Monday, March 28, 2005 The Hypocrite Parade Let's see, we have DeLay & Frist leading the Hypocrite Parade for the Schiavo Circus, but this card carrying member of the Randall Terry Family Values is a registered sex offender. He also convinced his son to attempt to take a cup of H2O to Schiavo, and his 10 year old son was promptly arrested. Oh, 1 more thing, this guy is wanted for failure to register as a sex offender. But since he is a longtime abortion clinic thug, I guess the 2 rapes he committed against minors just gets wiped away in the born-again/ GOP Family Values world, eh? May he rot in hell... along w/DeLay, Frist, W, Jeb, and the entire Neo-Con Devils, and what about Randall Terry? Well, it seems that he is not so moral either, but how else could he be the ringleader? It would appear that some of the monks who are rallying for the Schindlers let 1 of their own fellow brothers of the cloth die when he was on life support, too. LIARS & HYPOCRITES! ![]() |