Thursday, August 18, 2005 Joe Scarborough Considering Run Against Harris How badly does Katherine Harris have to be treated before she realizes that she is GOP toilet paper? It serves a purpose but then it must be gotten rid of. So, Joe Scarborough has a choice to make: renew his contract with NBC or challenge Harris for the GOP nomination for US Senate, after GOPers are begging him to run. Good, now we can re-open the investigation of Lori Klausutis- you know, the intern found dead in his office that he had "nothing to do with"... even though the congressman resigned only 6 months after re-election, just prior to his aide's death and that the guy who performed the autopsey had his medical license revoked. But I guess that only Dems who have scandals are of interest to the media, b/c when Imus said this to Joe: "You said you had sex with that intern and then you had to kill her." and Joe, laughing, replied, "Yeah, well what are you gonna do?" can you imagine a Dem getting away w/that? Does anyone think that FL Gov Jeb would be interested in re-opening an investigation into what happened to a young woman who is not brain dead? Naw, probably not... but there is always the hope that people will look into Joe's fromer voting record such as his 1995 sponsorship of a bill to abolish the Department of Education or his sponsorship of a bill for the US to w/draw from the UN. ![]() |