Sunday, February 27, 2005 News Bits U.K. is raising their minimum wage in October and again in 2006. What will adults over the age of 21 make? $10.22 per hour. Our minimum wage? $5.15 per hour. We ought to be ashamed. But given the fact that this administration could care less about the standard of living for people once they are out of the womb, we should not be shocked. This is a creepy first hand account from a Republican (who supports Bush & the war) who attended a "men's night out" w/his dad at a local KY church- only to find out that this really was a recruitment center for the military. This may shed some light on why Chalabi has sidestepped the limelight and pulled out of his bid for PM in Iraq...and if true, then Christmas of 2005 is going to be mighty somber. And backing up a post from yesterday about Iran hurting us where it really counts- our wallets- is this from Oct of 2004 and it tells us why Iran will be our next warzone. God help us - which leads me to this: When you find yourself in agreement w/Pat Buchanan, you know times are mighty tough. The NY Times today exposes this: If you have the misfortune of becoming a prisoner in the US and you need medical care, you better hope that you can heal yourself b/c the health care of our jails and prisons is becoming privatized, and they could give a rat's ass about truly providing any kind of medical care to convicts, but they do like to rake in the industry's $2billion a year profit. This already happened in Georgia, and now Kansas will next jump on the bandwagon to place stickers in student's textbooks that say: Evolution is a theory NOT a fact. Does anyone else find it strange that the very people who think that SOCIAL DARWINISM is the gospel do not believe in actual EVOLUTIONARY DARWINISM? Women in Iraq fear that wife beating will become the norm when Shariah Law is in place, and again, many of these Muslim women say that they had more protections and freedoms UNDER SADDAM than they do now and will in the future once Shariah Law takes place. Oh well, the Iraqi women will have our soldiers to stand by and do nothing while the beatings take place since a top military general says that the US will have to stay in Iraq for at least 7 to 12 years...and how long do you think we'll have to be Iran, too, when we invade them? ![]() |