Wednesday, February 23, 2005 Leaping Lizards! Granny & Gramps are Gay Loving Troop Haters & Soc Sec is in Deep Santorum Who knew that the AARP was comprised of gay loving, troop haters? I didn't, and I bet that the millions of senior citizens who are members of the AARP would be shocked to learn that USA Next (Art Linkletter's private lie factory) and the Swift Boat Vets for Grannies are launching a giant LIE campaign to spread this rumor since AARP does not back Bush's plan to gut Social Security. Leading this lie filled charge will be values maven, Bill Bennett. Bennett is a gambling addict, so I guess it is fitting that he would want to gamble away seniors' only hope for retirement survival. Yes, a lovely ad featuring a split screen of a fatigued soldier and 2 men kissing each other with" The Real AARP Agenda" written underneath was to launch the smear, but it has been pulled. Perhaps the use of a real married gay couple, who did not give their permission to use the photo, is behind the sudden pull of the pix. Well, it seems that playing nice with Bush doesn't pay off (last year the AARP heartedly endorsed Bush's Prescription Drug Program) and now they will get their payback, hmm? They better watch out though, because some seniors will fight back if provoked. I guess the gay loving part is in reference to the fact that the AARP did not endorse the state of Ohio's Marriage Amendment on Nov.'s ballot. Why? Very simply because so many seniors, after divorce or death of their spouse, do not remarry a new partner, but rather choose to live together so that they can still collect their former spouse's Social Security. Ohio's State Issue I even outlawed the recognition of opposite sex civil unions, as well as same sex ones, and the AARP felt that punishing seniors who live as common law spouses w/out actually marrying was not appropriate.The whole troop hating thing? Quite frankly, I have no idea, but it is classy to call the "greatest generation" such names, no? I bet all of the many veterans and their wives from WWII, Korea, and Vietnam will love being called troop haters. In related news, it seems as though Soc. Sec. Reform may be in deep santorum (yes, I went there). Sen. Rick Santorum tried hard today to sell Bush's plan in Philly, PA, but the audience just wasn't having any of it. Perhaps they are just as put off by Santorum as they would be if actual santorum was in the room? (Psst, if you read The Onion you already know that the word has come to mean the sticky residue that results from the mixing of lubricant and fecal matter after anal sex...and yes, it also is that a-hole Senator's last name, too.) ![]() |