Tuesday, August 16, 2005 Roberts, Fetus Funerals, Prayer & Prez Powers Judge Roberts is toxic to the integrity of the Sup Crt in so many ways: 1) Wash Post: As a senior legal adviser to Reagan, Judge John Roberts concluded that a controversial memorial service for aborted fetuses, organized by a group of CA doctors who opposed Roe vs Wade , was "an entirely appropriate means of calling attention to the abortion tragedy." 2) Yahoo: Supreme Crt nominee Roberts showed sympathy for the idea of permitting prayer in public schools in 1985, writing that a ruling to the contrary "seems indefensible" under the Constitution... yeah, except for that pesky lil Separation of Church & State part, huh? 3) CNN: Roberts rejected the protections of the fed'l Endangered Species Act b/c he said it hampered the commerce of businesses. 4)LA Times: Roberts is BIG on expanding a prez's executive powers- even going to war w/OUT congressional authorization. 5) Wash Post: Roberts says that there is only a "so-called right to privacy... that is not to be found in the Constitution. He specifically criticizes Roe v. Wade" when discussing privacy, and says that privacy does not exist as the basis of a woman's right to choose. 6) Wash Post: Roberts believes that states legally have the right to stop married couples from obtaining contraceptives, as was decided in Griswold vs state of CT- "Roberts approvingly quoted from a dissenting opinion by Justice Hugo Black in the '65 crt decision, in which the majority held that a CT law forbidding the use of contraceptives was unconstitutional." Roberts is SCARY, and since GOPers claim that they alone uphold hetero marriage, how can they dare to infringe on the sanctity of anyone's marriage by pushing for states to have the legal right to deny married couples birth control and privacy rights? Can you think of anything more private & central to a marriage than how many children to have (or not have) and what to do to control your reproductive futures? Nope, me either. ![]() |