Thursday, August 25, 2005 Rev Pat Apologizes... Without Really Apologizing Okay, so Rev Pat Robertson issued a press release late this afternoon where he apologizes for calling for Hugo Chavez's assassination... after he vehemently denied ever saying that on the Monday broadcast of the 700 Club (but videotape proves you said it Rev). Hmm, bearing false witness and calling for the death of another human being? You're racking 'em up Rev. But let's examine this press release, shall we? 1) "Is it right to call for assassination? No, and I apologize for that statement. I spoke in frustration that we should accommodate the man who thinks the US is out to kill him." 2) On the heels of his apology, however, Pat goes on to cite the example of a WWIIera German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer to defend his call to assassinate Chavez. Bonhoeffer joined with people who wanted to assassinate Hitler: "The brilliant Protestant theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who lived under the hellish conditions of Nazi Germany, is reported to have said: "If I see a madman driving a car into a group of innocent bystanders, then I can't, as a Christian, simply wait for the catastrophe and then comfort the wounded and bury the dead. I must try to wrestle the steering wheel out of the hands of the driver." On the strength of this reasoning, he decided to lend his support to those in Germany who had joined together in an attempt to assassinate Hitler" and Bonhoeffer was hanged for this. 3) Bonheoffer was a pretty liberal guy who opposed theocracy, and was an avowed humanist, & some claim he denied all cardinal doctrine of Christianity. All of these traits are things that Rev Pat would warn his 700 Club viewers about b/c of the "dangers" of liberalism and humanism, so it is amazing that Pat uses Bonhoeffer to defend his words about Chavez, no? 4) Chavez is a democratically elected president of a peaceful sovereign nation. Hitler was a power usurping dictator who invaded other nations, led a religious war against Jews, and warred w/most of the Western world. Key differences, no? 5) Bonhoeffer was part of a resistance movement to assassinate his own country's dictator. Robertson implies that the US GOVT should assassinate the leader of ANOTHER COUNTRY. Big difference, no? 6) Bush actively sought Rev Pat's council before invading Iraq, and Pat gave Bush his blessing to do so, so who has blood on their hands for this debacle, too? So, for me, Rev Pat's apology is as fake as the hate-filled "Christianity" he preaches and practices. For an eye-opening-- but blood chilling-- look at the incestuous ties between Rev Pat, the GOP, & the Christian Coalition, read this. For some good old common sense on people like these Fascists for Christ, read The Rude Pundit's pearls of wisdom: "How freeing it must be to walk through this world heeding neither conscience nor soul."- 5/4/05, and John Chuckman asks: "Why Isn't Robertson Treated Like a Terrorist?"... indeed. ![]() |