Thursday, September 29, 2005 Military Cancels Probe into War Porn for Real Porn AMERICAblog: The military has decided to stop all inquiries into service members trading photos of combat dead for access to porn b/c they claim this (via Reuters): The Army Criminal Investigation Command in Iraq conducted the preliminary inquiry w/in the past wk but closed it after concluding no felony crime had been committed and failing to determine whether US soldiers were responsible for the photos and whether they showed actual war dead. Col Joe Curtin, said there currently was no formal investigation into the matter b/c "the Army has found no evidence to prove that military personnel sent the graphic photos of the war dead." They're fucking kidding right? They're not US soldiers in those pix? Those are not actual combat dead in a Middle Eastern nation? No felony? Geneva Conventions, ever heard of it? This guy has: "If US soldiers in the field are always considered representatives of their govt, internt'l law clearly prohibits publishing and ridiculing images of war dead. The 1st Protocol of the Geneva Conventions states that "the remains of persons who have died for reasons related to occupation or in detention resulting from occupation or hostilities ... shall be respected, and the gravesites of all such persons shall be respected, maintained, and marked." The 1st Geneva Convention also requires that military personnel "shall further ensure that the dead are honorably interred, if possible according to the rites of the religion to which they belonged." Just wks ago, the military, DHS & FEMA wanted the press banned from NOLA, saying they would be disrespectful to the dead. I have seen plenty of pix of the dead in NOLA... NOT 1 single person was posing w/the corpses, smiling, or writing degrading captions! I guess John Kerry was absolutely correct when he said this after returning from Vietnam: "The Country doesn't know it yet, but it's created a monster. A monster in the form of millions of men who have been taught to deal and to trade in violence and who are given the chance to die for the biggest nothing in history." ![]() |