Monday, June 06, 2005 Hyper Rich has More than Doubled Since 1980 This is a great look, from the NY Times, into the frightening similarities between the 1929 Depression Era days and the 2005 Bush Decimation Reality. Please check it out: "The average income for the top 0.1 percent was $3 million in 2002, the latest year for which averages are available. That number is 2.5 times the $1.2 million, adjusted for inflation, that group made in 1980. No other income group rose nearly as fast"... holy crap... this Idiot and Chief will have all of us in soup kitchen lines before he's done w/us b/c of things like this: Under the Bush tax cuts, the 400 taxpayers with the highest incomes - a minimum of $87 million in 2000, the last year for which the govt will release such data - now pay income, Medicare and Social Security taxes amounting to virtually the same percentage of their incomes as people making $50K to $75K. ![]() |