Friday, October 14, 2005 Wes Clark, Retired Gens & Admirals Bash Bush Fredericksburg.Com, VA: Gen Wes Clark slammed Pres Bush, saying the pres lacks a real foreign policy in Iraq and beyond--even in his 2nd term: "We still don't have a strategy. That's the truth about where America is in foreign affairs. There's no connection between the ends we seek," which he described as spreading American values, "and the actions we're taking in the Middle East and elsewhere." Clark was joined onstage by the former secretaries of state Madeleine Albright and Lawrence Eagleburger. Albright began the trio's discussion in a conciliatory tone, but Clark would have none of it: "We've got to very quickly take the military out of the lead role in every action we take around the world. Our military's overstretched and overcommitted right now. And there's only so much our country can accomplish by killing people," he said to the cheers of some in the audience. It seems that a group of retired generals and admirals have had enough of Bush's careless disregard for the safety of our troops and the Geneva Conventions, and here is the PDF submitted by them. The Counsel of Record is David Remes, who also additionally wrote this article about the case Hamdan v Bush, stressing why this case is critical to the safety of our soldiers. But when has that ever mattered to Bush? ![]() |