Tuesday, October 25, 2005 How in the Hell can US & UK Go to War w/Syria? ChristianScienceMonitor: The US wants the UN Security Council to hold Syria "accountable" for its role in killing former Lebanese Prime Mnstr Rafik Hariri. For the Bush administration, the options are difficult, but since when has that ever been a consideration of Bush's? Yes, the US is militarily exhausted by Iraq and Afghanistan, and can hardly pick a fight with Syria's pres, Bashar Assad, but it obviously doesn't matter since Steven Hadley, the dir of the US Natl Security Council, called the Pres of the Italian senate and asked if he had a candidate to replace Syria's Assad b/c the US is insisting on regime change or else. Nor can the US politically afford right now to further erode our internatl reputation by operating outside the UN Security Council, but the Neo-Cons have been planning on regime changes all over the world since at least '97 when the PNAC laid out these principles-- please notice who signed this scary-ass plan-- you'll recognize plenty of the names. But given that Tony Blair eagerly wants to prove undying loyalty to his master Bush as Blair repeatedly proves what a good lil Neo-Con bitchmonkey he can be, and Condi Rice has the gall to laughably call for a "firm response" from the internatl community, despite her own govt's MANY list of crimes... I don't see Bush & Co letting go of this pro-war w/Syria noose that is tightening. Especially worrying is the NYDaily News that more Bushies are coming foward to reveal how unstable W's mood swings have been. That's all we need... a now openly teetering on the edge narcacisstic sociopath w/ mood swings having the power to launch wars. ![]() |