Monday, December 19, 2005 A Lawyer Analyzes the NSA Spying So, Hubby and BabyGirl and I all watched Bush give his speech about Iraq. It was the expected spew: 9/11, I do what I want, 9/11, who cares if you criticize me?, 9/11, hey! we got pre-war stuff all wrong b/c we chose to in order to launch this war, 9/11, Muslim theocrats want to control everyone's life and oppress women and that is a bad thing, 9/11, Christian theocrats want to control everyone's life and oppress women but that is a good thing, 9/11, we will be there until I say so, 9/11, we will not be able to pay for this... but who gives a damn? the rich need tax cuts!, and of course... 9/11 changed everything. I noticed he said zero about spying on US citizens, but this attorney posted "Bush's Big "Oopsie" and Some Hardcore Law" and asks some mighty fine questions and lays it all out from his lawyer pt of view. And since I'm sure the wingnuts will say: "Who cares? He's just a lawyer who probably loves those mythical activist judges" John at AmericaBlog makes this pt that knocks that wingnut talking pt outta the ballpark: "You conservatives can't have it both ways. If an activist judiciary is dangerous then so is an activist president. We can't have any branch of govt or any govt official outright disobey the law of the land and the Constitution in order to do what THEY think is "best" for the country, especially when what they think is best just so happens to be spying on Amer citizens without a crt order." And ya have to wonder why would Bush ok this spying w/o warrants? Here are some theories... and the WaPost echoes these theories. ![]() |