Monday, November 21, 2005 Jewish Union:No to Alito & Biden says Filibuster AssocPress: The Union for Reform Judaism represents about 900 synagogues in N America w/ an estimated membership of 1.5 million. Of the 3 major streams of US Judaism (Orthodox and Conservative are the others) it is the only 1 that sanctions gay ordination and supports civil marriage for same sex couples. More than 2000 delegates of the Union for Reform Judaism voted on Sunday to oppose Alito's nomination to the Supm Crt, saying Alito would "shift the ideological balance of the Supm Crt on matters of core concern to the reform movement" on women's rts, abortion rts, civil rts and the scope of fedrl power. And Sen Biden dared to use the F word... yes... filibuster: The views that Alito expressed on reapportionment in a 20yr old document that was "to advance legal positions in which I personally believe very strongly." Alito said: ""I am particularly proud of my contributions in recent cases in which the govt argued that racial and ethnic quotas should not be allowed and that the Constitution does not protect a rt to an abortion." But as troubling as Alito's views were about abortion, racial/ethinic issues, Biden said he was most troubled by Alito's comment about reapportionment under the Supm Crt when it was led by Chf Just Earl Warren: "If he really believes that reapportionment is a questionable decision; that is, the idea of Baker v Carr, 1 man/1 vote-- then clearly, you'll find a lot of people, including me, willing to do whatever they can to keep him off the crt. That would include a filibuster, if need be," Biden said. Good to hear it... now have the balls to stick to it. ![]() |