Tuesday, May 23, 2006 Not shocking: Drudge LIED about Dems' Dean This is NOT shocking: Drudge lied about a Dem (via RAWStory): Conservative nitwit Matt Drudge has all but retracted a story about Dem Natl Comm chairman Howard Dean after receiving a letter from the DNC's lawyers. DNC comm dir Karen Finney said the move came only after the Committee's lawyer had penned a note to Drudge asking him to take the story down that claimed that Dean had intervened in NOLAs' mayoral race by supposedly throwing his support behind candidate & sitting Lt Gov Landrieu over sitting mayor Ray Nagin. Finney said: "B/c of the seriousness of the inaccuracy and the reckless disregard of the facts I did ask our lawyer to send a note to Drudge asking him to take the story down. I’m disappointed that Drudge would run such a grossly inaccurate story particularly when it comes to protecting the people’s right to vote." Ouch. Guess that makes up for the Leopold says Rove was indicted story, huh Howard Kurtz? (For additional wingnut insanity and hypocrisy surrounding this topic, please refer to Helen's place & her resident wingnut troll's comments about the Drudge sludge. Yes. I am referring to crazy Sassy von Pissypants Chimpanzee and his greasy hair flap.) ![]() |