Tuesday, March 08, 2005 Wal-Mart- Always Screwing Somebody for Lower Prices- Always Let's get something said right away: I HATE WAL-MART, I HATE SAM'S CLUB, I HATE SAM WALTON, may he squirm in hell. Okay, now that my anti Wal-Mart rant is off of my chest, check this out: Connecticut is paying over $43million per year for health care insurance to cover workers at the top 25 major employers. That insidious cancer- otherwise known as Wal-Mart- has spread far and wide across our nation, so how many other state's have to pick up the hefty tab for this richest corporation's stinginess? And (Public Management) PM Magazine asked the question: Does Wal-Mart offer the lowest prices? Answer: NO. Hmm... now if only we could get someone to drop kick that irritating bouncing yellow smiley face into oblivion along with every Super Center, we'd have one helluva good start. ![]() |