Tuesday, May 31, 2005 Specter & Brownback Debate Stem Cells GOP Senators Specter & Brownshirt... err... Brownback were debating stem cell research on ABC's "This Week." Specter said he believes the Senate has enough votes to override a threatened presidential veto of legislation easing restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research but Brownback, w/an evil glint in his eye vowed to keep the bill from reaching the Senate floor. My favorite part of this debate? Brownshirt clearly lays the GOP plan all out for American women, and we must not underestimate the threat-- women will have their reproductive futures dictated by those in Washington: Brownback suggested limiting the number of in vitro fertilizations allowed. And who else has jumped into the "limit fertilization" arena? German Pope Benny... hmm, oddly enough, it was the Nazis who controlled reproduction in Germany by sterilizing those people they did not want breeding (via the Nuremberg Laws- scroll down to read who could have sex & who couldn't) and starting the Lebensborn program to breed lil Aryans... I'd like to think that Americans could at least contol how many kids they have, how they conceive those kids, and who they can fuck... but sadly, this may not be the case when the goosesteppers run the show. ![]() |