Monday, October 10, 2005 NOLA Cops Beat 64 Yr Old Man : Caught on Tape AOLNews (via WhatReallyHappened): 2 NOLA police officers repeatedly punched a 64 yr old man accused of public intoxication, and another city officer assaulted an Associated Press TV News producer as a cameraman taped the confrontations. Watch the tape, and since I spent time in NOLA, trust me- public intoxication is like breathing... it happens 24 hrs a day/ every day... and cops are really pretty cool. As long as your alcohol is inside a "To Go Cup" you can freely walk around and drink, too. Hmm... is someone a wee bit edgy in The Big Easy or what? But repeatedly punching a 64 yr old man crosses the line- no matter what-- especially since he wasn't armed. ![]() |