Wednesday, November 23, 2005 Dobson's Hate Crew to give "balls" at Macy's Parade Gay.Com: Focus on the Family, which has a long history of opposing gay rts, plans to distribute 5000 stress balls at Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade carrying the address of the organization's advice Web site. Focus on the Family said: "Our objective with this campaign is to reach as many of those people as possible (those who FotF say are living their lives in quiet desperation, hurting & struggling thru troubling situations because they just aren't sure where to turn for help) and offer them the help they desperately need." Hmm, that sounds so nice doesn't it? Until you visit and click on the homosexuality category, users will read long-discounted theories on sexuality, such as: "Male homosexuality is a developmental problem that is almost always the result of problems in family relations, particularly between father and son." Perhaps people have stress in their lives b/c Dobson and his Hate Crew want gay people to be hated, discriminated against, and barred from certain civil rights. The site also espouses these 3 main points: "homosexual behavior is against the design of human nature," "the tree of homosexuality bears bad fruit," and "to refuse limits on sexual desire is to make an idol of lust." I seriously hope some 6ft 4in drag queen bounces one of these stress balls off of the FotF members' heads OR lifts up his skirt and shows them HIS stress balls. ![]() |