Thursday, December 15, 2005 NatlCathReporter on Torture & Sister Joan on Iraq As the Iraqi election is underway, I searched for some Catholic wisdom on the current situation in Iraq. Please check out this op/ed called "The disturbing reality of torture": Plying the political thickets of the debate is an exercise somewhat akin to walking a minefield to determine if it is dangerous. In all of this, the Catholic protesters and the growing ranks working against the use of torture understand the stark truth of it. We’ll stand with them. Torture is wrong. No country should condone it under any circumstances. And certainly the lone superpower making such protestations about the spread of democracy should not practice it." AND leave it to Sister Joan to succinctly sum up the awful quagmire that Iraq is and continues to be: "Bush said: "Victory will be achieved," and "We will not cut and run." But we still don't know how anyone in Wash is defining "victory" in a situation where what we said we were going to war about does not exist. Nor do we know whether "we will not cut and run" may not simply be jargon for "we will not admit we were wrong." Heaven forbid. If it is "unpatriotic," "political," "un-American" to even suggest that war is not a proper course of action when a pres suggests a full-scale invasion of another country, it must surely be treasonous to suggest it 4 yrs, billions of dollars, 1000s of dead, and 100s of 1000s of wounded and displaced later. It is now clear that Bush wanted a war w/Iraq. But it is equally clear that the Congress that is supposed to be the voice of the Amer people simply rolled over and let it happen -- and all in the name of patriotism, Americanism and political unity. What is not clear at this point of the debacle is whether or not either Bush or Congress really want peace even now. " I love Sister Joan... she is a nun who tells it like it is. ![]() |