Friday, September 09, 2005 Bush & Co Told to Fuck Themselves by America 1) After being resurrected from the Vacation Dead & finishing up the closing paperwork on a new mansion that he and Lynne the Shrieking Harpy just purchased, VP Cheney visited Katrina devastated areas in the Gulf. Clearly, this audience of Big Dick's was not the carefully screened "GOP Kool-Aid drinkers ONLY" who comprise every single Bush administration events/ gatherings b/c 1 member of the Mississippi audience yelled "Go fuck yourself Mr Cheney!" not once... but twice. CNN, who was airing it live (you can see the video here courtesy of Crooks and Liars) later had this exchange w/Jack Cafferty and Wolf Blitzer: JC- "Didn't he say that to Patrick Leahy on the Senate floor?" WB- "Yes." JC- "So how could this have been the 1st time he heard it?" WB- "1st time he heard it in this area." JC- "I'm sure it won't be the last." Yeah, I'm sure the Big Dick will hear it again. Especially once he opens the doors to his MANY unused rooms in his new mansion to the Katrina homeless. 2) Bush's numbers, according to 2 new polls, are tanking quicker than the water pumps in N.O. that are feared to be clogged w/body parts. I guess Americans don't like liars who vacation while our trapped citizenry dies while waiting for the feds to do their job and protect us, eh? 3) Former GOP Congressman Joe Scarborough (and hardcore Bush lover) blasts Bush on Katrina F-ups. 4) Katrina survivors protest in front of WH to the media. 5) USA Today blasts Bush w/this story: "Exposed by Katrina: FEMA Flaws Were Yrs in Making". 6) FEMA members tell ABC News that FEMA was totally unprepared to handle Katrina. 7) Wash Post op/ed finally blasts Bush after praising him last wk. My oh my... the only way this could get any better would be if some news about the Plame Outing were to appear. Hey wait a tick... VOILA! Here's something from the Wash Post. ![]() |