Monday, February 28, 2005 Hillbilly Haters In an earlier post, I made a link to Fred Phelps' vile site , but this story, just sickens me. This hate-filled freak and his white trash extended family plan on protesting John Edwards' speaking engagement at a Ramada Inn on March 4 in Kansas. Phelps, along with his hillbilly breeding like rabbits family (he has 53 grandchildren) and the lovely hate filled house of worship Wetsboro Baptist Church will let Edwards know that God is really pissed at him... so much so that Phelps has said this: "God Almighty warned John Edwards by killing his son, but he hardened his heart & stiffened his neck, embracing the filthy fag agenda for political expediency". Ya know, this shriveled up hate filled bigot prick deserves a Nat'l holiday: Let's start Kick Fred Phelps' Wrinkled Old Ass Day... and I say that Matthew Shepard's mom gets first dibs on delivering the 1st swift kick to his useless balls w/a pair of steel toed Doc Martins. And what does the Kansas Republican Party have to say about this, well its what I expected one of them to say: State Rep. Lana Gordon said "Alot of people don't outwardly agree with what Phelps is doing, but behind the scenes they do". Hmm... why can't men like Phelps and his bigoted ilk die of festering cases of gonorrhea of the rectums? ![]() As our nation ignores the reprecussions of our repugnant use of torture, the UK reveals that as any as 50 UK soldiers will be charged for crimes in Iraq, ranging from murder, manslaughter, assault and sexual offenses. This story exposes more abuse claims at the hands of UK soldiers from detainees in Iraq. I had previously posted that the UK is questioning whether or not the war in Iraq is illegal, well, this picks up on that and also examines if the deal to go to war in Iraq was struck between Blair and Bush at Bush's Crawford Ranch in April of 2002 --- well before we launched the war in March of 2003. This is a cue that the US should adopt for our country, given our Patriot Act's vague and sweeping powers: The House of Lords will not pass the "Terror Bill" that would allow the Home Secretary to put any British citizen under house arrest. And talk about irony, the Labour Party has hired an American spin wizard who doctored photos of GW Bush snorting coke (Bush called him "the garbage man" for this and he later went on to become the moving force of MoveOn.Org) to help Blair and his Labour Party keep ahead in the polls...funny that Bush's good buddy Blair would seek the help of a guy who made Bush's former nose candy habit front and center. But Blair has his own serious issues, as he is looked upon as a liability to his party b/c he is though of as Bush's bitch. ![]() Watch Mubarak pull a rabbit out of a hat! Egypt's Prez announced on 2/26 that he was ordering the constitution to be changed to allow other candidates to run for office. Sounds great right? Sounds like "democracy is on the march", huh? Nope. The real deal is this: In order for a candidate to be eligible to run for office, they must be in a recognized party (ok, that's not so bad) but they must ALSO win parliamentary endorsement...parliament is controlled by Mubarak and his guess what? You can run, but not unless you have Mubarak's approval and endorsement, and if it looks like you might just kick Mubarak's ass out of his comfy seat of power, then I'm sure your political career will last about as long as an Ashley Simpson song on Saturday Night Live. I wonder if Mubarak can saw a lady in half, too? Naw, I bet that damn long balck jubba she's forced to wear gets in the way. ![]() News Bits U.K. is raising their minimum wage in October and again in 2006. What will adults over the age of 21 make? $10.22 per hour. Our minimum wage? $5.15 per hour. We ought to be ashamed. But given the fact that this administration could care less about the standard of living for people once they are out of the womb, we should not be shocked. This is a creepy first hand account from a Republican (who supports Bush & the war) who attended a "men's night out" w/his dad at a local KY church- only to find out that this really was a recruitment center for the military. This may shed some light on why Chalabi has sidestepped the limelight and pulled out of his bid for PM in Iraq...and if true, then Christmas of 2005 is going to be mighty somber. And backing up a post from yesterday about Iran hurting us where it really counts- our wallets- is this from Oct of 2004 and it tells us why Iran will be our next warzone. God help us - which leads me to this: When you find yourself in agreement w/Pat Buchanan, you know times are mighty tough. The NY Times today exposes this: If you have the misfortune of becoming a prisoner in the US and you need medical care, you better hope that you can heal yourself b/c the health care of our jails and prisons is becoming privatized, and they could give a rat's ass about truly providing any kind of medical care to convicts, but they do like to rake in the industry's $2billion a year profit. This already happened in Georgia, and now Kansas will next jump on the bandwagon to place stickers in student's textbooks that say: Evolution is a theory NOT a fact. Does anyone else find it strange that the very people who think that SOCIAL DARWINISM is the gospel do not believe in actual EVOLUTIONARY DARWINISM? Women in Iraq fear that wife beating will become the norm when Shariah Law is in place, and again, many of these Muslim women say that they had more protections and freedoms UNDER SADDAM than they do now and will in the future once Shariah Law takes place. Oh well, the Iraqi women will have our soldiers to stand by and do nothing while the beatings take place since a top military general says that the US will have to stay in Iraq for at least 7 to 12 years...and how long do you think we'll have to be Iran, too, when we invade them? ![]() The Only People Getting the Purple Finger are Our Soldiers & Civilians Suicides/attempted suicides for Marines have spiked up for 2003/2004. I guess we'll see what happens in 2005, huh? Since Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) just returned from Iraq and said that our troops will be stuck there for many years and that the Iraqi security issues are worse & out of control, I expect to see our troops suffer with plenty of mental issues, injuries, and needless deaths. And hey, when we have 1000's of missing missiles floating around, the fear of death being ever-present in Iraq, and an Amnesty International study telling us that the failure to make Iraq secure has made the risk of physical and sexual violence against women greatly rise and has made them virtual prisoners in their homes b/c their freedoms have had to be so curtailed, then you have to wonder if the only people getting the purple finger in this mess are our soldiers and the Iraqi civilians? ![]() Our grandparents lived through the Depression and they came out okay, right? Well, I guess we should all buck up and brace ourselves b/c me thinks that the nations who want to cause us harm will do so where it will be THE MOST effective....our WALLETS... and with our gigantic deficit, this ought to be one bumpy ride. ![]() Millions of people depend upon and require Social Security for their very SURVIVAL. I'm not just talking about retured seniors, although grannies and gramps do make up the bulk of who receive it, but widows, widowers, and orphans depend heavily on SS for everyday survival, too. It is reprehensible that Republicans want to gut SS to fatten the wallets of Wall Street investors, but Rep. Jim McCrery (R-LA) is doing just that and has reaped plenty for it. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) calls privatization "a", and Krugman from the NY Times says that if you believe the Swift Boat Liars for Grannies and Bush's lies about the crisis of SS then you are "free to believe in the toothfairy, too". Also in the Times, is a piece that asks how can the deputy commissioner of the Social Security Admin. take political sides and make public appearances w/Republicans to promote privatization? It is not the job of SS to represent ALL Americans, regardless of political party affiliation? But Bush continues to spread his lies of a scary crisis, well actually the only thing scary about SS is that Bush has raped the till to gallavant his half-assed agendas across our nations and the world, but why would he ever come clean about that? And what a shock, but the pro-privatization mouthpieces are bought and paid for by the Republican Party...say it ain't so? What's next...Joe "I'm a dirty Republican on the inside" Lieberman may endorse Bush's plan to destroy granny and gramp's ability to live...YEP, he just might, and this Dem in name only needs to seriously get his priorities in check: Whore yourself out on your own time and bankrupt your own retirement-- not our's-- you little Bush-bitch! ![]() That's a Mouthful & My Privates are PRIVATE This story just defies logic: a woman successfully conceived a child--- after giving a man oral sex. YEP...but would he have preferred it if she had given it back to him with a kiss? the movie Clerks if you need more info on that. But perhaps if the 2 of them had received abstinence education, they wouldn't be in this predicament..oh that's who receive abstinence only education have sex at almost the same rate as kids who don't--- only the abstinence kids are MORE likely to use zero methods of birth control when they do it. Speaking of unintended consequences, what do we do about this legal mess: Ohio's marriage amendment is now being used to protect domestic violence abusers from being charged w/domestic violence against unmarried women? And guess what Mr. I Will Never Have to Face Being Unintentionally Pregnant? You need to keep out of our medical history b/c our privates are private: The attorney general of Kansas has taken it upon himself to summon the private medical records of 90 women who have had abortions. Doctor & patient privilege, ever heard of it jackass? What I wouldn't give for the good old days of a presidential administration that busied itself with a legal PRIVATE, consensual affair of an oral nature... instead, this administration plots to bend all of us over and stick it to us in every painful way possible. ![]() Gannon/Guckert has resurrected himself with a website to let all of his adoring fans know that he might be "down but not out"...yeah, I'm sure he's Karl Rove says...and this is really how he got inside the WH: New WH press credentials are REVEALED!! And in case Gannon thinks for one second that he really is accepted and loved by his conservative Republicans, here and here are some reality checks for his deluded mind. (these sites, unfortunately, are FOR REAL). ![]() From the Delaware News Journal, more indications that a military draft is imminent. Well, I just don't know why that would be...oh yeah..maybe the fact that more and more of our military members are REFUSING to go to Iraq may be part of the reason. And that nasty little problem of incredibly low recruitment numbers may be a big contributing factor, too. And maybe the horrors of fighting this sort of warfare that forces a soldier to fight civilians (and a whole bunch of innocent women, children and old people) rather than other soldiers may be some of the reason soldiers feel that this war raises serious moral dilemmas for them...assuming they have already cast aside the issues of no WMDs, no real threat posed by the nation of Iraq, and the war profiteering taking place for a select few American corporations such as Halliburton. Speaking of Haliburton, Newsweek has an interesting perspective on their double dealing in Iran, a nation in which all business deals between us and them is to be illegal, but when has a pesky little issue like LAW ever stopped Dick Cheney's former company? Since we're on the topic of Iran, a former US Marine and Weapons Inspector says that we are planning to launch a war against Iran as early as June 2005, and he says that the elections were cooked in Iraq (gasp! this administration cooking an election...say it ain't so...they've only done it here in 2000 & 2004). And what does our esteemed despot Bush say about a war with Iran: "Ridiculous!"...yeah, yeah, yeah... and the check is in the mail, and I promise officer, I will never ever speed again. Well since the Australian news reports that "Iraq will be another Vietnam", and the US military is slashing military officer training so more soldiers can just be gun toting targets, and retired Col. David Hackworth says that the "Pentagon is lying its way out of an unwinnable war- again" I guess that maybe Bush and Rumsfeld will give a stab at warring with Iran, too, -- I mean how bad can it be for them, huh? Their children won't be fighting in a "priceless war" and neither will they, while the U.K. wonders if the war in Iraq is even legal. ![]() Our Despot's Bubble, No Love--German Style, Frank Luntz= Mr. Burns, & It's a Man, Baby! The Detroit Free Press has asked a fascinating question: If thousands could be screened just to attend a Bush campaign rally, how did Gannon ooze his way into the WH Press Corps w/no credentials and a fake name? That indeed is a great question, but I think its just par for the course of this administration keeping Bush in a protective "bubble" that deflects and protects him from personal accountability and from info that he doesn't want to face. Why should anyone be near this President who will ask the hard questions and why should he have to provide the honest answers? It seems that ultra conservative/pro-Bush WorldNetDaily is asking why and how Gannon got into the WH, too. They ask who was Gannon working for? Indeed! Need another example of Bush needing his delicate bubble to remain intact? This from today's Der Spiegel: Bush cancels "town hall" meeting b/c it was not going to be pre-scripted. The audience, which was to be comprised of average Germans, did not go along w/the pre-approved questions they were to be "allowed" to ask, so the entire gig was scrapped by the WH. Maybe it was the 4,000 German protesters carrying signs that said "Bush=Terrorist #1" that made Bush wary of the kind of questions the Germans might ask him, huh? And if that isn't enough proof that this administration must manipulate and squelch any honesty and integrity in the world of the corporate media, check out Republican spin doctor Frank Luntz. The people at the Center for American Progress are performing an autopsy on the Luntz Playbook (on a very large zip file which contains so many diabolical plots and plans of evil, that you expect to hear Mr. Burns from the Simpsons rasp "Excellent" when you view it). Take a look for yourself at American Progress' blog called Think Progress if you want a scary peek into the twisted mind of Frank Luntz and how his diabolical hooves got into our corporate media outlets... liberal media my ass! Speaking of asses, Ann the Emaciated Hag Coulter has a stunning defense of Gannon. Yes, you heard me correctly...she defends Gannon by saying that Democrats are out to get him... get this... because HE IS GAY. But I thought we were the depraved party of gay lovers? Fickle bunch, are we? Maybe Coulter is just a wee bit uncomfortable w/us uncovering a gay past b/c we may discover that she really is a he? Did you ever check out the adam's apple on that scrawny neck? And her huge hands and knuckles? To quote my beloved Austin Powers: "It's a man, baby!" Maybe that is the reason she is unwed and childless... no, no guy is brave enough to stick his Gannon Cannon in that and run the risk of her raising his progeny. ![]() Gannon Wants to Cash Shocking! Another Senator has seen the light...bouncing off of Jeff Gannon's shiny bald Gannon lies, lies, lies! Sen. Durbin (D-IL) issues a letter to President Bush to call an inquiry into how a fake journalist got into the WH when he was working for a fake news organization while using a fake name. And speaking of those lies Gannon has been telling, get this: Gannon is planning on attending the WH Correspondents Assoc dinner in April (he said he has gone to 2 previous dinners). He also says that he is thinking of writing a book and/or going on a speaking tour. I would have thought that Jeff was too busy weeping over the "invasion of privacy" he had endured, but I guess he is just one resilient hooker... so much so that he's selling his porn site domains for thousands of dollars. Classy, no? And a new development seems to be picking up steam in his life also: Gannon is connected to Sen. Tom Daschle's defeat in S. Dakota via his "reporting" and coordinated efforts with the GOP. Speaking of fake reporting, Talon News appers to have plagairized from Fox News Network...oh, there's a shocker... first they work hand in glove with the GOP, and now Fox News? And the news of Gannongate is sloooowly spreading: Madison, Wisc., The New Yorker, Allentown, PA. ![]() Sometimes I just don't even know what to say about the things I read...but the following truly belong in the WTF category. In Alabama, the Supreme Court upheld the 1998 law that makes the sale of sex toys illegal. To my beloved hubby--we are NEVER moving there, 'kay? And this site, which I thought was a joke, but isn't, is just laughable. It espouses the idea that women should dress, behave, & believe religiously in only certain ways, and be perfectly beautiful, delicate, and modest at ALL TIMES. Now, anyone who knows me personally knows that I am 100% girly. I LOVE makeup, skincare products, fixing my long hair, & buying pretty undies, but this site is not about beauty--it is about repression, control, and trying to put women "in their place". As a mother of a little girl, I find this next site repellant (as if the last site wasn't bad enough, huh?) It espouses the idea that girls shouldn't play sports because it makes them unlady-like and the Bible does not approve...and God would approve of that cheesy music on this link?? So, to re-cap: Don't use sex toys, don't ever appear, act, or think in an unlady-like manner, and do not ever make the mistake of having fun by playing sports. What's next.... fittings for chastity belts? Females are such temptresses and the Wrongwingers know this well. ![]() Who knew that the AARP was comprised of gay loving, troop haters? I didn't, and I bet that the millions of senior citizens who are members of the AARP would be shocked to learn that USA Next (Art Linkletter's private lie factory) and the Swift Boat Vets for Grannies are launching a giant LIE campaign to spread this rumor since AARP does not back Bush's plan to gut Social Security. Leading this lie filled charge will be values maven, Bill Bennett. Bennett is a gambling addict, so I guess it is fitting that he would want to gamble away seniors' only hope for retirement survival. Yes, a lovely ad featuring a split screen of a fatigued soldier and 2 men kissing each other with" The Real AARP Agenda" written underneath was to launch the smear, but it has been pulled. Perhaps the use of a real married gay couple, who did not give their permission to use the photo, is behind the sudden pull of the pix. Well, it seems that playing nice with Bush doesn't pay off (last year the AARP heartedly endorsed Bush's Prescription Drug Program) and now they will get their payback, hmm? They better watch out though, because some seniors will fight back if provoked. I guess the gay loving part is in reference to the fact that the AARP did not endorse the state of Ohio's Marriage Amendment on Nov.'s ballot. Why? Very simply because so many seniors, after divorce or death of their spouse, do not remarry a new partner, but rather choose to live together so that they can still collect their former spouse's Social Security. Ohio's State Issue I even outlawed the recognition of opposite sex civil unions, as well as same sex ones, and the AARP felt that punishing seniors who live as common law spouses w/out actually marrying was not appropriate.The whole troop hating thing? Quite frankly, I have no idea, but it is classy to call the "greatest generation" such names, no? I bet all of the many veterans and their wives from WWII, Korea, and Vietnam will love being called troop haters. In related news, it seems as though Soc. Sec. Reform may be in deep santorum (yes, I went there). Sen. Rick Santorum tried hard today to sell Bush's plan in Philly, PA, but the audience just wasn't having any of it. Perhaps they are just as put off by Santorum as they would be if actual santorum was in the room? (Psst, if you read The Onion you already know that the word has come to mean the sticky residue that results from the mixing of lubricant and fecal matter after anal sex...and yes, it also is that a-hole Senator's last name, too.) ![]() QUICK!...Create a Diversion Man oh man, didja happen to catch how quick our terror alerts were raised last week just hours after Jeff Gannon/Guckert's naked pix were exposed? Wow, it was even better than the raising of the terror alerts during the campaign season. Well, here is a great piece by Krugman that sums up this "wag the dog syndrome" that grips the Bush administration seemingly everytime things are not going according to his plans. With Social Security Reform teetering on the edge of collapse, Gannongate, and more and more abuse and torture proof coming to light, I bet we're in for a whole world of raised terror alerts. I guess this administration takes it cues from the inept police officer on South Park, "Move along! There is nothing to see here!" and the willingly blind gobble it down and always come back for seconds. ![]() Now, keep in mind how America's voters kept Bush in office based on the moral values issue. Well, besides throwing his gay daughter out on the street and telling her you will not help her attend college, and despite the fact that she postponed her freshman year of college so she could help her father's campaign, Alan Keyes is the pristine picture of Republican family values. Hmm, let's not forget that he was the one who said that Mary Cheney, Lynn and Dick's lesbian daughter, was a "selfish hedonist" for being gay when he attended the Republican Nat'l Convention last year (and by the way, his comment was made MONTHS before Kerry dared to refer to Mary during the debates) but there was zero outrage over Keyes' comment. So, I guess that Republican Party members truly are the party of good, wholesome family values, right? I wouldn't bet on that...and you should check this out for yourself if you don't think so. ![]() This Stuff Just Falls into the WTF Category WTF? Gannon alludes that he is contemplating to sue those blogs that "outed him" and "invaded his privacy" and "made him lose his job". No, idiot, you were advertising your gay services ONLINE...that is a public domain. You were receiving money for the oldest profession in the world, so guess what, your true profession was exposed while investigating your fake profession (journalist), not your personal life. Besides, in order for libel to be proven, you have to prove that lies have been manufactured about you in order to cause you harm. Maybe it's just me, but you waxed all your body hair off and posed for those pix, and you set your fee for your services, and you went off and serviced those men, and had several websites to advertise it and prove it. Public figures put themselves out there in the public eye, which opens them up to public scrutiny -- Mr. Gannon, you just don't like what has been dug up with the scrutiny -- if you can't take the heat, get the hell out of the kitchen. more thing dumbass...YOU RESIGNED from your job. You didn't lose your job because of this unearthing- you quit when it all came to light that you were a hooker, not a journalist, had zero journalist credentials, and that you were able to somehow weasel/ charm (and we have all seen your many charms, dear sir) your way into the ELITE White House Press Corps... even when you weren't working for a news organization. So Jeffy, the real question that remains is this: Who's your White House lover/patron? Is it 3 ways w/Laura & Georgie? You say you are a dominant top, so romps w/Laura present couldn't be that out of the question, huh? Is it ... (please don't vomit while typing this...blaghhhh!) Karl the Toad Rove? Or is it Scottie McClellan ... rumor has it he has frequented gay bars in Austin, TX. Or is it your ex-boss Mr. Eberle, the RNC's delegate from 2000? Speaking of Eberle, check out this Christmas card from 2004 for GOPUSA. Hmm, notice any familiar high ranking Republicans on that list? And by the way, this is how a gay reporter is unfairly outed by the likes of fanatical people. But since it was Matt Drudge who did the outing, I guess it's okay, right? ![]() Stooping to all time low---it's SWIFT BOAT VETERANS for GRANNIES! ... I am so deadly serious ... and I might laugh about this if it weren't coming out of the mouths of these repugnant forked-tongued devils. ![]() Bush's Hatred of the Media Seems to be Deep Doug Wead, former aide of GHW Bush, and friend of GW Bush, has released taped conversations of the President from 1998 to 2000. The interviews, published in today's Sunday edition of the NY Times, clearly shows Bush's hatred towards the media, so, given this, is it so difficult to connect the dots between this hatred of the media and the 6 known paid-for "journalists" ? (I use the term loosely, as only 3 of the 6 are genuine journalists w/credentials) If you already hate the people who put things in print about you, it will make your job a whole lot easier if you just buy your own printed words to make certain that it suits your own agenda and comes across flattering, no? In related news, check out this op/ed piece on Gannongate, that ties in the paid-for journalists scandal oh-so-nicely. ![]() According to the 2/28/05 edition of Time Magazine, our troops are secretly meeting with Iraqi insurgents. One of my earlier posts spoke of the possibility of our troops arming the insurgents so that they can make a dent in the Iran-Iraqi Shiite bond. Perhaps this is really true, and again, I will issue this same warning, if Sistani gives an order for an Iraqi Shiite uprising, we may have a fight on our hands that is bigger and badder than we can handle. Throw in Iran loyalists to the Iran-born Sistani, and that could be the oil that is needed to make this simmering fire a full blown explosion that leads to Bush getting his secret wish granted---instant war w/Iran. ![]() This Falls Into the "Hey, Let's Just Declare War on the Entire Middle East" Category Soemetimes I just can't honestly believe that Bush's handlers don't keep a tighter leash on his BIG FAT MOUTH. Get this... on 2/18, Bush announced that the US would completely back Israel if Israel were to attack Iran to destroy their nuclear capabilities (not their nuclear bombs, because we don't even know if they have those, but hell, who cares, just invade and attack ANY NATION PRE-EMPTIVELY if you feel like it). Let see if I can add this all up...Bush warns Syria that they must obey a UN resolution to leave Lebanon...or else. That's especially amusing to me...Bush telling another country to obey the UN...and Bush telling another country that they have to remove their occupying troops from a nation that was invaded--and that invaded nation now wants the occupying troops to get the hell out a.s.a.p. That's the freaking pot calling the kettle black, huh? And then Syria and Iran announce that they are joining together as a united front to stave off any "outside threats"...oh, say...threats like the US or Israel??... and now Bush says that we would go to war with Israel if they are so inclined to go to war. Why don't we just spare everyone the freaking time and bother and just go all out and declare pre-emptive wars on the entire Middle East and get it over with? Of course, that goes without saying that the draft would be reinstated in a heartbeat, but I'm sure that Bush would just wring his hands and shrug his shoulders and tell us that he really, really didn't want to...but he JUST HAD TO because these countries posed immediate and imminent threats to us...yeah, just like Iraq did, right? And oh yeah---Jenna and Barbara are exempt from the draft for genetic stupidity, and even though we would be involved in waging wars in at least 4 different countries---he is NOT raising taxes on the rich because it would cause them undue hardships & may even stop them from hiding their children from the draft, who would be skiing & snowboarding & siteseeing in Swiss chalets until the wars would be over. ![]() There are so many developments today in Gannongate, that I feel I must list them numerically. But let me add this, this story has never been about outing a closeted gay man. His VERY unexpected outing occurred during the unearthing of facts surrounding his shaky journalist credentials. This was NEVER a gay witch hunt--but how could he really be outed as gay when he had been advertising his sexual services to men online for at least 4 years now? How could a man, who as you will soon see, had photos taken of himself at a 1998 Christmas party, that was notoriously known (year after year) to escalate into a gay & bisexual orgy? Keep in mind, these photos, indeed show Gannon's Cannon in full frontal, while he is hugging another man--how many straight guys do you know who would do that, AND allow their photo to be taken? His being gay just adds to the hypocrisy on his part for being a public anti-gay mouthpiece for the Bush administration, and adds to the hypocrisy of the Bush administration for pimping his services out to spread their anti-gay agenda. And one last thing, on a personal note, I feel kinda bad for Gannon, not for his actions--as far as that is concerned he dug his bed; let him lay in it--but I feel bad for someone who must feel such shame and self loathing that he would be an anti-gay mouthpiece for Bush. This President and this administration DESPISES what Gannon is -what he was born as- but the Left bloggers who unearthed the truth only hate what Gannon has done to hurt the credentials of all journalists, the damage he has done to gays and lesbians, and the crimes he may have committed that range from forgery, tax evasion, exposing a CIA agent, and possibily even putting our nat'l security at risk with his loose lips. Those are 2 very distinct differences and clearly they achieve 2 very different agendas...& now for the current events: 1.Anne Kornblut weighs in on Ari Fleischer's suspicions of Gannon. 2.Scott McClellan finally admits Gannon got his press pass for GOPUSA, not Talon News. 3.Gannon somehow knew about "Shock & Awe" 4 hours before it began in Iraq. 4.Gannon tied to Dan Rather's TX Air Nat'l Guard memos. 5.CBS ties Gannon to Karl Rove. 6.The Far Wrongwingers are having fits over Gannongate. 7.The Freepers who gay bash and hate, held a rally to "defend" poor Jeffy...puh-lease! 8.Why do Americans willingly ignore or simply refuse to acknowledge the blatant lies this administration tells or question their numerous indiscretions? 9.Can you believe the nerve of Gannon? Read this hypocritical piece from the Washington Post. He truly is a Bush lackey--he lies, scams, cheats, and prostitutes, but hey, his God forgives him so all his crimes are wiped away, right? Try personal accountability, ya jackass! ![]() Some Stuff to Make Your Stomach Turn This comes from my friend Shane, and upon his advice, turn up the speakers and learn something. It's time for a little history lesson about the basic tenets of fascism. From Yahoo News, an Iraqi was murdered and photographed w/grinning US soldiers. The Iraqi's arms were bound behind his back and he was suspended from the ceiling. British resident blinded during 3 year confinement at Guantanamo Bay. This article comes from May/04, (I was not aware of this story back then) but it is just another example of how widespread abuse is: Iraqi man is dropped off at Tikrit hospital---in a coma---his family demands answers. Set to release early 02/18, US Army documents obtained by the ACLU shows that abuse of detainees continues and is ignored...we gave the rubber stamp on torture w/Gonzales' confirmation...why should anyone be shocked that torture continues?? From the Guardian Unlimited UK, in Afghanistan, US forces continue to abuse detainees, but who cares right? We send human beings off to serve in the military, only to have them return (if they're lucky enough to even make it back) home to us as monsters. ![]() So, the plot thickens in Gannongate...did he have a "hard pass" or "day pass" to the White House before Talon News even existed? For those who don't know the difference between the 2, a hard pass is much more difficult to obtain but w/it comes the priviledge of coming and going to Press Corps events at will and it has the journalist's name and photo ID directly on it, whereas a day pass is simply granted for access per that day and has no personal ID on it for the journalist. And while we are on the topic of obtaining WH Press passes, Maureen Dowd in the NY Times tells of her difficulties obtaining one under this Bush II administration...and she has been a journalist since at least 1986. So, the qustion that begs to be asked...who got, or planted, Gannon/Guckert in the WH? Did no one ask questions and demand answers about his credentials and/or the news organization he claimed (or perhaps didn't claim) he was working for? Well, it seems as though Ari Fleischer did have some reservations about Mr. Gannon/Guckert's appearances, and called Gannon's boss, Bobby Eberle, to find out what the deal was. Eberle, owner of GOPUSA and Talon News assured Fleischer that "they were not part of the Republican Party". Hmm, that's a blatant lie...Eberle served as a delegate for the 2000 Republican Nat'l Committee, and is a well known Texas Republican activist. Oh yeah...and he's a known anti-Semite, too, but then again, I guess you have to be if you want to embody the true spirit of the Neo-Con/Republican Party and fit in w/ Lott, Helms, DeLay, DeMint, etc... And hats off to NY's Rep. Louise Slaughter (D) for demanding answers from the WH on Gannongate. She says "STOP STONEWALLING!" Applause for the brass ones on Slaughter and Boxer...I guess sometimes it takes a woman to do a man's job and give this party a spine, huh? ![]() Okay, so we "freed" Iraq from Saddam, but isn't it a sick twist of fate that under Saddam, women were allowed to be secular in public (didn't have to wear the jubba or hijab), and were relatively safe from kidnappings and rapes from strangers. Don't misunderstand me, rapes and crimes against women, and men for that matter, did occur under Saddam's regime--but since Saddam ran his show with an iron fist, the majority of crimes occurred under his direct orders. But, Saddam certainly did not tolerate rampant lawlessness in his streets where other people could commit crimes at will such as women being snatched and raped, and attacked and humiliated for not following Shariah Law's edict on clothing and public conduct. Ironically, women may have enjoyed more freedoms under Saddam than they enjoy now under the occupation, and who knows how things will pan out for women since the elections- due to the proclamation from the Shiites that Shariah Law will be the mandate if they have anything to say about it. And don't get me started on the raping and pillaging that has been speculated upon at the hands of American soldiers, or has been actively allowed by American indifference and unwillingness to get involved in the criminal affairs of Iraqis that does not involve the soldiers personally because it has not been deemed worthy by the Bush administration. I feel I have an obligation, as a woman and mother, to give props to an organization that is attempting to help the plight of Iraqi women. Maybe if more people hear about their plight we can get a grassroots effort to care because it certainly isn't going to happen at the White House level because Bush could give a rat's ass about American women, let alone give 2 shits about some "heathen Muslim" bitches. Let's be clear about this: Our govt has set out to humiliate and subjugate Iraqi men, whether it be by sexual abuse, beatings, or disregard and mockery of their religion...and in turn, Iraqi men turn that rage onto the members of society that they can subjugate and humiliate...Iraqi women and children. This is what happens when people are stripped of power--you lash out at those you can control to feel some sense of empowerment. I guess that logic pans out for our soldiers, too: They are made to feel powerless due to the inhumane edict our govt has set forth for them in regards to torture and the de-humanization of the Iraqi people, so they in turn wield their dictated power over those people, and the ugly cycle continues. ![]() Brr...I Feel a Draft....& He's Baaaaaack.... This is just great...Syria and Iran have announced that they will unite to fight the threat that "outside forces" pose to them. That is simply wonderful...NOT. How in the hell can we possibly face taking on 2 nations (w/ballistic capabilities mind you) AND fight in Iraq? ANSWER: WE CANNOT...but a draft might just fix that, huh? And in related news...Iraq will have a "secret ballot" contest to determine the Prime Minister position. Who are the contenders you might ask? Well, believe it or not...and this is pretty un-freaking-believable to me...Ibrahim al Jaafari and........Ahmad Chalabi. Yep, he's back like a bad penny. Imagine this, this former Iranian spy, who's provided the crux of the completely wrong "Iraq has WMD's" information, who had his home and office raided last year to look for damning evidence of his spying and backstabbing, may be the next Prime Minister of Iraq. Well, Chalabi has already actively been Bush's little private puppet and bitch, so why should we be shocked that he may rise to such an esteemed position and continue to do Bush's bidding from the Prime Minister's mansion? Well, if Sistani doesn't like this situation, maybe he'll call for a Shiite uprising and shake this Bush bitch-monkey from his tree. That will be REALLY bad for our troops, but it might be what the conservative majority Shiites want. I guess only time will tell. ![]() An interesting development has come up in the saga of Gannongate. Confirmed by the White House Press Corps archives, and via C-SPAN archival footage, a video has surfaced of Jeff Gannon/Guckert sitting at a White House daily briefing asking Ari Fleischer a question about Maine schoolchildren being subjected to taunts and jeers due to their supposed anti-war teacher. Ari answers that he's not aware of this report about the Maine schoolchildren, but he adds that we all must honor the First Amendment. Why is this important at all you may be asking? Well, this footage comes from February 28, 2003---over 1 month before Jeff Gannon/Guckert began working at Talon News (which was created on March 29, 2003, and a mere 96hrs later, Gannon/Guckert had a White House Press Corps pass as a "journalist" for Talon). Now, the question everyone must ask is this: How did he get into the elite Press Corps when he wasn't a journalist for Talon News on Feb. 28 of 2003? Which news organization did he claim to be working for in order to sit in at a White House daily briefing? Are we to actually believe that he just wandered in from off of the streets...conveniently w/pen and paper in hand? Puh-lease...this guy was somehow cleared (while using a false name, mind you) to attend the ELITE White House Press Corps while not working for a news service? If you buy that, then my mother is the F***ing Queen of England. Now, his byline did appear at GOPUSA, an ultra-right wing operation based in TX, in the "News" section of their propaganda publication in January of 2003...but is GOPUSA a credible news organization that gets access to the White House Press Corps? ABSOLUTELY NOT--which, by the way, Talon News doesn't meet the Press Corps credentials, either. But should we be shocked if Gannon/Guckert was planted by someone working for Bush to sit in the midst of the corporate media whores? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Would those bloodsuckers at the Press Corps even give another whore a passing glance...maybe...but probably not enough to take the time to question it. Face it...this thing goes deep and has far-reaching implications...and it seems the NY Times feels that way, too. ![]() According to Reuters, CIA Director Porter Goss now (FINALLY!) admits that terrorism has increased under the American occupation of Iraq. Goss says "The Iraq conflict, while not a cause of extremism, is now a cause for extremists". Gee, I wonder why that is dear Sir? They were supposed to be throwing long stemmed roses and soft, fuzzy stuffed bunnies and Hallmark "Thank You" cards at our soldiers, right? Maybe the use of rape, sodomy, forced enemas and masturbation, beatings, murder, humiliation, and any number of human rights violations wasn't the best route to go when trying to woo and win over the Muslim and Iraqi hearts and minds, eh? ![]() What if Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein had Taken the High Road? Recent talk of just letting go of the Gannon/Guckert investigation really angers me for several reasons. First, we just scraped the surface on this guy...and...LOOK FOR GOD'S SAKE...what has popped up? In other words, our anti-gay President has the equivalent of a large, naked gay prostitute sitting on the Oval Office desk, who is linked to the outing of a CIA agent, who used a false name to get into the White House Press Corps, who also was an anti-gay pundit mouthpiece for Bush's agenda...and we the American people should just let it go? I think not. Let's look at it this way: Examine this possible scenario with Woodward and Bernstein. (Memo on Woodward's desk from Bernstein) Dear Bob, You know that hotel break-in story we're working on? Well, I really think that there is not much to it, so how about we just let it go and catch up on all of these other assignments we have let slide? There are lots of other "big ones" out there buddy---we just have to keep looking for them. DC is a big town---lots of stories to chase---so let's not get sidetracked on this hotel break-in, okay? Later---Carl THINK ABOUT THAT WILL YA? Should we keep on this story and see where it pans out...hmm...ohhh...could be wabbit, could be...E-mail your Dem senators and representatives, especially Slaughter, Conyers, & Lautenberg (I did tonight) and drive the point home that this investigation MUST continue. Besides, check out this Washington Post piece on the story. It seems that the naked photos have made this story a bit more titilating to the corporate media, eh? ![]() As you prepare your taxes this year, please keep this in mind: Millions of dollars were wasted (and given away to Iraqi contractors, often from the back of pickup trucks) by the US led Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). The CPA controllled and ran the show in Iraq after the fall of Baghdad until the transfer of power in June of 2004. Hmm...we already know that $9 billion is simply "missing" for Iraqi reconstruction, and this story reports people filling up on stacks of cash and putting the cash in knapsacks...stacks of cash that amounted to $2 million...and simply walking off with it. CPA officials said that they "would count the money when it left the vault, but that nobody kept track of the money after that". WOW...imagine if my husband and I could put that line down on our W-2's this year?? "Gee...we're really sorry Mr. IRS Auditor, but nobody kept track of the money this year". Oh, if only hard working middle class chumps like us could pull that one off...oh that's laundering, vault pilfering, and million dollar scams are the prized work of the RICH...I am so stupid...silly silly me. ![]() Holy Mother of God...the US might be Arming the Sunnis to Stop the Iran-Shiite Bond in Iraq?! If the Asia Times is accurate, and to be believed, how freaking scary is this thought: the US might be arming the Ba'athist Sunnis so they can stop the Shiites from forming close bonds to Iran's religious clerics??? I've heard of making deals with the devil, but come on! We've been told since day one that it is the Ba'athists who are the insurgents...that it is the Ba'athists who are killing our soldiers and waging war on the Iraqi civilians. But what if this article is just truly begs, no, SCREAMS the question: What the hell are we doing in Iraq? Maybe this Financial Times article can shed some much needed light on the subject. And I have to wonder this, since we backed Saddam during the time of the Iran/Iraq War-- b/c we were so afraid of the possibility of an Iranian Shiite victory-- why would we now EVER support an Iraqi Shiite victory? Kind of makes you wonder, huh? I hope these articles are wrong, but given how this war has been allowed to unfold, nothing would shock me. ![]() This story from the LA Times just seals the deal for me. Bush and this administration would rather piss in the faces of our soldiers and then lie and tell them it's raining than grow a set of brass ones and right by these soldiers who put their lives on the line for our nation. I swear...Rum-dumb Rummy and the Shrub would sell Jesus off of the cross, put the nails up for auction on e-bay, and send His body to The Blessed Virgin for cash on delivery. ![]() Okay, let's all take a walk down memory lane, shall we? Let's go back to...say 1998...when one could not listen to, read, or watch ANY MAINSTREAM MEDIA outlet and not be subjected to that damned video snippet of Monica Lewinsky hugging Bill Clinton, while wearing her spiffy black beret. All w/me on this? Okay, so if we are to understand the current state of affairs under this administration, Bush came jingle-jangling into DC to clean up the White House and restore our Oval Office w/integrity and morals, right? So, how does Jeff Gannon/aka James Guckert/aka The Eight Inches plus Bulldog Marine Escort and Dominant Top play out w/Bush's war on homosexuality and his sweeping crusade to rid America of the plague of immorality? I'm just wondering, that's all, and for any of you about to click on this link...please be warned...the images are explicit. All I know is this, if this were 1998 again, Congress would gather for a special middle of the night meeting to end the God forsaken sexual immorality running rampant in our hallowed nation's capital, Fox News would be streaming live video 24 hrs a day, and that emaciated hag Ann Coulter would be foaming at the mouth to string up the "town whore" who dared to bring...dirty fag sex near our White House... and she, along w/LAMEbaugh and INSANnity, would want to host a public stoning. You know I am right...but it gets even better, b/c this guy, this male escort/fake journalist is linked to the outing of a CIA agent (Valerie Plame), and that my friends is a crime...punishable with a ten year prison sentence. Yet, this administration claims that they had no idea that he didn't have journalist credentials, they claim that they had no idea that he is a tax cheat, they claim that they had no idea that he is gay prostitute, they claim that they had no idea that he used a fake name, and they claim that they had no idea that Bush's personnel director (she hires over 4,000 people to work for the administration) is married to one of Talon News' board of directors. Hmm...I feel so secure knowing that our top-notch security checks are ON TOP OF THINGS and that our President will wage a war on average gay citizens while pimping a male escort out to distribute his anti-gay agenda and pro-Bush propaganda. Oooh... the use of a media whore and hack w/our tax dollars...that's restoring integrity and morality. ![]() For many families, Valentine's Day will be about broken hearts As we celebrate Valentine's Day, let's please keep in mind the number of men and women who cannot spend the day with their loved ones. Like the family of Army Sgt. Curtis Greene, who committed suicide in December rather than face being sent back to Iraq, where he served. And if this 25 year old man's tragedy is not sad enough for you, then please read this article that exposes the ugly truth about a looming military draft. Here's my proposal for a solution that is absolutely fair and square: Draft Republicans. If you supported this trumped up war from the very beginning-- if you have no problem with this war being based upon absolute false pretenses-- if you think the the use of torture is just A-okay and that the Geneva Conventions should be used as toilet paper-- if you care zero percent about our needlessly dead soldiers and 100,000 dead Iraqis-- and you backed Bush by voting for him in 2004, then by all means...give Bush 110% of your undying support...go enlist or send your own kids into the military and become cannon fodder for his lies, inept decisions, and disregard for human life and rights and International Law. ![]() The scam of Social Security privatization is one of the most diabolical plans this administration has ever come up with yet for America's workers. Don't believe me? Well, read this and tell me what you think. It sums up perfectly what is actually behind the push to "scare and scam" Americans into thinking that Social Security is on the edge of bankruptcy. How ironic that Bush wants to "fix" Social Security, a system that is not on the brink of busting, yet is doing everything possible to make sure that even more middle class and poor Americans cannot file for bankruptcy. By changing the rules of who and why a person can file for bankruptcy, Bush will only benefit his buddies and backers in big business and the credit card companies. I have to wonder how many Americans file for bankruptcy after losing their jobs, after massive medical devastation due to no insurance or being under insured...but okay, let's cut the legs out from under them b/c dammit, these people are somehow getting one over on us. Not the Enrons or the Tycos of the world, but people driven to the edge of desperation and impending poverty. Bush will not stop until the soup kitchen lines are endless and the foreclosure sales and sheriff's auctions fill a newspaper as thick as the Sunday NY Times. Why doesn't Bush have the balls to tell us what his Ownership Society really is about...only the Rich get to own anything, feed, clothe, educate and obtain medical care for their children, b/c dammit, paying taxes STEALS from the rich. Forget the fact that taxes, which we ALL pay, is what keeps our nation running and civilized, but hey, let's just get rid of all govt and see what the hell happens...just for shits and giggles. Just keep this in mind the Haves and the Have Mores, when the poor have absolutely nothing left to be taken away or lost, killing you, taking your possessions away or making you suffer will really have no consequence for them b/c at least in prison, you get shelter, three meals a day and some kind of medical care. ![]() ![]() In honor of Valentine's Day, Laura and George Bush will take a lovely cruise on The Love Boat...hey, wait a minute...that's The Condoleezza Rice oiltanker...well...George does love oil more than anything else in this world...he certainly loves it more than human life---military or civilian. Happy Valentine's Day everyone--especially my beloved husband! ![]() Discrimination is discrimination is matter how you slice it For the third time in three years, the House has passed anti-gay discrimination legislation. House Bill 1515 would make it illegal for gays and lesbians to be discriminated against in areas such as jobs, housing, and obtaining insurance. It is NOT a bill to support gay marriage, so why would anyone not want a bill like this? Of course, a Republican Representative said that this "would draw attention to differences instead of similarities". Oh, so let me get this straight (no pun intended) an Amendment to our beloved and dearly held Constitution that would bar gays and lesbians from having a legal definition of marriage draws attention to our similarities??? only draws attention to our differences and wants to drive a wedge further between the hetero world and the gay world. Simply put, discrimination is discrimination is matter how you color it or wrap it up. No group in society should be discriminated against...PERIOD...and as for the leaders of Black churches chiming in with Bush's hatefilled agenda, they need to keep this in mind, that it was not too long ago that our beloved Constitution considered African-Americans 3/5 of a human being. Discrimination has an ugly history, no? ![]() Am I just stupid, or does destroying the environment, which sustains all life, make Bush ANTI-Life, or what? So, since I'm on this theme "life", could someone please explain to me how exactly Bush is pro-life when he is, has, and continues to do everything under the sun (yes, that giant, hot, burning incandescent ball of gas that will soon scorch out all of our puny retinas due to global warming) to destroy our environment?? Isn't destroying the very thing that sustains ALL FORMS of LIFE being ANTI-life rather than pro-life? I'm just asking, but I guess that scientists can back up my theory that this administration is doing everything it can to harm our environment. To make matters worse, Bush then asks the scientists to lie about their findings to make the destruction not seem so...destructive. See, caring about the environment is just not for tree-hugging hippies anymore. If God gave us this beautiful and wonderous planet, do we not owe it to God to be good stewards of this Earth and respect God's creation? ![]() It seems as if most people, while professing to be anti-abortion, ARE NOT( thankfully!) anti-birth control (except for a few nutcase pharmacists who refuse to fill women's prescriptions for the Pill). Well, Sen. Harry Reid has come up w/another great idea by introducing the Prevention First Act, which would help reduce unwanted pregnancies by providing better access to birth control. NARAL has taken it a step farther with an open letter to pro-lifers, inviting them to join the campaign to reduce unwanted pregnancies, which will ultimately reduce abortions. I think for Dems, this is a winning approach to an issue that has so few winners. Let's be clear on this: Being anti-abortion is not extremist. But outlawing abortion is extremist. Being pro-active about preventing unwanted pregnancies and STDs is not extremist. But withholding birth control, withholding factual information about birth control, or withholding birth control health care for women is extremist, and not what the majority of Americans seem to want. And given the fact that so very many social programs have been cleaved away by Bush's budget, ranging from drastic cuts to every area of education to food stamps and federal housing, we should applaud any attempt to reduce unwanted pregnancies. It is one thing to say you value babies and want them to be born, but quite another thing to say that you want these babies to born and then actually have programs in place to feed, clothe, house, provide medical care for, and educate them. If you're like Bush and merely want babies to be born, then you are simply PRO-BIRTH. If you want "wanted and desired" babies to be born, and then provide for all the many needs that babies and children require, then you are PRO-LIFE. Life is much, much more than the conception, gestation and birth process, and I wish that Bush and the Religious Wrong could get that through their thick fundamentalist skulls. ![]() Liars and the lies they tell to cover up...lies Speaking of liars in the White House, Press Secretary Scott McClellan said today that Jeff Gannon/James Guckert/military escort stud was granted White House access b/c he "showed that he was representing a news organization that published regularly". How interesting that the news organization, Talon News, which came into existence on March 29, 2003, was granted access to the elite White House Press Corps only four days after being created. Also interesting is the fact that the White House claims that they had no idea that Jeff Gannon was a nom de plume. That's a testimony to the rock solid security checks our White House does before allowing strangers into the press seats at a news conference, huh? And let's not get started on Gannon's ties to the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame, which he lied about on CNN. The only people telling the truth about this shill seems to be Susan G. at Daily Kos, Keith Olbermann and Aaron Brown. They have all seen Gannon/Guckert to be the hack he really is, and they have made no bones about the shady answers the White House coughs up when asked about it. Perhaps the letters presented to Bush and McClellan by NY Rep. Louise Slaughter(D) and NJ Sen. Frank Lautenberg(D) will finally give us all some form of honesty...but I won't hold my breath on this issue...I have a feeling I would end up with a face that is blue...but that color is A-okay by me. ![]() According to Reuters , a just released memo from January 2001 indicates that Condoleezza Rice was made well aware of the serious threat al-Qaeda posed throughout the Islamic world, yet went unheeded by the then new Bush administration. The memo was written by then terrorism czar Richard Clarke and dated January 25, 2001. Clarke requested a special meeting be held to discuss the grave threat that al-Qaeda posed, but a meeting was not convened until Sept. 4, week before the deadly attacks. Hmm...given the fact that on March 22, 2004, then nat'l security advisor Rice wrote in a column in the Washington Post that said: "No al-Qaeda threat was turned over to the new administration"...I guess that would make Dr. Rice a liar now...or a liar then. Either way you look at it, she testified under oath that they never received any prior warning of a threat, so doesn't that mean that the esteemed Dr. Rice committed perjury? Say it ain't so...a liar in the Bush administration...heaven's no. ![]() |