Thursday, February 24, 2005 Our Despot's Bubble, No Love--German Style, Frank Luntz= Mr. Burns, & It's a Man, Baby! The Detroit Free Press has asked a fascinating question: If thousands could be screened just to attend a Bush campaign rally, how did Gannon ooze his way into the WH Press Corps w/no credentials and a fake name? That indeed is a great question, but I think its just par for the course of this administration keeping Bush in a protective "bubble" that deflects and protects him from personal accountability and from info that he doesn't want to face. Why should anyone be near this President who will ask the hard questions and why should he have to provide the honest answers? It seems that ultra conservative/pro-Bush WorldNetDaily is asking why and how Gannon got into the WH, too. They ask who was Gannon working for? Indeed! Need another example of Bush needing his delicate bubble to remain intact? This from today's Der Spiegel: Bush cancels "town hall" meeting b/c it was not going to be pre-scripted. The audience, which was to be comprised of average Germans, did not go along w/the pre-approved questions they were to be "allowed" to ask, so the entire gig was scrapped by the WH. Maybe it was the 4,000 German protesters carrying signs that said "Bush=Terrorist #1" that made Bush wary of the kind of questions the Germans might ask him, huh? And if that isn't enough proof that this administration must manipulate and squelch any honesty and integrity in the world of the corporate media, check out Republican spin doctor Frank Luntz. The people at the Center for American Progress are performing an autopsy on the Luntz Playbook (on a very large zip file which contains so many diabolical plots and plans of evil, that you expect to hear Mr. Burns from the Simpsons rasp "Excellent" when you view it). Take a look for yourself at American Progress' blog called Think Progress if you want a scary peek into the twisted mind of Frank Luntz and how his diabolical hooves got into our corporate media outlets... liberal media my ass! Speaking of asses, Ann the Emaciated Hag Coulter has a stunning defense of Gannon. Yes, you heard me correctly...she defends Gannon by saying that Democrats are out to get him... get this... because HE IS GAY. But I thought we were the depraved party of gay lovers? Fickle bunch, are we? Maybe Coulter is just a wee bit uncomfortable w/us uncovering a gay past b/c we may discover that she really is a he? Did you ever check out the adam's apple on that scrawny neck? And her huge hands and knuckles? To quote my beloved Austin Powers: "It's a man, baby!" Maybe that is the reason she is unwed and childless... no, no guy is brave enough to stick his Gannon Cannon in that and run the risk of her raising his progeny. ![]() |