Monday, August 21, 2006 Social Services: Christians need only apply for employment in Bush World ![]() Want to be truly scared of BushCo's "faith-based initiatives" receiving our taxpayer's money? Then please read the op/ed by Robyn Blumner called "Social services under Bush - Only Christians need apply: "Thanks to Pres Bush and his plan to Christianize the nation's provision of social services, one's relationship with Jesus Christ has become a real resume booster. Bush has effectively ushered in affirmative action for the born again. In '05 alone, more than $2 billion in fedrl tax money went to faith-based programs for such services as job placement programs, addiction treatment and child mentoring. Overwhelmingly this money went to groups affiliated w/ Christian religions. This reallocation of social service money from secular agencies to religiously affiliated programs has also resulted in shifting employment opportunities. But some of these new employers have a shocking job requirement: Only Christians need apply. Take for instance the publicly funded Firm Foundation of Bradford, Pa., as a blatant example. The group provides prison inmates w/ job training, something one would think any trained professional could do. Well, think again. The group posted an ad for a site manager. It said that the applicant must be ''a believer in Christ and Christian Life today, sharing these ideals when the opportunity arises.'' Apparently, experience and qualifications are secondary." Imagine all that, will ya? Experience and qualifications are secondary in Bush World? That is simply so shocking... cough... "heckuva job Brownie"... cough, nudge, wink. And I don't know about you, but this scary-ass sentence just chills my blood to the bone: " It said that the applicant must be ''a believer in Christ and Christian Life today, sharing these ideals when the opportunity arises." Oh... so I guess if you want to hang onto that job, you had better be ready to preach, evangelize, and sermonize when the opportunity arises, huh? Read the whole article, and be prepared to NEVER want to give to the Salvation Army again. They are leading the pack on persecuting non-Christians & gays and even ask their employees to list the churches they have attended in the last 10 yrs on their job application. ![]() |