Friday, November 11, 2005 SC'sGraham gets Habeas Corpus Out of Fedrl Crts CenterforConstitutionalRights: "Thru an amendment introduced by Sen Lindsey Graham (R-SC), the Bush Administration has just successfully stripped fedrl crts of jurisdiction to hear applications for habeas corpus brought by those unilaterally declared enemy combatants w/o any process and held by the US indefinitely thru-out the world and even in the US. This was achieved by a last mins amendment to the Military Authorization Bill, brought up on the floor of the Senate w/o committee deliberations and virtually no advance warning to the American people that it was happening." (I'm sure the freepers will justify this w/ Article I, Sec 9 of the Constitution: The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it) But b/c lying morons like Curveball & Chalabi (or any other Bush intelligence hack) have given us lots of misinformation, ya would think that it is truly NOT in the best interest of public safety to suspend Habeas Corpus... maybe America will see this Constitutional malfeasance once the goosesteppers begin rounding up soccer moms, red state cheerleaders, & NASCAR dads. ![]() |