Thursday, June 29, 2006

Iraqi insurgents offer peace: US says no

Is there any freakin peace offer that BushCo would say yes to?: "11 insurgent groups in Iraq have offered to stop their attacks against Iraqis and Americans if the US will agree to a cessation of hostilities and withdrawal of troops w/in 2 yrs. The groups who've made contact have largely shunned attacks on Iraqi civilians, focusing instead on the coalition forces. Their offer coincides w/ PM al-Maliki's decision to reach out to the Sunni insurgency w/ a reconciliation plan that includes an amnesty for fighters. What is Rumsfeld's bloodthirsty response?: "Pres Bush's view has been and remains that a timetable is not something that is useful. It is a signal to the enemies that all you have to do is just wait and it's yours. The goal is not to trade something off for something else to make somebody happy, the goal is to succeed." Oh, so STAY and PRAY = success to BushCo" That could work if you had infinite resources of humans and money to keep this bloodletting going. So, Rummy, when we've killed everyone in Iraq, can our troops come home?... if any are left alive.
Posted by Tina :: 12:39 AM :: 3 Comments:

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