Saturday, May 28, 2005 Judge Orders Release of More Abu Ghraib Pix U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein, decided that the public has a right to see pictures of prisoner abuse, and he told the govt yesterday he would sign an order requiring it to release some pictures to the American Civil Liberties Union to comply with the Freedom of Information Act. The judge made the decision after viewing a sampling of 9 pictures resulting from an Army probe of abuse and torture at the prison. The pictures were given to the Army by a military policeman assigned there. The response by the Neo-Conzis? Releasing these pix is a violation of the Geneva Conventions.... WTF?.... the Geneva Conventions is invoked to defend against being held accountable for violations of the Geneva Conventions... Translation: who gives a flying fuck if the horrific behavior in the pix violates every single tenet of the Geneva Conventions (which, by the by, Bush & Co have always claimed that they were NEVER OBLIGATED to follow in the 1st place b/c this war is supposedly against terrorists... but pix of Iraqi women and children being raped and sodomized is okay, I guess). Who cares if this administration ordered our soldiers to rape, humiliate, sodomize, beat, and kill detainees and then caught all of this stuff on film... we can't show those pix to anyone b/c THAT would violate their human rights... not being beaten, or having a chemical light or soldier's penis shoved up their anus... no, no, no... THOSE DAMNED PHOTOS are what really VIOLATES HUMAN RIGHTS.... okay- and I'm sure the GOP cry will be this: "See, this is just another example of those LIBERAL judges being activists & this will endanger our troops." Uh, wouldn't the act of truly investigating the torture, and punishing this administration and all others responsible for these crimes against humanity actually INCREASE our standing in the world & prove that our soldiers were ordered to do this? The entire world needs to see what Bush & Co is really about, so we can RECTIFY this, and that will save our soldiers in the end. ![]() |