Monday, March 28, 2005 DeLay Lets Dad Die & Frist Kills Cats I CANNOT BELIEVE THE ENDLESS HYPOCRISY!! In 1988, after a freak accident, Tom DeLay's own father was hooked up to life support, but his dad was severely brain damaged, and according to Tom's mom, his dad would never want to languish on life support but would rather be let to die... oh, so let me get this straight, Tom DeLay's mom gets to say that his dad wouldn't want to remain on life support and it was A-ok, but when Michael Schiavo says the same thing about his wife, he's a bastard w/murder in his eyes... and how can we possibily trust 1 word out of the mouth of DOCTOR Bill Frist when it comes to Schiavo? He is an admitted cat torturer and killer who, as a med student, went to animal shelters, pretended to want the cats as pets, and then fraudently took the poor kitties home and performed medical experiments on them and killed them in the process. Gee, Dahmer stared out by torturing animals, too... ![]() |