking a bath and the other is sitting on the floor, keeping the bather company. It is a great opportunity for us to actually talk about one another's day & grown up topics... completely uninterupted by a toddler. So, last night our topic was Terri Schiavo, and the Book of Matthew became our centerpiece as we examined the hypocrisy of a President laying claim to this "culture of life" while assaulting Jesus' words w/ hypocrites and modern day Pharisees (the GOP). My suggestion: Read Matt Ch. 23, and come back and tell me that Jesus would approve of the hypocrites committing such grievous hypocrisy such as signing the Texas Futile Care Law, claiming that our nation has the right to declare war and attack nations pre-emptively, slashing every single needed social program that the working class and poor depends upon, making a hurtful Bankrupcty Bill law, despite what the Bible says about forgiving debts every 7 yrs, giving the wealthy massive tax cuts at the expense of our working class and poor, decimating our environment, despite being told we are to be stewards of this earth, claiming that Jesus hated homosexuals, sex and abortion, yet Jesus said nothing about hating those things, but said more than enough about the poor, divorce and hypocrites, and advocating the use of torture when Jesus was victim of torture, too. And let's face it, if Jesus were walking among us in this country, a long-haired peacenick and liberal like Him would be strung up and destroyed by the likes of Karl Rove, the GOP, Limbaugh, and the Emaciated Hag Coulter. For an interesting, unbiased perspective on the Schiavo case, check out this FL lawyer's blog, which gives every possible detail about this case. ![]() Holy Crap... Evangelical Nazis on the March! YIKES! As if we need more proof that the US in deep santorum... Read this from the Christian Science Monitor, and you will be truly afraid for all of our civil liberties. These Evangelical Nazis are deadly serious with their 5point agenda to take over America... even if it means destroying a whole lot of us in the process. Land of the free my ass... we need to be the home of the brave and kick some serious Pharisee ass for the real Jesus. And speaking of the Big Guy, check out this hilarious, yet eloquent, song for our times. ![]() Our attorney responded to our request if we should amend our Living Wills in light of the Congressional intervention in Terri Schiavo's life, and this is what he said: "I can't form an opinion if you should amend your Living Wills because I have not seen the new Republican-Nazi-like law. So, at this point, just sit still and we'll see what happens." And that ladies and gentleman, is why we are so happy to have our attorney as our attorney. He F-ing rocks! & we will heed his wise advice. ![]() A Quote by Randall Terry & What About This TX Law that Bush Signed as Governor? This is a quote by the spokesperson of Terri Schiavo's parents, Randall Terry. It more than amply shows his true character and his hate filled heart: "Yes, hate is good ... if a Christian voted for Clinton, he sinned against God. It's that simple. Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called by God to conquer this country...-- Randall Terry, former leader of Operation Rescue and current spokesmen for Terri Schiavo's parents. Classy, no? Here, Michael Schiavo invites Bush and Jeb to meet his wife Terri, but will they have the balls to do so? And what about this black child, born with congential abnormalities, who had the plug pulled on him this week? Where were the cries to keep him alive by Tom DeLay? What about this 68 year old man, who may have the plug pulled on him at any time b/c his Medicare has run out? And would it shock you to learn that the Nat'l Right to Life org. helped write the law, the Texas Futile Care Law, which then Gov. GW Bush signed into TX law, which essentially states that if the money isn't there to keep you alive via life support, then TX has the right to pull the plug? Hmm... a law that allows the plug to be pulled if you're a minority or poor? Gee, I guess the culture of life only applies to semi-wealthy white folks, eh? ![]() To my beloved husband: Please honey, let's go see our lawyer and amend our living wills to state this simple wish that will hopefully stop any federal intervention into the sanctity of our marriage, our personal wishes, and our financial futures: We, said couple, want all forms of life support to be ceased, if it is determined by several medical experts, that we will never recover from an irreversible vegetative state, and that no intervention from outsiders (whether it be any family members, friends, clergy, political activists, strangers, members of Congress, Senate, the House, or the President and the President's administration) can legally challenge and /or change our personal wishes to end all forms of life support. I will call the lawyer Monday morning, and hopefully, God forbid if we had to face a situation like Terri Schiavo's, we will be able to honor one another's wishes and be allowed some scrap of dignity to die and release our souls from a horrifying fate like Schiavo's, who is being paraded around like a gruesome, lifeless doll for the hypocritical Republican Party. The GOP should have spent this weekend honoring and remembering all the unnecessary war dead, but instead, whored out a brain-dead, still breathing corpse of a woman for their own twisted political agenda. If her husband no longer wants her alive so he can be w/his babies' mama, he should release her care to her parents. But Terri's own father has testified that they told Michael Schiavo to move on and date, and guess what- he did, after waiting more than 10yrs since she went into her vegatative state. If Michael is telling the truth, and Terri did tell him that she never would have wanted to be kept on life support, then this invasion into their marriage and personal life is appalling. How ironic that 2 years ago, the GOP wrongly invaded an innocent country, and today, the GOP wrongly invades an innocent hospital room. Let Terri's body die so her soul can finally be free b/c she will never get better - her condition has not changed in 15 yrs. Read this about how misleading those tapes of Schiavo are, and what is next? Will we tell amputees that their limbs will grow back someday, too? ![]() Somber 2 Year Anniversary of Iraq War I'm usually not at a loss for words, but what can I say about this anniversary? I think it is best to just offer a sampling of current news that best encapsulates the war. On a personal note, to Kim: I hope that Chris comes home to you, safe and complete, and that he is still the same man that reluctantly left you, and that the 2 of you go on to have a long and happy life together after all of this insanity ends. And keep lighting the novena b/c a lot of prayer went into the making of that candle. I can only hope that all of our loved ones come home safe, too. 1.Anniversary of a Lie. 2.Troops Try to Find Way Out of Iraq. 3.Coalition of the Crumbling. 4.Military Fraud for Halliburton. 5.Secret Plans for Iraqi Oil. 6.Bush Says Coalition is Not Crumbling. 7.Why Is U.S. Building Enduring Bases in Iraq? 8.The Voices of Wounded Vets 9.Many Iraqis Losing All Hope 10.Media Self Censored War Coverage 11.Two Years Later ![]() GOP Votes Down Chance to Reduce Abortions Evangelical Christians, your beloved and oh-so-moral GOP just bitch slapped you bigtime, and you had better face one serious fact: The Repubs had the chance to uphold their campaign promises to you to reduce the number of abortions that occur in this nation, by upholding the Clinton-Reid Prevention First Bill, but did they? NOPE. Since the rate of abortions has skyrocketed since Bush took office (the rate of abortion dropped to its lowest under Clinton's 2 terms) and since the GOP has made it their number 1 issue to "moral" voters, you would think that the Repubs would do everything under the sun to reduce abortions, but their refusal to even encourage the prevention of unwanted pregnancies (THE NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF ABORTIONS IN THE 1ST PLACE FOR ALL AGE GROUPS) is proof positive that they DO NOT WANT TO STOP ABORTION AT ALL. Why? What issue would they have left to shove in the faces of "moral" voters to claim is oh-so-important to the GOP? So born again America, how's it feel to have the GOP piss in your face & tell ya its raining? ![]() Say it ain't so... so all those BLOOD for OIL signs had it right all along, eh? Well, it appears that the plans were drawn up to exploit the Iraqi oil loooong before the invasion, and I'm sure long before Cheney coughed up his handwritten cue cards for Bush to read to scared-stiff America after 9/11. If I were a 9/11 widow, I'd take my urn of ashes of my dearly departed (if I were even lucky enough to have any ashes) and bean it right off of Bush's chimpy face or Cheney's snarling, shiny bald head. Fear mongering, greedy, blood sucking murderers and SOBs... check out the maps that were drawn up to divide the oil here (released in 2003). ![]() Yep, fake news only please, and let's make sure that it is broadcast with the seal of approval of Bush himself, okay? That's REAL JOURNALISM... not that liberal lie-filled garbage that is shoved down our God-fearing red throats dammit! Hey, while we're at it, why don't we just have Rove himself be the only face we see on our tv's... looming eerily into our homes... just like the Big Brother he really is. God help us... Orwell was so DEAD-ON! Do you smell FASCISM? I do. ![]() The GOP is the modern day party of the Pharisees. When it comes to hypocrisy, the Repubs win hands down. They voted unanimously to vote down Conyers' inquiry into the Gannon/Guckert affair. They go on and on about the delicate security of our nation, yet a completely uncredentialed gay prostitute has unfettered access to our WH, and they claim it does not deserve looking into. Yeah, that's right, the only time an inquiry should happen is when the administration is lead by a Dem, the Dem is having a consensual affair with a member of the opposite sex, who by the way is not a prostitute, and the Dem does not has his hand up the very asses of the puppets who make up the WH Press Corps. The GOP will scream from the rooftops that we MUST stop gay marriage, but when it comes to gay prostitution in our very WH, it is A-ok. Isn't prostitution ILLEGAL in every state except NV? Who knew that the WH was in NV? ![]() St. Patrick Raged Against Christian Hypocrites In honor of St. Patrick, let's take a look at his Letter to the Soldiers of Coroticus. St. Patrick rages against his fellow so-called holier than thou Christians who give the okay to rape, greed, ethnic cleansing and bigotry, and murder without so much as a blink of an eye. Given the American Evangelical Pharisees that have a stranglehold on our own nation today, I have one thing to say to St. Patrick's timeless wisdom: Can I get a witness?. Happy St. Patrick's Day. ![]() In Afghanistan, equality for women is looking like a very distant possibility. The warlords, who were handed the keys to the nation by Bush because they promised to hunt for bin Laden, are actively buying and selling girls to make them 2nd or 3rd wives, and some girls are choosing to burn themselves alive rather than face the life of being a sold wife. Truth is, we knew about this in 2004, but nothing has been done to change the situation. Maybe because the majority of the funds and efforts put towards Afghanistan have been pushed towards Iraq, but Afghanistan is on the verge of starvation. The Chicago Tribune realizes that the plight of these women is equality on paper only. Check out this RAWA site... it is the only thing that gives me any kind of hope that people do care about the situation of females trapped in the middle of these wars that men devised and created at the expense of so very many innocent victims. ![]() Since Paul Wolfowitz was nominated for President of the World Bank today, I thought it might be nice to revisit some of Wolfie's best quotes, which truly do display his inept mind and piss- poor character: "The notion that it would take several hundred thousand American troops just seems outlandish." ""It's approximately 500, of which -- I can get the exact numbers -- approximately 350 are combat deaths." ""There are other differences that suggest that peacekeeping requirements in Iraq might be much lower than historical experience in the Balkans suggests" "The oil revenues of Iraq could bring between $50 and $100 billion over the course of the next two or three years...We're dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon." "There's a lot of money to pay for this. It doesn't have to be U.S. taxpayer money. We are dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon." ![]() If you can stomach this braindead evangelical A-hole's spew, then by all means please read this gem which deserves to circle the bowl. Cal Thomas claims that liberal churches that help the poor and save our environment are doing Satan's work b/c Satan was clever and crafty and disguised his evilness by doing good things. WTF? And check out this empty headed/ black hearted jackass' hubris here. America's leading political columnist my freakin ass! ![]() If ever there was a man who deserved to die a slow and very painful death, Pinochet would be it, but I digress. The real story here is that he laundered millions and millions through US banks, so it really doesn't shock me that this mass murderer was never brought to justice. Simply put, if you are rich enough, you can buy a whole lot of silence and co-operation from others who know that you are guilty as sin (at least 125 US bank accounts have been uncovered). ![]() Germans Hate Wal-Mart .. Join the Crowd This just killed me: Germans hate Wal-Mart's ethics and despise their obligatory morning cheer to rally the Wal-Mart troops so much that they hid in the bathrooms to avoid cheering. Yes, if only we could all hide in the toilet to avoid the likes of Wal-Mart... and when the former homeland of Hitler thinks your ethics suck, ya know you are truly awful. ![]() Hey, since Bush is trying so hard to dismantle all of Clinton's tough regulations on mercury, let's try this, shall we? Let's put mercury thermometers in Jenna and Barbara's mouths and force them to bite down REALLY HARD and just see what happens to them... hey, if Bush could care less how our children will be poisoned by his stupidity on the toxins issue, don't we have the right to expose his own children to such poisons, too? ![]() Dear God in heaven... Tinky Winky and Sponge Bob now have 7 new gay brethren. WTF?? ![]() OK, picture the dearly departed Chris Farley in that scene from "Black Sheep" when he's stoned and he throws his power fist up in the air and screams to the stunned crowd: KILL WHITEY! Well, Gannon/Guckert bashes his own kind, too, when he writes an anti- gay "news" piece on his site. (OK, its not news, but ya feel me, right?) What's next Jeffy? You gonna sell some Rev. Fred Phelps T-shirts on your site, too? What a self loathing chump for the hateful Repubs. ![]() A statistician is haunted by 1000's of voting irregularities from the Nov. election. Yeah, that election haunts me, too. And it seems that Teresa Heinz Kerry finds something wrong w/it, too. ![]() If the War Doesn't Kill 'Em, Depleted Uranium Will This is beyond horrifying: The use of depleted uranium weapons was used in the 1st Gulf War, and the horrifying effects of DU is known. Yet, we continue to subject our soldiers and the Iraqi civilians to this DEADLY chemical. Look at these pix and tell me about Bush's "Culture of Life". ![]() Hmm... the plot thickens and Giuliana has suddenly stopped talking to anyone. That fact that Negroponte's own bodyguards shot her wouldn't have anything to do with it, eh? Yep, a hit put out on me from Negroponte might make me develop a serious case of silence, too. ![]() Well, Repubs can't mandate all of our morals quick enough via zealot laws... but check this out: Repubs love porn. In fact, they benefit enormously from porn. Check out this Adobe PDF file to see just which Repubs accept porn contributions and how their porn money benefits them. ![]() This is unbelievable, but absolutely true. The GOP in the state of VA voted 7 to 5 (7 Repubs 5 Dems) to uphold the old, and positively ridiculous and outdated law, that would keep oral sex between MARRIED people ILLEGAL!!! If you vacation at VA Beach, you had better keep your kisses above the belt, baby, because VA is NOT FOR LOVERS. Please... someone... anyone... please explain to me why Republicans hate sex so much that they believe they have to regulate Americans' sex lives via laws? Are Republicans incapable of achieving orgasms? I'm serious! Is this why Repubs are so mean & hateful... b/c they hate sex & hate pleasure? ![]() Man oh man... when you find yourself in agreement with uber-conservative Pat Buchanan... ya know this administration is beyond redemption. ![]() Maybe This is What the Italians Uncovered This article says that the Italians were killed and wounded in order to protect John Negroponte and his death squads. That could very well be the truth, but here's my take on Giuliana Sgrena getting shot: she was working on exposing abuse of Iraqi women and children, but it is also rumored that she had info about the destruction of the city of Fallujah. Perhaps this is some of what she uncovered, and maybe that is why her kidnappers were willing to negotiate her release- they wanted her to release this Fallujah info to the world. And for the record, I have looked at many of the pix of Fallujah, and it is baffling to me that many of the Iraqi dead are wrapped up in their blankets- clearing sleeping- yet have no apparant gunshots wounds on their bodies or blankets, but do have dried blood pouring out of their eyes, noses, mouths, and ears. Hmm... and what kind of weapon causes that to happen? ![]() Well, I guess if we can't meet your military goals of poor/working class whites, blacks, and hispanics, then do not fear... just tap into the financially desperate pool of Latin Americans to provide more cannon fodder for the war. ![]() This administration has sickened me on so many levels, but this vile proposal just puts the demonic icing on the cake: Cut food stamps so you don't have to cut farm subsidies. That's right, lets take food out of the mouths of the poor so the farmers... who soooo love Bush in their Red states... won't have to endure his proposed cuts to farm subsidies. Proof positive that they want to force every female into motherhood, and then refuse to feed the kids once they are out of the womb. Refusing to help feed families/kids in need= VILE, HEARTLESS, EVIL, SOUL- LESS BASTARDS... the whole stinking, rotten lot of 'em. Get this latest data from Dec. 2004: number of people participating in Food Stamp Program: 25,487,768-- that is an increase of 2,207,685 more persons than in Dec. 2003. The number of people participating in the Food Stamp Program in Dec. 2004 was 8.6 million more than in July of 2000, and 7/2000 was when the numbers of persons participating in the program was at the lowest point it had been in the last decade. ![]() More proof that this administration likes to pretend that they just love- love- love- kids. That's an absolute lie, b/c they may love fetuses, but they certainly do not love breathing children who require federal aid to survive outside of the womb. Red state Alabama reports that 50% of their public school students now live in poverty. (gee Alabama, how's Bush & the GOP working for ya?) A speech given on March 11 by Ted Kennedy highlights how 1 in 5 children in America are living in poverty. And this from Iraq, proof that children were abused physically and sexually at Abu Ghraib prsion. ![]() Nations that Imprison w/out Trial With our actions at Guantanamo Bay, we shamefully join these nations: N. Korea, Uganda, Indonesia, Algeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, China, Angola, Libya, and Zimbabwe in the" imprison without a trial" Hall of Fame. Do you reckon our trophy for belonging to this "club" would look like a hooded figure in black with outstretched arms and electrodes attached to various body parts? ![]() If you remember that line by Mel Brooks in the movie "History of the World Part 1" when he was portraying the licentious pre-revolutionary French king, then you will appreciate the connection between that and this tidbit on Bush making use of this rarely used executive power that allows him to get away... scott free... ahhhh... it really is good to be the king.... oh Piss Boy...! ![]() Well, well, well... maybe instant karma is gonna get him, huh? Documents subpoenaed for Tom DeLay indicate that he was more actively involved in gathering misused funds than had been previously thought. And DeLay's "European Vacations" have seemingly violated House rules, too. Oh, if only he could have been struck by lightening while playing golf in Scotland... but that's okay, I'll take DeLay getting "struck" with a big nine iron in prison, instead. The South Koreans sponsered a trip for DeLay and his wife despite the fact the House rules specifically bar a member of the House from accepting such things from a foreign principal, but can any of this even remotely raise an eyebrow anymore? He is morally bankrupt and his repeated criminal actions deserve punishment, despite his claims that he is born again and holier than thou. Frankly, anyone who says things like "there is no separation of church & state" deserves to find out that there will be no separation between him and a burly man in prison. ![]() Hand Her Bony Ass Back to Her Already Ann The Emaciated Hag Coulter has opened up a can of worms uglier than..... her bony ass. It seems as if Arab-Americans are pretty pissed about her "old Arab" comment made about veteran journalist Helen Thomas, and rightly so. But my question is this: How in the hell DIDN'T people know that she was a freakin racist nutjob until now? EVERY single piece of toilet paper she has spewed up is offensive and laden with racist comments, and it seems as if Dems are asking some questions about the Emaciated Hag now, too. How would The Hag like it if someone were to say this about her rumored to be boyfriend, actor Ron Silver: Hey Hebrew- do you have a crazy kike screw loose or what to date that hack Coulter? I bet all dinners at the Temple Beth Israel Community Center would be off then, huh? Racism is so ugly, no? ![]() An Army historian has compiled a report that says in no uncertain terms that the US lost control of Iraq three months after we invaded, and that we have not regained control yet. Hmm, when you check out this op/ed piece written in Sept. 2002, it makes the clusterf-k planning, or lack thereof, seem crystal clear for Bush's real goal in Iraq. But, given that the blueprint for the war was drawn up in September of 2000, you would think that they would have had time to come up with workable plans. Oh well, I guess this bunch couldn't plan a gang bang in a whorehouse. ![]() The Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena tells her version of the events that lead to her being shot and to a top ranking Italian intelligence officer being killed. It is interesting to note that ABC News' story reports that Sgrena's car (as told by the military that shot her) was speeding at them at 100mph, yet Sgrena maintains that they were driving 25mph due to the heavy rain and the curves on the road. Somebody is lying. And it appears that Berlusconi doesn't buy the US military's version, and he said that the US was made well aware of the Italian rescue plan. ![]() Is the Bush administration and the Christian Taliban waging a global war on women's rights and women's health issues? Hmm... does the Pope wear a pointy hat? ![]() Oh, I Wish I Was in Dixie... Hurrah Hurrah Wow, I guess the days of Dixie die hard, eh? Barring federal funds from any state not displaying the Confederate Flag AND The 10 Commandments? Oh screw it... I don't pretend to understand the South's wistful love for the days of Tara... so check this out. (the f-bombs freely flow here) ![]() This is refreshing: Morality amongst Christians, and it seems to be for real not that "We're just wacky for Jesus and His word, so therefore we hate and despise all homosexuals, minorities (even those minorities stupid enough to vote for Bush/Cheney04), the poor, and any babies outside of the womb who may be in need of federal money for social programs." This looks like it is the genuine thing: Christians lawyers who are against the Bankruptcy bill-- that rapes the poor and middle class who are driven to desperation to file for bankruptcy (all the while it protects the wealthy & corporations & crazy freak extremists who kill/bomb abortion clinics & pads the wallets of already filthy rich credit card companies) -- are asking church leaders to join them in their crusade to stop the heartless bill that runs contrary to the Bible's own take on debt forgiveness and charity. And this, too, from the Christian Science Monitor: Which social programs would Jesus cut in Bush's budget? Fabulous question, no? ![]() The rejection of EVERY SINGLE amendment that would have cushioned the blow the Bankruptcy Bill will deliver to those people who are driven to desperation to declare bankruptcy is reprehensible. The heartless, corporate whore Repubs and the whore-wannabe Dems who voted for this bill pissed on the plight of working families, the poor, the elderly, and our military members who are deployed. Utterly shameful. ![]() I have had serious doubts about the competence level in the WH, but when Scott McClellan took questions today, he has proven that he is really clueless. After REPEATED questions about the PRO-Syria protest in Lebanon, Scottie kept insisting that Lebanon simply wants Syria out-- period! Now, the protest had at least half a million people gathered together (very peacefully I might add) in the streets who want the Syrians to remain in Lebanon, and they want the US to butt out of their nation's business... yet, Scottie was f-ing clueless about the clear anti-American/pro-Syrian sentiment to the protest. My advice.... put down the Neo-Con Kool Aid, buddy.... its clouding your mind. ![]() How does Bush try to "fix" things in the internat'l arena? He picks John Bolton as the US's new ambassador to the UN... Bolton, a guy who is on the record (since at least the 90's) bashing the UN. I know that Repubs will say that Bush can appoint whomever he wants for what ever position he wants, but there are some serious questions about this guy. He's been branded "human scum". Jesse Helms has said that Bolton is "the kind of man... he'd like to stand... next to at Armageddon". (whoa... spooooky) And he's been questioned about his objectivity in insisting that Taiwan be seated at the UN given that he received 1000's from the Taiwanese govt to put together research on admitting Taiwan to the UN. I swear, if he could, Bush would appoint John Wayne Gacy to CEO of the Boy Scouts. ![]() Please Sign this Easy Petition Against the Bankruptcy Bill The LA Times examines the Bankruptcy Bill, and shows that the credit card companies will win big while the credit card users lose bigger. The Rude Pundit gives a great rant about the Bankruptcy Bill, as only the Rude One can, and PLEASE sign this very simple and easy petition against the Bankruptcy Bill. It will be voted on today. ![]() Hmm, this is very interesting, given that during the campaign, Bush and the Snarler Cheney told us repeatedly that the reason our troops didn't have their needed body armor was b/c that f-ing gay-loving LIBERAL Sen. John Kerry voted against Bush's very vague blank check for spending in Iraq. Heavens no! We were lied to............... AGAIN. ![]() Let's get something said right away: I HATE WAL-MART, I HATE SAM'S CLUB, I HATE SAM WALTON, may he squirm in hell. Okay, now that my anti Wal-Mart rant is off of my chest, check this out: Connecticut is paying over $43million per year for health care insurance to cover workers at the top 25 major employers. That insidious cancer- otherwise known as Wal-Mart- has spread far and wide across our nation, so how many other state's have to pick up the hefty tab for this richest corporation's stinginess? And (Public Management) PM Magazine asked the question: Does Wal-Mart offer the lowest prices? Answer: NO. Hmm... now if only we could get someone to drop kick that irritating bouncing yellow smiley face into oblivion along with every Super Center, we'd have one helluva good start. ![]() CNN fact checked Bush's statements made on 3/4/05 in NJ, and well... I know this will come as a major shock to so many people... but CNN discovered that.... BUSH LIED! Shocking, no? And it seems as if some Repubs are smart enough to see that Bush's tax cuts aren't cutting it when they are stacked against the deficit and the cost of the war... of course, the WH blows this off. ![]() Repugnant Repubs & Santorum: Whores for Corporations & Sweatshops Sen. Kennedy (D-MA) has proposed raising the minimum wage (in 2 stages over a 26 month period) from $5.15 an hr to $7.35 an hr. This is the 1st time in nearly 8yrs that it would be raised (if it passes) and would help 7.5 million American workers pay their bills, feed their families, and survive. Kennedy's proposal comes in reaction to the Bankruptcy bill that will undoubtedly create SERIOUS hardships for struggling middle class and poor families. I have 1 very important question: Why isn't the minimum wage indexed to inflation? Soc Sec checks, personal exemptions, standard deductions, etc, are indexed, so why not min wage? Sen. Santorum (R-PA) has proposed that the minimum wage only be raised $1.10 (in 2 stages over 18 months) and has also proposed that the standard 40 hr workweek be abolished and in it's place, replaced with a new 80hr workweek that is spread out over a 2 weeks time pay period (you could work 50 hrs one week, 30 hrs the next). Of course, Santorum's plan will eliminate overtime pay for workers b/c if his plan is passed, employers are free from paying the 10 hrs of time and half pay that they now must pay in a standard 40 hr week if you were to work 50 hrs one week and 30 hrs the next week. Currently 100 million workers are eligible to receive overtime pay (my husband is one of them) and in some professions (construction workers, truck drivers) workers will be decimated by the elimination of overtime. Santorum's plan also asks for no more wages for tip workers- if the aggregate tips can equal minimum wage pay, then the employer no longer has to pay a tipped worker anything at all. Now, having waited tables in college (and I think EVERYONE should be made to work as wait staff at least once in their lifetime) I made $2.13 an hr plus tips. I had to declare my tips, and I had to give 1% of my sales to the bussers and dishwashers, and there were times that I made $7.00 an hr w/my tips + pay per hr, but there were times that I made less than $4.00 an hr w/my tips + pay per hr. Let's look at who works tip jobs: Wait staff in restaurants, hairdressers, nail techs, shampooers, valets, bell hops, etc). How many of these jobs are primarily held by females? (who may or may not be single parents) How many of these jobs are filled by college students? How many of these jobs are filled by immigrants and minorities? How many of these jobs are filled by people who cannot obtain educations and therefore must SURVIVE on a job that provides tips/OT in order to LIVE? This Republican war on American workers is reprehensible. It is a long standing legacy of Trickle Down Poverty that de-values the minimum wage worker who works a day of OT or tips b/c their very survival depends upon it, but hey, why don't the Republicans just change the child labor laws too while they're at it? That would open up a whole new pool of previously untapped workers to exploit, and gosh darn, they do have such nimble little fingers and bodies that could fit into small machinery parts and they're cheap-- they could make toddlers work for diapers, and older kids work for juice boxes or fruit roll ups. But, isn't it ironic that during the nearly 8 yrs it has been since the minimum wage has been raised that members of Congress have raised their own salaries 7 times, by a total of $28,500... f-ing hypocritical bastards... b/c a LIVING WAGE is too much to ask for when it comes to an average worker, huh? ![]() Wow, and get this, the nonpartisan group that analyzed Bush's budget, the Congressional Budget Office, said that "Bush's plans for spending and taxes would yield deficits through the decade ending 2015 totaling $2.58 trillion" (keep in mind that Bush's budget DOES NOT include the costs for the war in Iraq) and that his proposed budget's decifits are "$1.6 trillion worse than they would be if none of the president's fiscal plans become law". And speaking of deficits, check out Warren Buffet's take on the US's ENORMOUS trade deficit. One simple phrase sums up his analysis: The US will become a Sharecropper Society instead of an Ownership Society. Great, and if the Bankruptcy bill passes, the blood thirsty credit card and mortgage companies, and medical providers will become the "massah" to all of us sharecroppers. ![]() Indeed, and an excellent quote by a fearful Iraqi woman who is now forced to swaddle herself in black in order to avoid violence by Iraqi men who threaten women who dare to dress secular, which ironically, they were allowed to do and once had the freedom to do under Saddam. Beauty salons are also under attack as being "un-Islamic", and here, Iraqis say that they risked their lives for "absolutely nothing in January's elections ...b/c nothing has changed", well, that's not completely true... more civilian and troop deaths have happened.... and delusional Repubs got to flash their hokey purple fingers. The Italian journalist shot by US troops after being released from her Iraqi kidnappers says that the firing upon the car was "unjustified", and Iraqis say that a car being sprayed with gunfire is just business as usual in their everday lives. ![]() Iraqi Violence Breeds more Violence & Looting & Slighting of Our Troops Some news from Iraq: Hmm...maybe that guy who resigned from CNN was dead on about journalists being targeted and shot by our troops? Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena, who had been held captive for 1 month by Iraqi kidnappers was released and then mysteriously shot Friday by G.I.'s while travelling in a car along w/4 Italian security officials (1 has died, Sgrena is wounded & she had been exposing abuse against women and children in Iraq despite claims that it had not happened). And it seems as if the cracks are starting to widen in the road to form the Shiite Alliance's legislators as 2 newly elected politicians withdrew from the Iraqi Alliance and as many as 8 more are considering withdrawing, also. That may not be good news for Sistani, who is the cleric who assembled the alliance. A video had surfaced that shows a bound and shot Iraqi being kicked by US soldiers and the Iraqi man died shortly after the video was made, but reports are that the video has been destroyed and that officials determined that the soldiers were not engaged in criminal activity but rather "innapropriate behavior". This is banner news: 90 dangerous sites have been looted in Iraq according to UN inspectors (remember the 380 tons of missing explosives? I see this issue has not been dealt with, huh?). Well, its such a relief to see that the war in Afghanistan was all for...nothing: The Taliban is back and those turban wearing extremists are badder than ever. And what a relief that our soldiers, who are putting their asses on the line (and some are just making asses of themselves by engaging in repellant behaviors w/detainees & some civilians) are now facing NOT RECEIVING PAY FOR THEIR SERVICE BY NOT GETTING PAYCHECKS b/c Rumsfeld & Co. have been dipping into the military money. And whether or not you receive pay, you had better help that you don't get injured if you are a reservist. ![]() Martha Stewart was released from jail on Friday, and she will now be under house arrest and have to wear an ankle tracking device and report to a parole officer. Hmm, I never had an opinion of Martha until her conviction, and I can tell you this, she was railroaded and I will make it a point to buy more of her products (this year, one of my 2 Christmas trees was decorated in her signature snowman string of lights in honor of her unfortunate incarceration, and I intend to purchase more of her holiday decorations). It seems as if more Americans feel the same way about "poor' Martha, and the question that begs to be asked is this: so when will that Robber Baron/Bush buddy Kenny-boy Lay see the inside of the pokey? Oh that's right, Democrats and heavy Dem contributors get impeached and go to jail (Clinton and Martha) while Republicans and heavy Repub contributors get "get out of jail free cards" (Ken Lay, and all the immoral looters that ruined real working Americans lives at Enron & Tyco) and of course, Bush, DeLay, Halliburton, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith and the Toady Rove are patted on the back for their "high morals" and told "good job". ![]() There are Plenty of Bitch Slaps to Go Around Senate Minority Leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) bitch slapped Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan-- calling Greenspan "one of the biggest political hacks we have here in Washington". Ouch! It seems that Howard Dean called it like he saw it in Jan. of 2004 when he said that Greenspan was a partisan who refused to criticize Bush's tax cuts and should be fired, but why didn't anyone listen to him when he seems to be so on the money? Paul Krugman has a great op/ed in NY Times, and Krugman rightly asks this: Why exactly would the earth stop spinning if we were to raise taxes to lessen the deficit hemorrhage? Oh, that's right, if we actually made the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes we would have adequate federal money available for social programs and we can't then screw the poor and middle class out of social programs that they rely upon and/or may need. And speaking of getting bitch slapped, check out this open letter from Lloyd Axworthy to Condoleezza Rice. Axworthy is a former Foreign Minister of Canada, and is currently the President of the University of Winnipeg. His open letter, published in the Winnipeg Free Press, delivers one helluva bitch slap to Dr. Rice (who refused to visit Canada this week following Canada's refusal to hop on board with Bush's "fly space" bullying). This letter is priceless! I only wish that the NY Times or WaPost would reprint it. Speaking of Canada, check out this article that examines this: If the US economy actually gets flushed, rather than just circling the bowl as it is now, how badly will Canada's economy take the hit, too? ![]() Something has always bothered me about this talk of America= a Christian nation. Correction, America is compromised of a population that primarily are Christians, but our Founding Fathers were not- repeat- not Christian. They were Deists, and as such, were products of their time- The Enlightenment - so please, open a history book or read the Constitution (article 6 clause 3 especially) and stop spouting off that mistaken crap that they were evangelicals or would even remotely approve of the evangelicals highjacking of our electoral process for their own agenda. ![]() Five of the six men convicted of gang raping a 30 year old Pakistani woman in 2002 have had their death sentences overturned (14 men total had been charged in the case). And what about this case of a senior UN official from France, Didier Bourguet, who had 1000's of photos on his computer's hard drive of him having sex with young Congolese girls? I'd like to think that if it happened to men that it would raise more of a flag for people and make them care about this issue, but it must not given the way Americans seemingly accept the horrors at Abu Ghraib as "something that just happens during times of war". Why are the prisons in Iraq bursting over capacity again, and what the hell is going on behind closed doors? Will we ever know? Do Americans even care? Or do we really like the Guantanamo Bay treatment that abuse gets, i.e., we aren't allowed to know, we don't want to know, and hell, why should we care to know? We might care if it were our loved ones suffering inside one of those hellholes, but I'm sure that many Americans would blow it off as just another one of those wartime activities... but hey!... we HAVE to protest and pry and outlaw consensual and legal sexual activities of Americans dammit! (Clinton's bj, gay and lesbian relationships, etc). And this just in--- discrimination against women is "staggering" says the UN. Really? Wow, who knew? ![]() We Passed Another Benchmark... Over 1500 Soldiers are Dead BAGHDAD, Iraq - The number of U.S. military deaths in Iraq rose to 1,500 after the military announced Thursday that a soldier was killed in action just south of the capital, an Associated Press count showed. Okay, so please remind me, why have over 1500 died & over 14,000 been wounded? Check this out from Feb. 2001 from the esteemed Colin Powell: ". . . the sanctions exist -- not for the purpose of hurting the Iraqi people, but for the purpose of keeping in check Saddam Hussein's ambitions toward developing weapons of mass destruction. We should constantly be reviewing our policies, constantly be looking at those sanctions to make sure that they are directed toward that purpose. That purpose is every bit as important now as it was ten years ago when we began it. And frankly they have worked. He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors. So in effect, our policies have strengthened the security of the neighbors of Iraq... So much needless bloodshed... let's pray for this insanity to end and for the Lying Liars to be impeached. ![]() Wow... I guess the big buff gay hooker in the middle of the White House can't be ignored, eh? ![]() These charts are priceless! But be warned... after checking these out I highly advise a stiff drink and a box of Kleenex. ![]() Well, why don't we just throw out that worthless and pesky little piece of parchment known as the Constitution? It just gets in the way of religious zealots when they try to Super Glue the church to the state. Fundamentalists on Capitol Hill are pushing for legislation that will allow churches to openly endorse political candidates from the pulpit so that they can turn up the heat on the anti-gay marriage amendment, and get as many churchgoers "on board " with their hate filled wedge issues to inflame voters. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Osama bin Laden is a theocrat, too, and we see how well his spewing of hate and vitriol works on the religiously devout sheep, so I guess that the GOP has taken a cue from OBL's playbook and knows that their religiously devout sheep will hop on board, too, for the gravy train of intolerance and hate but the BIG difference here is that our sacred Constitution explicitly states that there is to be a separation of church and state... but there I go again, stating facts, not fiction. ![]() This story truly sums up the meanest anti-gay sentiment in our nation. Imagine if you were a teenager infected with HIV and an adult said (as you and other members of an HIV/AIDS group were passing by) "Looks like its anal sex week". This cruel remark was made by a businessman while an HIV/AIDS awareness group was visiting the Capitol, and a 13 year old girl and a 16 year old boy (and others) heard the man say this about the group. The best part is this-- House Bill 1515, which passed in the House and is awaiting to be heard in the Senate (the bill bans discrimination for gays and lesbians in housing, employment, insurance)-- but opponents to the bill say that it is unnecessary because "prejudice against gays and lesbians is dying down". REALLY.... where??? Oh yeah, all those marriage amendments passed in November and the insane rants of Fred Phelps, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson (just to name a few) calling for the deaths of homosexuals is proof that gay hatred is not a real issue in America, huh? Just ask this University of NC student, who was beaten last week for being gay, about gay hatred, (but the ray of hope is that more than 300 people did gather to protest his beating). ![]() Rummy Gets Slapped with a Lawsuit & Vermont= Bring Home Our Troops Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is being sued by 2 human rights groups and 4 Afghani and 4 Iraqi citizens who allege that they were abused sexually, physically, humiliated, cut with knives, suspended upside down for hours, and deprived of food and water. All eight plantiffs are willing to come to the US to testify that Rumsfeld's actions are unconstitutional and violate international and UN laws. They are seeking monetary compensation, and as The Christian Science Monitor article exposes, the blame for such abuse goes straight to the top of the line of command. And in Iraq related news, the voters of the tiny but mighty state of Vermont overwhelmingly voted to support a referendum to bring US troops home from Iraq. The resolution asks Bush to withdraw our troops and asks the lawmakers of Vermont to look at the VT Nat'l Guard's role in the war (VT has 1200 soldiers serving in the war, 2nd only to the state of Hawaii in terms of numbers of Guard members). ![]() Media Bistro (an online news source that does, has and is publishing online news longer than 96 hours before attempting to get a White House Press Pass) has tried for 2 days straight to obtain a day pass to the WH Press Corps only to come up with nada. Hmm... I thought that Howie Kurtz and Ann the Emaciated Hag Coulter said that "just about anyone (including an old Arab like Helen Thomas) could get their paws on a day pass... but I guess is just ain't so. Are they...dare I say it...lying?? Nawww... oh who the hell am I kidding... of course Kurtz and the Hag are lying, in fact, it's actually what they do best. ![]() This enrages me. The fact that this administration must force their extremist views on abortion in the global arena and demand that the language at the UN's women's conference is anti-abortion is just proof positive that Bush and Company believe that blasting and bombing your views upon other cultures is not good enough. Now, for anyone with the capability to see issues in shades of gray rather than the extremes of ONLY black and white: Let's see... women are raped by the 1000's in Africa alone, but let's force those unlucky women around the globe to bear the child of a rapist because our President and his evangelical minions are going to force their "culture of life" down the entire planet's throats. If men could conceive and were raped at the same rate as females, I am certain that forcing a person to bear a child that results from rape would be null and void. Oh there I go being such a silly girl again... I should stop using my brain and realize that the only part of me that really counts is my ovaries. ![]() Putin Bitch Slaps Bush Russia President Vladimir Putin asked President Bush about the Dan Rather incident, and it was priceless, especially given the fact that Bush had just chastised Putin about Putin running his own nation in an un-democratic spirit. Psst... George... that is the pot calling the kettle black. Maureen Dowd at the NY Times comments on Bush's absurd hypocrisy when visiting Putin, and I must say, I do find it to be laughable that our Orwellian leader has the stones to criticize others when he has become our own nation's quaint lil' Fuhrer, complete with his own set of toady brownshirt henchmen, and a back pocket full of "SS" evangelicals. Auf Wiedersehen mein Freundeskreis-- spending the day with my hubby, while my mom babysits, and later... birthday cake! ![]() How much will you lose with Bush's Social Security Reform plan? Well, just click here. ![]() An FBI file on Strom Thurmond has exposed that the late SC senator and his staff tried to get the FBI to trump up charges against the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the grounds that King was "controlled by communists". It also shows that Thurmond wanted to kill 2 birds with 1 stone by squashing the two causes he detested: Civil rights and Communism. Longtime Thurmond friends say that the late senator really was not a racist, but that he just hated the deadly spread of communism. Yeah, so how do you explain him committing statutory rape against a 15 year old black girl (whom he impregnated, abandoned, and then never acknowledged the existence of that bi-racial daughter as if she were a source of shame) and his membership in the SC segregationist States Rights Party that demanded separate schools, churches and swimming pools for whites and blacks? Let's face it, he was a racist, he was supported and surrounded by racists, and many, many GOPers are racists who will woo and court an African-American vote by pulling the "Christian values" card, but then turn around and decimate the minority community with massive cuts to necessary federal aid. The Rev. Al Sharpton said it best at the DNC this past July: "Why does the Republican Party care about what goes on in people's bedrooms when they need to be worrying about how those people can't put food on their kitchen tables". Amen, Reverend... amen. ![]() UNICEF's new study shows that 22% of those under the age of 18 are living in relative poverty in the US. The report investigated the world's richest nations, used the average household income of the nations, rather than their national wealth and found that nations that spend higher amounts in social programs and benefits had lower levels of children living in poverty. Not a shock, eh? The nations that have levels of children living in poverty at around 3%: Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Check this site out that provides stats on subjects such as the number of teen pregnancies, handgun crimes, rapes, home ownership, abortions, household debt, etc.. It is sad to see where the US falls in the numbers against the "uber-liberal and hedonistic" Nordic nations that have heavy social spending, very comprehensive sexual education for their children and easy access to all methods of birth control... b/c one thing is for certain, all human beings are sexual creatures and by that very nature will engage in sexual behaviors, whether the big bad Religious Wrongs tell you that you are a heathen sinner headed for the Highway to Hell for such things and whacks you over the head w/a King James or not. And for the record, Democrats are not sinners eager for more sins, we are just realists in a reality based world when it comes to issues of sexuality. ![]() Spew Some Hate at Church, Take the Gloves Off, & Tom DeLay is a Punk Ass Bitch TX Rep. Sam Johnson (R), speaking at a veterans' event at Suncreek United Methodist Church, claimed that he had a heart to heart pow-wow w/TX Rep. Kay Granger and Prez Bush, and at this sit down, Johnson claims that he told Bush this: "Syria is the problem. Syria is where those WMDs are, in my view. You know, I can fly an F-15, put 2 nukes on 'em and I'll make one pass. We won't have to worry about Syria anymore." The audience then burst into hearty applause . Very classy, no? Applauding nuking another nation WHILE in a house of worship? Roll Call, the Capitol Hill newspaper has the low-down on the story, but it requires a paid subscription, so you can check it out here instead. Okay, Texas was carved up to make a Republican Wonderland by getting rid of Democratic seats, so now, those rule-less pricks are at again, this time in Georgia. GA's Republican legislature has agreed now on carving up a new congressional map that ousts Democrats Jim Marshall (3rd) and John Barrow (12th) while shoring up Republican Phil Gingrey (11th). That would give the Repubs a 9 to 4 majority in GA's delegation. Okay, since these bottom feeders can't play by the rules, I say we take the gloves off and put the smack down in Illinois to make a clever map that will allow the Dems to gain 5 seats by slaughtering Hyde, Kirk, Weller, and maybe even Hastert and Shimkus. And how about NM? We shift 1 county to the 2nd and throw all of Albuquerque in the 1st- and Heather Wilson is toast. And while we're at it, why not aim for NJ? We shift parts of Bergen and Passaic counties into the 5th district- bye bye Scott Garrett. If these pricks want to play under handed games, I say let's slit their throats and finish the fight. Speaking of Repubs in need of a throat slitting, check out RAW STORY's expose on Tom "Carve up the TX map" DeLay's use of a conservative think tank's money ($130,000 total) to go on posh trips. When will he finally go to jail for all of his many, many crimes and become some burly guy's punk bitch? ![]() Homelessness is on the rise, and it's tied to lack of aid, which is due to rewarding the wealthiest with unnecessary tax cuts. Gee, this is shocking, given that my God-lovin leader says this: The economy is the best it's ever been in the history of economies... and didja know that the job losses were Clinton's fault... b/c Clinton got that damn blowjob... it made jobs fly overseas dammit... corporations, who are pillars of morality, mind you, were so appalled by this sexual licentiousness in our Oval Office that they had to pimp out US jobs for pennies on the dollar to China, India, etc, and that gay hooker in the WH, well that's Clinton's fault, too... I know that Clinton only went for hetero chicks, but this is Clinton's fault... hey Karl, pull up your boxers and put the KY away... Jeff, er Jim, get out of those leather chaps and stop whipping Karl... c'mon guys... Laura's coming off of her Lithium, she's gonna be really pissed to see all this santorum on the carpet... ![]() |