Wednesday, October 05, 2005 Voter Fraud and a Lawsuit in New Mexico Here are the Exit Poll numbers for Election Night 04. Here is the Harper's article "None Dare Call it Stolen" on voter fraud/ voting machine rigging for Election 04. Here is info about a lawsuit that has been brought in New Mexico on behalf of 8 citizens, each of whom "wishes to have their vote properly counted and weighted in any forthcoming elections". Here is a slide show going point by point how voter fraud happened in 04. The ability to be hacked into isn't a "glitch," folks... IT'S A FEATURE. Our leaders don't want us regular working people w/needs and wants deciding who wins elections. This technology is the Final Solution to the problem of elections which may produce outcomes not favorable to our fascist leaders. So, by using this machinery, we maintain the illusion of freedom and democracy, while the Karl Roves of the world sit w/ a laptop and modem, and flip just enough votes to ensure control of the Presidency and both Houses of Congress. Wake up America. We must have verifiable votes and verifiable vote tallying... if not, you can count on GOP sweeping victories for eternity. ![]() |