Sunday, September 04, 2005 Sup Crt Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies- R.I.P. CNN: Chief Justice William Rehnquist died Sat evening at his home in suburban VA. Rehnquist was appointed to the Sup Crt as an associate justice by Nixon in 1971, and was he was elevated to chief justice by Reagan in 1986. As if the horrors of this week have not been enough to handle, now we have this news to keep down w/out heaving. After the dangerous incompetence Bush has shown on 9/11, the war in Iraq, and now the criminal negligence w/Katrina, Bush doesn't deserve a single nominee to the Sup Crt-- let alone 2. I'm not going to trust my kid's future to this ignorant, bungling freak. I am writing every single Dem and telling them they had better filibuster ASAP. If the GOP wants to go nuclear b/c they think Bush & Co is worth it-- so be it. But I owe it to my kid to fight this impending disaster of mammoth proportions. |