Wednesday, April 19, 2006 Ohio HB 228:Shine up the jackboots girls Time to shine up the jackboots girls and dust off the coat hangers: I've posted about this proposed OH law called House Bill 228 before, which as far as I know, is still in committee, but the passage of S Dakota's abortion ban in March has stirred renewed interest in a proposal to make all abortions illegal in OH. This chilling article about it was passed along to me by Krazny: Ohio HB 228 introduced by Tim Brinkman (R-Mnt Lookout) would make it a felony for a woman to seek to terminate her pregnancy and holds the same penalty if she chooses to leave the state for the medical procedure. (So will this law be enforced by making OH females pee at the side of the road on a pregnancy test stick? Or will we just have to endure roadside pelvic exams?) Additionally, anyone who helps coordinate an abortion or transportation to leave the state for one could be charged as well. (Hmm, sounds to me like this would be destroying marriages and families since how many husbands would be transporting their wives across OH's state lines in hopes of obtaining an abortion elsewhere? And doesn't it undermine the sanctity of marriage to intervene into the most PRIVATE and PERSONAL affairs between a man and wife-- their sex lives and the number of children thay can afford and/or want? And if both parents are in jail for this "crime" who will raise the children they already have or are about to have?) Oh that's right... the GOP is the THE party of families and morals... b/c it is moral to destroy marriages and families by highjacking their medical privacy, no? ![]() |