Thursday, December 29, 2005 Did FISA Judges Help Break-ins & New ACLU Ad HuffPost: Martin Garbus says: "It is safe to predict there will be coverups. This administration is not known for its candor. The coverup starts by trying to get away with the vauge and meaningless defenses. Both Nixon and Clinton tried that. When that doesn’t work, the coverup will be based on a foundation of small lies. Both Nixon and Clinton tried that. We do not yet know what the FISA judges already fear – that they have been not just ignored by the executive but misused. The public shall also learn about the FISA judges’ misuse of the FISA courts and their warrants. The courts were created to permit eavesdropping and electronic surveillance, not physical break-ins. But the facts will show that the Bush administration, w/ the knowledge, and at times, the consent of, the FISA judges, conducted illegal physical break-ins - break-ins that to this day, the involved person, is unaware of." Well, I imagine the spin to cover this latest BushCo crime will be expansive... but hopefully ads like this one from the ACLU will get America talking and pondering about this latest Bush crime. ![]() |